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    SOCIAL MEDIA Training & How To Create Your Digital Products & Develop Your Business



    Fitpros ULTIMATE Social Media, Create Your Online Programme & Training Day.

    How To Create Multiple Streams Of Income and Integrate Digital Into Physical.

    6 Hours of TRAINING Recorded

    Fee For All Is  is £79.00

    Fitpros Social Media And Create Your OnLine Programme & Training Day

    ✔️Rachel Holmes Presenting.
    ✔️Full Social Media Training  For Fitpros on Facebook, Group, Live, Events, IG Live, Youtube,

    ✔️The power of What App

    ✔️How to film workouts, technique videos, tutorials,
    ✔️ How To Use Video, How to Make Videos, How To Edit Videos, How To Use apps,
    ✔️Getting more clients, followers, fans & income.
    ✔️Content marketing
    ✔️Social media (LI, FB groups, podcast, YT; ask about ANY SM platform)
    ✔️Sex up your product, programme,  service & offer CREATE AN ELECTRIC PROGRAMME that people want to join.
    ✔️Create assets on ALL platforms
    ✔️Video marketing & lives (YT, FB, LI)
    ✔️Create a great story/vision
    ✔️Getting the right mentors who’ve been through your growth stages
    ✔️Tech, systems, software
    ✔️ADD MORE VALUE & Fair Exchange

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