Launching a new fitness brand can be an exciting and rewarding experience making your class timetable really STAND OUT from the crowd , but it can also be challenging and done correctly with a little thought and process could reap great rewards for your fitness business…
Here are some tips to help you launch your new fitness brand on your timetable:

Launching a new fitness class takes time, effort, and dedication, are you feeling a little overwhelmed? Let me help you!

HOW can you work with me?
1. Fitness Business Academy
Business Training, Social Media, Business Growth, Marketing, Branding and Increase your Revenue.

2. Join my Fitpros Facebook Supporters Programme

3. Rachel Holmes Online Classes & Womens Health
21 Classes a week including
Lift lean™
HIIT Strength & Conditioning
Active Seniors
Sit Fitness™
Fitness Pilates
4. Fitness Pilates VIP Club
Fitness Pilates, Brainfit™, Flex Masterclass & Class Ideas Membership for pilates instructors: