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    No More Flyering

    How are your fitness business plans going? Is your online business starting to take shape?   The great news is it’s getting easier than ever to promote & market your services, products & programmes.   And I don’t mean by going back to pushing flyers through letter boxes.   Remember trudging the streets?   Getting …

    No More Flyering Read More »

    Are You Charging Enough For Your Fitness Classes & Services?

    When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.” (Oprah)   I saw this quote today by Oprah (TOP SHERO) & it really started my mind ticking over. You my friend, are NOT an amateur. You are highly respected professional, helping, serving & motivating your customers to live a happier, healthier, …

    Are You Charging Enough For Your Fitness Classes & Services? Read More »

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