Good Morning Welcome to the C2GO Newsletter – How Are you?
Fab to see many more C2GO’ers, FP’ers, Lift Leaner’s all creating digital workouts and filming tips & techniques videos for social media. I LOVE seeing all of your postings and the interest it generates for your businesses use the #fitnesspilates #C2GO #Liftlean #ActivationBand or tag me on IG @RachelLHolnes and we can find you and share your posts on our stories.
Warm-Ups For Conditioning Classes
I recently changed the warm-ups for my conditioning classes, and have been experimenting with, what I am calling “Activation Warm Ups” These are standing to floor-based routines involving stepping forward in low lunges from plank.
I run through it without the music and repeat it x 8 / 10
The group I teach this to are relatively strong, fit and have been with me for many years so you may need to modify according to your clients. Hope it helps 🙂 click the link above.
ESSEX ACTIVATION BAND Workshop – I’ve added the 19th October in Chelmsford Click here to book on Hope you can make it.
Music – Get 50% Discount on Pure Energy Music.
Do you need some cool new tunes for classes this week?
*Use code PEAS19 for a 50% discount *
Do you want to work with international Fitness Brands?
It’s easier than you think! This week on the podcast I talk to Steve Barrett.
In this conversation, we discuss how YOU can get into working with global fitness brands.
Steve shares a wealth of tips and the exact steps you can take if you are looking to widen your horizons in the fitness industry
If you want to work for global brands, present training and attend the biggest fitness shows in the world this is the podcast for you! This is not about working full time for a company but adhoc work for qualified Instructors. I can’t wait for you to listen to this very insightful and interesting conversation
Click here to listen and subscribe to the podcast

Wishing you a great Thursday
Love Rachel x
Do you want to offer a 12-week online Women’s Health and Wellness programme?