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  • Work Smarter Not Harder

    Opportunities: Working Smarter Not Harder







    As we enjoy the last few weeks of the holidays its a good time to reevaluate what you exactly want to keep teaching, training and doing within your fitness business.

    In days gone by if you wanted to earn a decent weekly wage from Fitness you had to teach at least 15 classes or train 20 odd clients a week. (or both)

    But if you really plan the kind of working life you want and dip your fingers into a few more diverse fitness pies you really don’t have to.

    Here are some simple ways and ideas to help you move ahead.
    1. The first way to earning more is to raise your prices. Ask for a pay rise or charge more for your PT services.

    If this is not an option then bundle up new packages and deals so customers commit to you over a longer period.
    2. Cut down on unnecessary spending. This sounds so simple but how often do you do it?

    Keep an eye on mobile phone tariffs and jump when you see better deals, compare the price of petrol and always fill up in the cheapest places, stop buying magazines and papers and use the TV, radio and internet for news and views,

    stop buying coffee at Starbucks/Costa and food at the gyms you work in, take in your own lunches and proteins and water, use filtered water instead of bottled and reuse your old bottles.


    3.How do you want to spend your working week? It’s best to mix your classes if you are a freelancer in different venues.

    I enjoy working morning slots in Derby David Lloyd and Nottingham Virgin Active. I teach 4 mornings a week between 2 and 3 classes, which range from Step/ HILO/Body Con/Aqua/Seniors and Dance,

    but my evening are all pay as you go community classes. I teach in schools and do special one off projects in the afternoons. I fill my afternoons with creating online products, filming workouts, making DVDS, Coaching and Mentoring ensuring I have multiple income streams and not reliant on one.



    4. Look at your travel costs. All my community classes are within a 5 mile radius of my home cutting down on travelling costs and time spent in the car. I can also keep all my advertising within a small radius. The schools I work are all within the same area so my teens can come in the evening as well if they want to.


    5. Spend on your education! Don’t cut costs on your education, make sure you attend workshops, read books, listen to audios,go to other peoples’ classes and even hire a PT to keep you in the best possible shape mentally and physically. Always try to improve your skills and look into new markets and populations.


    6.BIN toxic classes and Toxic people! Have you got classes that you dread teaching or clients that drain the marrow from your bones!!! YES YES YES then bin them  NOW don’t wait, don’t give it another week, don’t wait till something else comes up! BIN it. Your mind will be clearer, you will be able to think more sharply and I guarantee new opportunities will come hurtling towards you.


    7.Community classes is where it’s at if you want to make more per hour per class, but you have to put in the marketing time, work your mailing list, give out flyers, posters, do village fetes,

    have stalls at wedding fairs, do talks for groups, work Facebook and twitter. If you are a regular reader of the newsletter then you should have a million ideas on self promotion.


    8.Small Group Training – SGT Is where it is right now.


    9.Cardiac Rehab/GP referral. Have you considered working in Cardiac Rehab or GP referral?  Many PCTs are crying out for qualified Instructors and there are lots of additional opportunities once you have your qualifications.

    Find out what’s on offer in your area. Contact your local PCT/GP referral team or Cardiac rehab team.


    10.Read self help and motivational books. Get The Secret, Louise Hay, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Marci Shimarf, Bob Procter, Brian Tracey. Keep positive and stay focused on your goals.


    I’m just listening to Sir Terry Leahys audio book – Management in 10 Words and Its really inspiring.

    Are you working Smarter  not Harder? Tweet me @RachelHolmes

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