HEY How Are You?
WOW this weather? Were out in the park in vests and sunnies yesterday for Buggy Beat
++Class Choreography Ideas++ 5 Minute Relaxation – Creating space
I would think all of us teach 5 – 10 minute of relaxation/meditation at the end of some classes and we often get stuck saying the same things over and over. So I created another guided meditation. This one is called Creating Space. Again, just my interpretation and I hope it is useful to you.
Click above and check it out.
Instagram – Are you on it and are you using it?
Are you using IG stories? It’s growing EXPONENTIALLY and is a wonderful way to promote your business and services and for your followers to get to know a little more about you.
But don’t panic. You don’t have to look like a self-absorbed narcissist but offer help, tips and advice to your followers.
I love to follow people on IG stories who share tips, makeup, hair ideas, exercise ideas, class tips, fashion, books to read, podcasts to listen to, places to go – people who are authentic, fun and happy.
When thinking about what to post or talk about – consider your audience and what would be helpful to them?
What tips can you share with them?
How can you engage with them and find out more about them?
Put your audience at the forefront of your mind – rather than what can you promote to them today -.
Once you change your mindset and see IG stories as a way to help, engage and convey your knowledge in a fun, friendly way you will see your numbers shoot up!
Are you on IG stories?
Who do you like to watch?

Rachel Holmes Business Building Podcast with Ceri Hannan
I’m excited for you to listen to my conversation with Ceri Hannan as we discuss where Health Clubs, Gyms and Boutique studios are headed and the challenges they face in today’s highly competitive fitness market.
And where does this leave the local community Instructor?
Actually, In a great place.
Ceri is a global powerhouse in Group Exercise. His concepts and programmes run worldwide through Virgin Active Clubs and his 30 year plus experience in the industry brings a wealth of knowledge and insight.
If you teach for a club or run your own classes in the community you will take away interesting ideas for your teaching and business from this interview.
Have a listen and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my Podcast;
++Nutrition, Fitness & Mindset For You++
My next Online Elevate High-Performance Coaching starts on 4th March. It’s so much more than the nutrition, we have been working hard on mindset, self-limiting beliefs, food behaviours, night time nibbling, emotional eating and so much more plus you get access to 3 different home workouts every day and I do daily coaching sessions in the group. It’s been a game changer on so many levels and a great way to help you and for you to pass on great information to your own clients. Click here for all the info
Have a great week.
Love Rachel xxx
IG RachelLHolmes
C2GO Survey & Your Details
The Choreographytogo SURVEY has been immensely helpful in regard to content and what everyone is teaching and where! so much has changed since I started this newsletter almost 18 years ago. It’s been brilliant getting to know exactly what you are all doing. I can now tailor the content more precisely.
HERE IS THE LINK – So if you haven’t already filled in please do and get 15% discount on all C2GO courses and events including the next business BRUNCH.
**Additional Email Newsletters You may be Interested In**
Kick Start
Every Tuesday Including Women’s Health, Nutrition, Food, Recipes, Home Workouts, Productivity, Meditation, Fitness, Wellness, Time Management, Food, Lifestyle, Mental & Physical Health, Beauty, Longevity, Reverse Aging, Biohacking, Fashion & Fun.
Get 15 % Discount on all Kick Start Events, Products & Programmes when adding your email. CLICK HERE
Fitness Pilates Newsletter
Every Sunday For ALL Pilates Trained Teachers and Aspiring Pilates Teachers – News, Exercises, Video Workshops, Events, Class Ideas, Marketing and PR. Add your email for a 15% discount on courses in 2019.
CLICK HERE to join the Fitness Pilates newsletter and once qualified in Fitness Pilates here is a map of what you can do and where you can take it.
Fitness Pilates 2019 Course Dates CLICK HERE