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  • YOU Can’t Be All Things To all People –

    Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 05.10.19
    With all the
    newbies that will
    be attending your classes
    this week, don’t be discouraged if some of these folks
    don’t gel with you.I know how much you want to share your message
    & help loads of people live fitter, healthier lives.
    But you can’t be all things to all people.

    So, this week I KNOW every teacher reading
    this email today will get a few new individuals who
    will detest every minute of our beloved classes.


    Don’t focus on that person too much.

    Don’t let that experience ruin your day.


    Take too much of your thinking time up,

    thinking you should of said this or done that
    Blah Blah Blah……………..WE have all been there &  we all take
    it super personal.

    It doesn’t matter how long you have
    been in

    the game……. or how long you
    have been teaching
    We want everyone to like our classes
    & like us too….But its not possible!So, don’t worry & don’t dwell

    There’s a million other people
    who LOVE you and GEL with you
    & are the perfect fit for YOU.

    Just not everyone…

    Smile & Move ON!

    Let me know what you think?

    Id love to hear form you on this one

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes
    Email me!
    Text me 07976 268672

    Have a Happy Monday

    Love Rachel xxxx


    Have you seen the KS EXTREME Package?

    All the DVDS/Music/Notes & Digital updates


    Do YOU want to join Kick Start as a franchisee before it
    goes up at the end of January?

    You can listen to my LIVE webinar where I talk about the

    whole business model

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