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  • New programmes in the fitness industry and how to build your community fitness business

    How is everything going?

    There is so much talk about new programmes in the industry at the moment…

    the question is if you should jump in and go for it
    or concentrate on what you are currently delivering?

    Should you take the plunge and do Clubbercise, Pound, BlockFit or maybe you
    fancy Jayne Nicholls Barre Workout or even go for a full business package
    with Kick Start?

    There is no shortage of programmes
    to suite all kinds of demographics and depending on where you
    are in your fitness career
    and business.

    As a community based Instructor or a Fitpro running their own
    studio it can be a difficult decision
    working out how to grow.

    We all know the perils of you doing it all.

    Taking on contracted Instructors, adding online programmes and adding coaching
    to your business structure is a logical way of building your business.

    Being a slave to your business with you doing everything plus teaching tons of classes realistically
    is not that sustainable and can be quite miserable in the long run.

    In 2016 with some careful planning and thinking strategically it is possible to create a successful and sustainable long term business that can provide you with a great income and a
    happy career.

    Take the emotion out of any decision you make and think about things with a long term view.

    Is taking on this programme or product going to take you closer to your long term goals
    or will it take you further away?

    Only you can decide.
    I think there are 3 stages to most community fitness businesses :

    Stage 1 – Setting up community classes – building your name, your brand, your business.

    Stage 2 – Employing other Instructors to teach and expanding your business whilst you
    teach AND focus on building an online and passive income.

    Stage 3 – Phasing yourself OUT of the majority of teaching and concentrating on online opportunities and managing your business rather than working IN it constantly.

    Super Strategies for Superstar Fitness Instructors
    in the community

    With so many of you teaching and doing amazingly well in your community venues with various classes.

    I wanted to write a little article about making sure you cushion yourself and prepare your business to go on and become stronger and stronger. A few year’s ago (well maybe 17) I used to teach Line Dancing.

    I ran classes every night with over 80 people. It was all pay as you go and the money was brilliant and I never thought it would stop.

    But it slowly did although I ran the classes for a good 5/7 years. There was no Facebook, no websites, no data capture and no real strategies to build my fitness business into the future BUT there is for you guys now, so even if your class numbers are out of this world focus on the future and where you could be heading!

    These are my suggestions to your future success:

    1. Don’t STOP teaching everything else. I know it’s tempting but keep your hand in with other styles of classes even if it’s 1 or 2 a week.

    2. Get a website and make sure everyone signs up on your list. Your data capture LIST is your future.

    3. Start writing a newsletter and keep in touch with all of these new people who join your list.

    4.Encourage your (Branded programme people) people to try other classes with you.

    Give away free classes, passes and sessions with you so they can try other things.

    5. Encourage your members to add you on Facebook and Twitter and build your followings on there as well – Build a great offline AND online business.
    6. Think about your exit strategy. If you plan one day not to be teaching every evening you need to recreate this offline business success into an online business model so your business can run without you actually working in it.

    7.Fitness trends come in cycles, bubbles DO burst, new trends and new classes will come to the fore. That’s life…so capitalse on what’s happening right now and make sure you plan for the future.

    If you are super savvy you can take this massive opportunity and it could potentially set you and your business up for LIFE. So, I encourage you to make plans, be sensible and data capture everyone. These people could potentially join you on a membership site or continue to buy products from you for the next 15 years long after the bubble has burst and you have moved on.

    Calling all my Scottish Friends.

    I’ll be in Glasgow doing a talk, Fitness Pilates masterclass and motivation
    on Wednesday 18th May and it’s free.

    I’d love to see you 🙂

    It’s at The Yoga and Pilates Place in Glasgow

    6 – 6:20pm Motivation
    7 – 8 Fitness Pilates Masterclass

    Would you like to come ?

    To book your space email sj@theyogapilatesplace.com

    Places will book so hurry if you want a spot.

    Want to connect with me?

    Snap Chat Rachel L Holmes
    Instagram Rachel L Holmes
    My VLOG YouTube

    I would love to help you with any questions you have?


    The Quantum Conspires FOR You

    by Jo De Rosa
    As each year draws to a close I like to set a theme or intention for the coming 12 months, and this year I wanted the underlying current of everything that I do to be:


    Right now I have a certain urge to be ready, get systems in place, and be prepared (don’t know what for yet but i’m listening and going with it).

    And it’s been wonderful so far; I’ve cleared out my wardrobe, office, and loft. I’ve got a fabulous new morning routine plus a different evening pattern; all put in place to help me become more coherent, and life feel easier and lighter.

    So this week the next stage was to sort my laptop out which is literally heaving at the seams with so much content on it. It’s around four years old and I have EVERYTHING for two businesses stored within these 15 inches of aluminium.
    Now admittedly I am not very good at updating anything on it (it works well so why change it), which meant that on the execution of upgrading to the very latest operating system yesterday I encountered a slight problem,


    Dom said,

    “Don’t worry it’s got stuck, take it to the shop and they’ll sort it out. This probably happens all the time, it must be a glitch in the new software.”

    And I didn’t really worry about it, until I saw the look on the young girls face.
    Now i’d already decided that I was going to purchase a new smaller, lighter laptop (for blogging) to add to my office repertoire for my upcoming birthday (any excuse!) so I went to the store with the old crashed computer and birthday money for the new one.

    “We are going to have to wipe your computer and put it back to it’s factory setting”, said the assistant in a flat tone that didn’t correspond in any way to the magnitude of information she was divulging.

    “Excuse me” was all I could muster.

    “You have backed up haven’t you?”, she continued in that insipid tone.

    I was immediately transported to the scene in Sex In The City where Carrie looks at the repair guy as if he were speaking in martian. Unlike Carrie I HAD backed up, the only question was when?

    Had I last backed up before or after my most recent Scottish trip where I had finished writing my book?!
    All of a sudden the blood drained from my whole body with the realisation that I may have just lost my completed book. It literally couldn’t be any worse. The girl was speaking again but now it seemed like she was underwater and I just couldn’t understand anything she was saying,

    “Bring…..external hard drive in…..reset to factory settings……install the latest operating system…..reinstate everything from the external hard drive”

    She had no idea of the seriousness of the situation and as my brain furiously searched for remembrance of the last time I backed up, a small voice piped up within me,

    “The quantum conspires FOR you not against you”

    And then deep down I knew that everything was going to be ok. From my head it was a disaster; the work could be lost, but from within a profound knowing that what I had asked for was being gifted.

    Those that I mentor often say when I give my point of view, “Oh I didn’t see it like that”, because they are looking at things logically from their heads. For when you drop down into yourself; into your wisdom, you connect with your truth. I had asked for organisation. What I am getting is a brand new laptop PLUS my old one wiped clean and upgraded; it literally couldn’t get better if I tried. Yes I was being forced into this situation but up until now I hadn’t made the time to clean up my act so the quantum was doing it for me.
    Magic eh?

    So why do we continue to live our lives as if life itself is AGAINST us?
    It’s not you know.
    The quantum is listening to your every wish, each request, without exception.
    Like a servant it is WAITING for your order, and it will run off and create a situation to MATCH your asking.
    The thing is our desire doesn’t always get delivered the way we think it will so we may miss the gift if we are not careful.

    Open your eyes.
    Look around you.
    You are creating all of the time.
    But are you doing this CONSCIOUSLY or UNCONSCIOUSLY?

    I’m very clear with my intentions, I set them each morning in meditation.
    I know how I want to FEEL and send that message to my servant; my best friend; the quantum field.
    I’m in tune with my Quantum Superpower™

    Today I am going to relish the fact that my old computer is soon to be upgraded and be like new.
    And this is the very first blog from my new slimline machine 🙂
    The quantum forced me into action, but only because i’d asked for it!
    How frigging cool is that 😉

    Do YOU want to get in touch with your Quantum Superpower™?
    I teach this on every retreat, workshop, and of course my online programme.
    Do YOU want to learn how to turn your mind around and see things in a different way, because life is conspiring FOR you via the quantum every single second of single day.
    Use it or stay in a place of struggle…..
    What do you choose today?

    Business savvy FitPro Josie Tait follows

    her dream in opening her own gym in Wigan.

    KSFL blog story

    I first heard of KSFL and Rachel Holmes 5 years ago.
    After having my children and gaining the fitness qualifications
    I kne I wanted to follow my dream and open
    my own gym.

    I finally took the plunge in 2015 and haven’t looked back,
    the business is thriving and KSFL is a great addition to
    my overall programme.

    I first heard of KSFL about 5 years ago. I had followed Rachel Holmes since I very first qualified as a fitness instructor and received her weekly emails for fitness professionals with help, tips and choreography ideas.

    I qualified as a fitness instructor in 2007. My journey into the industry was born from my own battles with food which peaked after the birth of my children when my weight was 17 stone. I had battled all my life, I was a binger and food controlled me, not the other way round. I did no regular exercise and found my self getting more and more out of control and fed up.

    After deciding to do something about it I joined a slimming club.

    I had some success. First a stone, then 2 and then by the time I had decided that this was something I wanted to do as my job, I had lost 5 stone.
    It hadn’t been easy and I like many others followed the old advice of fat free/ low fat and calorie counting. I was happy with the weight I had lost, but food was still a battle and I never got the results I truly wanted.
    Once I had qualified I set up my own community classes teaching aerobics, legs bums and tums etc…

    And I loved it.

    I was helping people just like me.

    Then I saw that Rachel had developed Kick Start Fat Loss and I decided to try it for myself.

    I took out her online sugar free challenge and that was the light bulb moment for me.

    Another 2 stone just fell off me and for the first time EVER I felt in control, happy, energised and more importantly for me, content with the food I was eating.

    I stuck with KSFL, started to read and learn more about nutrition and I knew that this was the way I would be living my life from there on.

    Several years later I have been teaching community classes and also teaching in gyms but the dream was to own my own

    Myself and my partner decided to take the plunge in 2014 and we opened Sweatshop Gym in Wigan.

    KSFL just had to be a part of it.

    September 2015 we launched KSFL and held an open evening with Rachel. There was a HUGE response.

    In fact I was overwhelmed by the amount of people.

    We had over 100 people on the night all eager to hear more about KSFL and what it could do for them.

    Many people signed up on the night and since then
    the programme is growing.

    There has been some trial and error to get it just right and find how it fits best into Sweatshop Gym.

    For us challenges work best.

    The average age of our members is 20’s – 30’s
    so we found that they LOVE the whole idea of a challenge with a specific start and end date.

    We have a huge build up, lots of advertising and build the anticipation and excitement for our start day.

    Some of existing gym members will jump on our challengers but we also bring in lots of new people through these KSFL challenges.

    We have one challenge class a week where we do our weigh in session first followed by our exercise class.
    There are 2 challenge options.

    They can chose the challenge plus 1 challenge

    OR challenge plus a full gym membership for the duration.

    The latter really presses buttons as not everyone wants to buy into a full years gym membership.

    Essentially they get the opportunity to have a short term gym membership while the challenge is on…

    Where else can you sign up to a full gym membership for 10 weeks?

    Then when the challenge is over they want to keep coming to our gym so they then buy into our yearly membership.

    So our KSFL challenge feeds more people into our gym membership.

    Which for our business is what we need to be aiming for.

    It works fantastic for us.

    KSFL is going from strength to strength and
    every challenge is getting busier and busier.

    Our latest spring fling challenge had 70+ people
    sign up to it, the results are amazing and they sell the next challenge and the next.

    I can only see this getting better and
    better as our challenges get bigger and bigger.

    We are holding our first master class with Rachel next week and there is such a buzz and excitement about it.

    We are half way through our Spring Fling challenge so my guys are ready for this.

    They are all buzzing at their losses so far and love to tell all their friends and family how they are doing and that Rachel will be here to teach them.

    I will throw this class open to everyone, members, non members, KSFL challengers, EVERYONE.

    This is a HUGE opportunity for us to show what we can do and again get new people through the door to see Sweatshop gym.
    KSFL has brought a new element to Sweatshop gym.

    It is such a relief to have the support of Rachel the other franchisees.

    If I need some advice, they are all there to offer it.


    Are you passionate about health, fitness and
    well being?

    Are you ready to create a successful and sustainable
    fitness business?

    Click here for more information
    on Kick Start

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