I had an amazing response from yesterdays motivational.
WOW, a LOT of you connected with me and
resonated with the whole
message of worrying about what other
folk think about you & your plans.
If you missed yesterdays post here it is https://www.choreographytogo.com/2014/01/sunday-slick-motivation/
I was going to blog about something else
today then I watched last nights
Grammys and it just fired me up to continue
in that vein……
OMG..Madonna just does not give a ****
about what anyone thinks, she rocked
last night as did PINK.
They live life on their terms with no apologies,
they don’t confirm to societies stereotypes and
they get on with it.
Creating, Performing, Motivating, Entertaining,
Educating, Inspiring,
Just like YOU!
In todays world, we are being force fed an
information diet via the internet, social
media, TV, magazines and it’s confusing
to sometimes work out exactly what YOU want.
The kind of life YOU want to lead, the kind of fitness business YOU want to create. The family life YOU want to have.
Don’t allow this to trip you up and throw you of your path.
Everyone has an opinion on how you should be living your life and conducting your affairs. Its rubbish.
So today, as it’s MONDAY lets get on with designing the life and business YOU really want.
If you need more fitness/health/nutrition/choreography/class content information you can learn it…Its out there (Probably on C2GO!)
If you need more help on the business side…Get a mentor/coach or self study with business books/blogs/podcasts
If you need help with creating online products/websites/videos/DVD…Use Elance/People per Hour.
All the the information is RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.
It’s as hard or easy as YOU want to make it.
Have a wonderful productive Monday.
Love Always
Rachel xx Tweet me I NEED to hear from you @RACHELHOLMES
Kelly Reed Fitness Pilates Pre-Hab Tour
You can still book onto Kellys new Fitness Pilates Pre-HAB tour at the early bird price today.
3 Brilliant new sessions taking your FP to a whole new level.