Fitness Pilates Newsletter 9 June 2019
Good Morning I hope you are all well?
Class Ideas
I’ve added 2 simple ideas videos today. Standing work using the Activation Band and mat ideas for you to try this week. Also, if you are keen to do the Level 3 Pilates Matwork Diploma I have had a cancellation for Guildford 21/22/23 June 2019 this will be the one and only time we run the course in Guildford in 2019 and 2020 so if this is accessible to you book up asap.
*Quick Tips For Marketing And Pricing*
We have been discussing in the FP FB group struggles that FP teachers may be experiencing. And the number one struggle is how to get new people into classes.
1. Organise a monthly/bimonthly free taster masterclass for people to try. Potential customers need to experience you and your teaching before they will commit to signing up for course. Market on social media.
2. Have you got a private Facebook Group for your clients?
Add videos, talks, customer service and additional information online away for your live classes providing great value.
3. Launching a new class?
Plan a social media marketing campaign, day by day using Facebook events, Facebook Live, Countdown to the day on social media, Facebook and Instagram stories,
4. The structure and pricing of your courses.
It’s very hard to continually market pay as you go classes on social media. Run courses paid for in advance and create strong terms and conditions or have a monthly “paid for in advance” direct debit.
Online booking services work really well but if you are pricing your classes too low with little margin the booking systems take a booking fee so eats into your profit.
5. Summer is coming! Are you planning Pilates In The Park?
Do the research and find a local park and plan your FP In The park this summer. It’s a fantastic way to promote your classes.
Everything you do in your business costs YOU money and TIME. therefore, it is crucial you are charging enough per class/course to account for the additional time you spend.
Time spent prepping, time spent on social media, your online groups, business expenses, travel time, equipment, insurance, music, licences, writing newsletters, ongoing training…..
*Teaching the class is the easy bit*
You DO need to factor this into your pricing structure.
I’d love to know what you think.
Are you following the FitnessPilates Instagram? I post daily videos over there @FitnessPilates1
Don’t Undersell Yourself
Love Rachel xx
***PS Quickies**
* Have you booked for the FP SUMMIT 17th November Click here
*Have you joined the FP VIP click below*
IMPORTANT CPD and Professional Development Information in Regard To Fitness Pilates
If you are teaching Fitness Pilates it is important you remain current and abreast of ongoing training and CPD for your professional development and insurance.
We recommend any of the following to be completed after the initial FP Training Course;
Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic Conditions Certification
Advanced Fitness Pilates For Pregnancy
Fitness Pilates Personal Trainer and Small Group
If you trained over 5 years ago you may wish to do the Fitness Pilates refresher
Level 3 Pilates Matwork diploma
Remember to keep all of your certificates safe and make a record of EVERYTHING you do to upskill including attending conventions, events, online training, books, memberships like VIP, keep a record of what it is and the date you did it.
If you have any questions or need any help or advice please drop me an email or use the Facebook group.
or Facebook Fitness Pilates Messenger.
Here is the link to the Facebook group
***Replacement certificates** If you require a replacement you will need to forward the course dates attended and details of the Fitness Pilates CPD you have completed before a replacement will be issued. Certificates will not be replaced unless CPD can be proved and is documented*****
Fitness Pilates VIP UPDATES – FP VIP FOUNDER MEMBER is £17 until 14th JUNE
*** VIP Updates ***
There are 14 days to get in on the founding member membership rate of £17 In 14 days the membership will go up to £27.
*So jump in at the founding member price*
*Month 1 *
Video 1: Warm Up Ideas And Mindfulness In Fitness Pilates
Video 2: Standing Balance For Older Adults
Video 3: Wrist Mobility & Strength
Video 4: Seated Flow Sequence
Video 5: Hip Mobility For All In FP
*Month 2*
Video 1: Posterior Chain Warm Up
Video 2 Lumbo pelvic exercises for stiff lower backs
Video 3 Floor Work Flow – Side Lying, Swan, Neck Pull
Video 4: Hip Openers & Extended Bridging.
Video 5: Simple Box Breathing For Stress Reduction.
*Month 3 *
Video 1:Standing rotational warm up
Video 2: Standing mini ball balance ideas.
Video 3: Foundational Flow 1
Video 4: Foundational Flow 2
Video 5: Foundational Flow 3 – Intermediate.
Video 6: Meditation with Jayne Nicholls.
Video 7: Glute activation with the mini ball,
*Quick Questions On The FP VIP*
1: Does the price increase.NO once you join as a funder member your membership remains the same.
2: Can you cancel at any time. YES.
3: I’ve just joined. When I can see month 2 and month 3 etc? Every 4 weeks fromwhen you first joined.

*Choreographytogo is the official Level 3 Pilates Provider for
Virgin Active Health Clubs*
21/22/23 June Guildford Spectrum 1230 – 630
27/28/29 September London Virgin Active Barbican 11 – 5
8/9/10 November Birmingham Solihull Virgin Active 11 – 5
10/11/12 January 2020 Bristol David Lloyd Westbury Times To be Confirmed.
31 Jan/ 1/2 February 2020 LONDON Virgin Active Barbican Times To be Confirmed
CLICK HERE for all the course information and booking
The Level 3 Pilates is £860
**Did you qualify in Fitness Pilates over 10 years ago?
Have you continued to upskill and educate***
It’s important you are teaching the latest and current information in regard to Fitness Pilates. There are several routes to upskill.
Fitness Pilates Refresher ONLINE course
Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic Conditions Click here
Advanced Fitness Pilates For Pregnancy Click here
Level 3 Pilates Matwork Diploma
Fitness Pilates SUMMIT 2019 18th November LONDON