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  • Sunday Snapping Motivation from Rachel








    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here
    If in doubt….. Snap it out!

    I love this positivity tip from Gaby Bernstein.

    I’ve been using it loads this week
    with my KSFL team.

    Do you find your mind & thoughts
    steaming of down negative highway.


    Do you keep engaging in mental
    negative self talk?


    Are you constantly beating yourself up
    about how you look/your weight/your dress size
    your body/your fitness/your classes/
    your work…etc, etc, etc ?

    Do you keep going over & over past
    events that you can do nothing about?

    Do you keep craving sugary foods &
    straying from your clean eating
    nutrition plan & all good intentions?

    Try Snapping it out!

    Place a rubber band (NOW) around your wrist.

    Every time you catch yourself chatting some
    negative s*** in your mind.

    Flick the rubber band around your wrist.


    It will literally SNAP you out of your
    unconscious attack thoughts.

    Practice it today.
    Right now.
    Go & find a band.

    Notice the negative thought, snap out of it
    with your rubber band, and then use
    a positive affirmation as a reminder that you
    can think your way out of a negative
    thought cycle.

    It’s an awesome way to train yourself
    to stop negativity in it’s tracks.

    Replace it with this simple affirmation.

    “Today I choose love & positivity”

    Let me know if you give it a try

    Happy Sunday Snapping!

    Love Rachel xx

    Tweet me & let me know @RachelHolmes

    Fitness Pilates Training Dates

    After yesterday’s email there is only 1 space on the June Course


    Kelly’s Fitness Pilates Pre Hab Tour Dates


    Have you missed any of my Blog posts this week?

    Do you Eat Carbs? http://www.kickstartfatloss.net/2014/04/oh-i-dont-eat-carbs-do-you/

    My Top 20 Fatloss Tips. http://www.kickstartfatloss.net/2014/04/friday-fatloss-tips-from-rachel/

    American Diner Style Breakfast Ideas http://www.kickstartfatloss.net/2014/04/breakfast-ideas-american-diner-style/


    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

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