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  • Aerobics

    Everyone Is Watching YOU – Have you Noticed?

      Everyone is watching you.Have you noticed?Your class members, family members, friends (enemies!) Folk you don’t know, are all watching from afar.Social media has opened that little window & everyone is having a peep.You know the score. Your minding your own business, shopping away in Sainsburys & class members spot you. They can’t wait to …

    Everyone Is Watching YOU – Have you Noticed? Read More »

    Can You Really Unplug & Disconnect?

    http://rachelholmes.leadlinks.net/leadlink/5763210187636736/~Contact.Email~/first_name:~Contact.FirstName~/       Have you had a busy busy week? I bet you have. Lots of Teaching. Planning. Creating. Preparing. And, that’s just for your classes & fitness business. Load on top of that Christmas. Shopping. Organising. Arranging. PLUS, of course, Family. Friends. & Obligations to jam into your week. So, today, I hope …

    Can You Really Unplug & Disconnect? Read More »

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