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  • The Fitness Business Blog

    Make cash Challenge for Fitpros round up day 3

    Fitpros are your online members cancelling as they are going on holiday and class numbers erratic due to holidays/kids exams/ leaving schools/ sunny days etc etc……

    Are you worried about your income?

    And concerned that people stop committing to your classes?

    Learn how you can run a pop up to BOOST INCOME Join my pop up whatsapp starting today as a great template you can use

    Wednesday Round-Up in the Supporters CASH CHALLENGE

    Another action-packed MCC and Supporters are now seeing extra cash coming in with Summer Solstice Classes and WhatsApp Pop-Ups.

    Promoting your Summer Solstice classes

    Yvonne Rolf made an extra £120 in advanced bookings by offering a Summer Solstice FP class on Thursday.

    1. Promote your Summer Solstice class EVERYWHERE today:
      • Facebook Business & Profile
      • WhatsApp groups
      • IG
      • TT
      • YouTube Shorts
      • Your website
    2. Mix up written posts with graphic posts and videos/lives.

    Let me know how you get on?

    Pop-Up WhatsApp Groups

    Memberships are hard to sell in Summer, but short 7-day Pop-Up WhatsApp Programs work well.

    How to run 7-day WhatsApp Pop-Up Programmes

    • Why: Content is pre-recorded and loaded.
    • Ease: Easy for you to manage and easy for customers to access.
    • People will pay for convenience and speed of delivery rather than searching through a Facebook group.
    • Quick and easy communication for you and your clients.
    • Don’t charge too little; people are paying for your expertise, convenience, and results.
    • Film your workouts or recycle old workouts.
    • Create daily motivational voice notes.

    Join my group starting today here

    Join the MAKE CASH CHALLENGE here in my supporters

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