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    Great Class Content And Ideas For Your HIIT Workouts

    with Kelly Reed-Banks & Rachel Holmes

    HIIT classes are HUGE right now and Kelly and I have been super busy creating new formats and ideas for you.

    All of the videos and content sit on my Customerhub platform where you can watch the videos and download

    all of the information.

    Grab it today for the special price of £30.00 and have all of the content to view

    whenever you need it on your phone, ipad,laptop, smart TV or desktop.

     What Is Included In The Online Package:


    •Video 1  KS HIIT Supreme – This is one of our most popular HIIT workoust as its all LOW and NO POWER but you still get an amazing workout – A 10 minute Super Supreme.

    Video 2 HIIT Spiked – 30 seconds of Cardio v 30 seconds of Resistance in 4 minutes then rest for 1 minute. You can do blocks of how many you want, its a really unique formula. Clients LOVE this style of workouts with Kelly.

    Video 3 SHRED – Mini Workshop – Kelly talks you through in a workshop format how to create your SHRED HIIT workout.

    Video 4 HIIT ABS 10 minutes of 45 seconds and 15 seconds rest.  10 x no equipment Core and Ab exercises from Kelly.

    Video 5 HIIT Fitness Pilates Another example of how you can utilise interval training with Fitness Pilates ideas


    Rachel Holmes HIIT Workout Ideas


    •Join Rachel for 7 x 10 minute HIIT Video Workouts Ideas

    -Master Muscle Mix

    -Skippy Workout

    -Back To Basics

    -Tabata Training

    -Quick Fix Tabata

    -Ab Crusher HIIT

    Longer HIIT Workout Ideas


    -On The Minute Every Minute

    -Updated HIIT Training


    YOU get:

     •5 mini content videos with Kelly:

    Video 1  KS HIIT Supreme – This is one of our most popular HIIT workouts as its all LOW and NO POWER but you still get an amazing workout – A 10 minute Super Supreme.

    Video 2 HIIT Spiked – 30 seconds of Cardio v 30 seconds of Resistance in 4 minutes then rest for 1 minute. You can do blocks of how many you want, its a really unique formula. Clients LOVE this style of workouts with Kelly.

    Video 3 SHRED – Mini Workshop – Kelly talks you through in a workshop format how to create your SHRED HIIT workout.

    Video 4 HIIT ABS 10 minutes of 45 seconds and 15 seconds rest.  10 x no equipment Core and Ab exercises from Kelly.

    Video 5 HIIT Fitness Pilates Another example of how you can utilise interval training with Fitness Pilates ideas

    Rachel Holmes HIIT Workout Ideas



     •UNITE Workout

     PLUS YOU also GET :

    •A Workshop Manual

    •A C2GO / HIIT Certificate

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