Quick Fitness Business Marketing Tips
1. Crystallise your TARGET market, Identify your avatar client. It’s so hard to market yourself and your product unless you have your client profile crystal clear. The more specific you are the easier it will be talk to your customers.
2. Have a laser beam focus. Once you have your goals in place, every time you begin to do something think “Is this going to take me closer to my goals” Basically, stop messing about doing the small stuff and get the big stuff finished and out there like NOW!
3. Social Media is ALL noise. Opening Facebook is like walking into Battersea dogs home every one’s barking the same message. Be different, Write unique status updates and Tweets, Blog about new stuff.Once you have your client avatar sorted this will be easier as you can focus on your target customer.
4.Use Public Speaking and Presentations to become an expert. As soon as you step onto a speaking stage you are perceived as an expert. Organise seminars and talks in your niche to connect with your customers and prospects. Start with local events and organising your own then move into regional & national
5. Construct your presentation – Start with your credentials, tell your story, resonant with your audience, include personal hooks, offer a step by step solution, offer transparency about who you are and what you are.
6. Identify your USP and turn UP THE VOLUME. Don’t be something or someone you are not. Be yourself and do YOUR thing!

Launching The Fitness Business Academy 2019 With Rachel Holmes only £37
Low Cost High Value Click here to access. new content added weekly.
The Fitness Business Academy Low-Cost High-Value Monthly Membership Course contains everything you need to plan, systemise and build a successful and sustainable fitness business.
*Are you teaching classes in the community and want to attract more clients?
*Do you want to create an online arm to your business?
*Do you want to learn how to systemise your business for smooth running?
*Do you need admin help with a virtual assistant?
*Do You need the help with your social media?
Do you need to understand how to schedule and plan your social media?
*Do you need motivation in your fitness business?
Why Choose The Fitness Business Academy Course?
Over the last 34 years of running my own fitness business, I have created a multitude of fitness business courses, I have lectured on fitness business building at the worlds biggest Fitpros conferences including IDEA, FITPRO, SCW events in San Francisco and launched Fitness Income Online, Fitpro Business Mentoring and helped 130 Kick Start Coches scale their local community businesses.
I have created Group Exercise Brands including Fitness Pilates, Kick Start Fat Loss, Brainfit, Group X For Generation Y, NOVA for Virgin Active, Get Fit with Mel B For Fitness First, Retro Robics for Virgin Active, Run a successful Community Teaching Business for over 25 years, Created the very first online Group Exercise Website and Membership site Choreographytogo , travelled internationally lecturing, speaking and delivering workshops and now you can access EVERYTHING on one monthly membership with NO TIES INS & CANCEL AT ANY TIME for an UNBELIEVABLE low cost.
I KNOW how to build a successful fitness business. I live it. I have done it and I continue to put into action every single day.
*Only £37 a MONTH………YES, that’s right ONLY £37 a month..No Ties Ins. No Hidden Costs. No Penalty For Cancelling*
Take all the information and APPLY IT. USE IT. TAKE ACTION as quickly as you can.
You can join watch every single video and cancel – there is hours of content and more content being added to every month.
The biggest barrier for Fitness Professional looking for business building help is cost.
If you are not making a big revenue how can you afford to buy business coaching and courses? So how can you ever get the best advice to grow and scale?
When You Sign Up What Do You Get IMMEDIATELY
Total access to the full course content of the following Full Video Courses
1: Fitness Business Building Basics – 15 Hours of video content covering:
Business Building Basics.
Where to start.
1: Client Avatar, Outsource, Braindump
2: Copy Writing, Posting, Planning
3.System and Email Marketing and Email Systems.
4:Create Your Media List
5: Take Action Fast.
6: How to do your market research before you create your fitness product and programme.
7: How To Schedule Social Media.
8: Build your tribe and your following.
9: Creating systems and strategies in your business.
10: Blogging.
2: The Complete Fitness Business Academy Course – 35 hours of content covering more Indepth and Detailed Business Training.
Is it time to really sort out your fitness business in 2019 or are you new to teaching and need help promoting and marketing your services?
Do you want to earn more but physically teach LESS?
- Do you want to create an online fitness business
- Are you struggling with time & technology issues
- Do you want to step by step game plan that you can apply to ALL of all of your business ideas?
The Fitness Business Academy Coaching with Rachel Holmes is a Business Building Blueprint going from the very basics of creating your online and physical business.
Not using old marketing methods from even a few months ago. Everything has changed. The way we use social media. The way you should be promoting on social media. How to grow your email list…..EVERYTHING with a step by step formula that even the biggest technophobe can follow along step by step.
- Identify WHO you want to work with and learn the formula for attracting the RIGHT customers from social media and onto your email list.
- Create products that serve your niche.
- Plan a full customer journey knowing exactly where your customers are going.
- How to build online relationships that has your customers coming back to you year after year.
- Tips for growing your social media network & becoming social media savvyWITHOUT Spending HOURS & HOURS on social media.
- How to create a strong sustainable business online without spending hours and hours on your phone or computer.
- How to create your own VIDEOS that sell – How to make a HUGE impact on video by being YOU.
I walk you through every topic. STEP by STEP there is no overwhelming amount of content. You watch one tutorial. Complete it. Put it into practice then move to the next section. You can take things at your pace.
PLUS I will be evolving this course every week with updated content.
Sign up – watch everything then cancel so you get all of the content (worth £1000’s) or stay and continue to get updated information its completely up to you.
I have made this UNBELIEVABLY Affordable.
Dont miss out and sign up today and start moving your business forward.