Rachel Holmes Studio Live VS Rachel Holmes Fitpro Supporters Group… what’s the difference?
I often get asked this question so I thought it was about time I gave you the low down…. Listen to the video to learn more!
Fitpro Supporters Group
* All about growing your business
* Social media, boosting your online/ live classes
* Live chat every morning with tips, updates and tactics
* Access to an online business training dashboard.
* Almost 700 instructors in there, supportive community
* Exclusive offers on training
* A free masterclass every week
* All on Facebook £3.49 per month
Rachel Holmes Studio Live Group
* Class content, nutrition, recipes and workouts
* Live unique interval workout every morning 6:30am
* Access to 3 Zoom masterclasses a week
* Free access to the Premium Rachel Holmes workout app
* Healthy tips, recipe books and meal plans to use
* Great community for motivation