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  • Regional Fitness Conferences 

    Looking For Brand Partnerships 

    As many of you have followed me for many decades, you will know that in the 90s and 2000s, I spent every weekend on the road delivering workshops for Fitpro, Nike, Athletes in Action (with Jayne) and my own branded workshops, which took me from Inverness all the way down to the south coast, I have made so many Fitpro friends over the years doing the live face-to-face workshops. 

    Of course, during the pandemic  face-to-face workshops stopped, and prior to that numbers were drastically reducing,  Fitpro’s just weren’t travelling to fitness events as they once did, the  mighty events held at Loughborough University by Fitness Professionals had finished several  years earlier, and I personally missed them. I feel regional, educational conference’s and events for GroupEx teachers is really important in todays climate.

    In my opinion, the UK fitness industry is made up of regional Micro markets’s, what is working in one city is potentially not working in another. A class may work in a rural setting and not in a suburban setting, price points around the UK are extremely varied for what people will pay for a group exercise class, so it’s important for regional fitness professionals to get together and share ideas and look for local opportunities together.

    This year Kelly and I dipped our toes back into the touring scene, and I organised several small regional workshops around the UK. We travelled to Birmingham, Manchester, Essex and Guildford, finishing the year with the Fitness Pilates Summit held in Canary Wharf London, which was a huge sellout success. 

    With all that being said in 2024, I have made a decision to run one day educational conferences in various regional locations, bringing together presenters with new ideas, new  thinking to help support, educate and motivate Group ex teachers around the UK.

    We will continue to offer qualifications online and my branded programmes Fitness Pilates, Menofit, WalkFit, Lift Lean , Sit Fitness,Senior Strong and new programmes launching in 2024 all online and now add in LIVE 1 day events.

    Therefore, I am looking for partnerships and brand sponsors who are interested in being involved in the one day events. If you are a Fitness Brand that would like to get involved please send me a message to discuss options and packages.

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