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  • The Fitness Pilates Newsletter 9th Sept


    We are all back on it and well and truly into September. I hope your classes are buzzing and you feel excited about all the new opportunities and possibilities in front of you.   As always I like to pack the newsletter with FP tips, videos, event ideas and musical updates to help support you with your FP classes, teaching and business. 

    I’ve added a new Fitness Pilates Standing Leg Workout with the mini band so do have a look:

    Music I am still LOVING the PPL FREE Pure Energy Pro Beats 3.  It’s so beautiful and it is the music I play on most of my FP YOUTUBE workouts click here to have a listen


    New Fitness Pilates classes and niches. 

    Fitness Pilates Vibes is a more urban style class set to R and B, Street & Trip Hop Beats, and Fitness Pilates Lifestyle is a new session concentrating on the posterior chain, improving posture and mobility work. I presented this at Jayne Nicholls event yesterday and got a really positive reaction so am looking to expand on this and teach it around the UK on the wellness + workout evenings.

    Wellness + Workout Evening Events 

    Fitness Pilates Vibes/FP Lifestyle  Back On The Road.

    I am planning more live events and workshops and head up north to Manchester/Edinburgh/Midlands this Autumn/Winter.

    As much as I LOVE digital and social media nothing beats meeting up and having a real event experience, and workshops are so thin on the ground these days.

    After “mooting’ this in the FP Group the response was exceptionally positive. I am proposing Thursday or Friday evening ” wellness soirees” which is cool evening of fitness, talks, networking and DRINKS – Live Connection Events, Workshops and Meet Ups.

    These are going to be smaller, more intimate evenings in boutique studios and venues (SO IF YOU OWN ONE GIVE ME A SHOUT LOOKING FOR BIRMINGHAM VENUE)


    The 1st Wellness + Workout Evening……Details as follows.

    Friday 19th October.

    Waterside Hotel, Didsbury, Manchester.

    Function suite and mind/body studio.

    20 places.

    7pm – 930pm

    CLICK HERE TO BOOK Your Space.


    ++Rachels Introduction & Discussion
    Industry trends, Women working in Group Fitness, Preventing 
    burnout, Physical & mental health for female Fitpros, Elevate your thinking and leading a high performance lifestyle.


    ++NEW++ Fitness Pilates Vibes – Practical Masterclass

    A fresh, sassy and funky Fitness Pilates class encouraging a new generation of fans and followers to Fitness Pilates.

    Fitness Pilates Vibes is set to cool RNB, Rapand Urban tunes and is an unapologetic flow and fusion of traditional FP with modern movement. Together let’s inhale the good vibes and exhale what is no longer serving us.
    Are you ready to experience Fitness Pilates in a whole new way and open up your FP classes for new clients?

    ++NEW++LIFT LEAN – Practical and TalkA weights and strength training class coupled with a healthy evidence-based weight loss protocol aimed at Women struggling with 
    mid section weight gain, menopausal symptoms, night sweats, low mood, joint pain, brain fog who want an on trend, results based workout that is suitable and doable for this demographic and inspires women to live a high performance lifestyle.
    Experience focussed 15-minute strength training workout blocks that are time efficient and can be slotted into the busiest lifestyle.


    ++NEW++ Taking Your Fitness Classes and Teaching Online.
    Are you frazzled by teaching?
    Finding the work/life balance a struggle working evening and weekends?
    Have you hit the income ceiling and see no way of earning more money teaching face to face?

    Listen to Rachels talk about how even the most technology challenged Fitness Professional can seize the digital era and step up –

    You only need your phone, ideas and a willingness to get going.


    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Happy Monday

    Love Rachel xxxx



    Are you in the FP Instructor Facebook Group?

    Its a hotbed of help, ideas and support.



    Do You Want To Teach Step? Click here for my new Step Certification.

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