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  • Instructor Newsletter 5th December 2013

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    Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the comments again on last week’s newsletter, and especially Miss Zoe’s article on posting with passion. It’s something I really, hand on heart, think is vital to making social media work for you and it seems like a helluva lot of you think the same. The key is to be YOU on all social media platforms in exactly the same way you conduct yourself in a class; enthusiastic, knowledgeable, fun, warm and personable, and all the other great qualities  you possess. I have to say this week again! I deleted a whole slew of people from my Facebook who constantly seem to moan, be negative and attack other Fitpros and thankfully my feed is once again full of upbeat people whose information and posts inspire, motivate and make me smile. So, please keep posting with passion.

    Jill Gardner is back this week with an update, and continuing her very successful series is Jo de Rosa, who constantly inspires me with her insightful updates on all things ~ing related. And I am hoping to get down to the Inner Guidance retreat for some chill out time very soon.

    I got back from New York on Monday, shattered, jet lagged and all shopped out with 2 extra cases full from the Nike Outlet store where shorts were $4 and leggings $8. So I have at least 2 year’s of new workout clothes now. The black Friday sale alone was worth the trip for the discounts in Nike and the choice of trainers is just off the scale. I LOVED the whole NYC vibe with people power, walking up 5th Avenue sipping green juice in business suits. It’s just such an off the scale place and, of course, the fat free, wheat free, carb free, gluten free, dairy free muffins are amazing!

    On my quest for all things Gabrielle Bernstein I’m heading to London on Saturday  to hear her speak and attend a workshop, which I’m so excited about. I hope I get to meet her as I find her books and work extremely very inspiring. If any of you are going do let me know http://www.hayhouse.co.uk/events/232/bust-through-blocks-workshop

    Fitness Blogging & Vlogging by Rachel

    Though they had been around for many years, blogs burst on the scene as a hot marketing tool around 2003 when marketers discovered easy-to-use blogging platforms like Tumblr, Blogger, Typepad, and WordPress.

    Over 50% of blogs are abandoned within the first 90 days. While this isn’t really important if you’re writing a personal diary, political or celebrity blog, it is very important if you start a blog for your business and don’t keep posting on it consistently and with purpose.

    What is a fitness blog?

    Because a blog is an inexpensive, fast way to build an online presence, it is an ideal way for fitness entrepreneurs to establish their credibility and expertise.  Since your readers can post comments, you create a conversation with your audience and build rapport and trust as a result.

    The very nature of a blog is perfect for the busy fitness professional.  They are quick and easy to update.  You are creating fresh content frequently (two to three times a week is recommended minimum) that is useful to your prospects and customers and loved by search engines.  In contrast to “traditional” static website, a blog is a dynamic site that encourages your visitors to interact with you through commenting so they can get to know you better.
    When you create a conversation with your audience (visitors, readers, prospects), you are establishing your credibility.  You build your network and increase the visibility of your products and services in a casual way.
    A blog is an essential tool in the professional’s marketing toolbox.  Combined with a website, an ezine, database management and ecommerce system, you will have everything you need to develop and run your fitness business globally and online.

    10 Steps for Starting Your Blog
    Before you get to the nitty-gritty of setting up your blog, there is some pre-work to do. This will ensure you start right and put your best foot forward.

    1.    Before you do anything else, examine the reasons why you want to publish a blog. What is the purpose for the blog?  How does the blog’s purpose relate to your business purpose?

    2.  What are the business objectives or outcomes or goals you want from your business blog? Some people use a blog as a lead generator to build their database. Some are looking to build a visibility platform while others use the blog to develop content for other purposes like books, articles and programs. What do you want to get out of your blog?

    3.    Who is your ideal reader/customer? Who are you writing to/for? With most of my coaching clients  I’ve worked with, the ideal reader is similar to their ideal client. It’s important to know your audience so you can meet their needs and address their concerns, challenges and what they’re looking for to improve their lives.

    4.    How do you want your readers to feel when they read your blog? This may seem like a weird question, yet it will help you tap in the emotions of your audience. Do you want your reader to be inspired, motivated, and moved to action? Again, tapping into this will help you focus your content on serving your reader.

    5.     What do you want your readers to DO when they read your blog? This relates to the goals you set for your blog. If your blog is a lead generator then you must have very clear steps for guiding your reader to subscribe to get blog updates and/or get your lead generating content.

    6.     How much time do you have to devote to your blog each week?   This is getting to the heart of blogging. If you cannot commit to creating constant, consistent content, then you’re doing yourself and your readers a disservice. Be honest. The most effective and successful blogs are those with fresh, new content posted at least two to three times per week. Is that reasonable for you to manage?  Remember, there are many, many ways to create content. It doesn’t have to be all you all the time and you can share content with other fitness friends.

    7.  What’s your blog’s core message? This relates to the topic of your blog and the niche you are focused on. What do you want your readers to learn? Why should anyone read your blog and more importantly why should they subscribe and follow your blog?
    If you regularly write a Fitness Blog I would love to read and subscribe to it. Please Tweet me your Blog information http://www.Twitter.com/RachelHOlmes

    You can follow my Kick Start Fat Loss Blog which is all about fatloss, home workouts, recipes, meal ideas & fatloss tips  by subscribing here http://www.kickstartfatloss.net/newsletter/

    BLOGS I LOVE READING – Here are my current favs. If you subscribe to any blogs that you would like to share or if you write a blog tweet me today and I’ll push it over my social media channels

    Charlotte Ord http://charlotteord.blogspot.co.uk/
    The Fit Writer http://thefitwriter.wordpress.com/
    Danielle LaPorte http://www.daniellelaporte.com/fire-starter-sessions/
    Chalene Johnson http://www.chalenejohnson.com/blog/
    Gabby B http://gabbyb.tv/
    Fitflential http://fitfluential.com/blog/

    But what about if you feel that you are not great at writing or Blogging then Vlogg instead! Choose the medium that best suits you…writing (Blogging) or Video (Vlogging) or do a mix of both……

    How do you film a VLOG (Video Blog)- If you want to create an online fitness business…

    As we enter a new dawn of multimedia, it’s more important than ever to use video in your marketing. Let the power of your message go viral. As teachers and Instructors a video should (in theory!) be easy for you.
    So, let’s look at how to make your videos look slick and professional.

    Practice to be a Pro
    You don’t have to spend hours and hours going over what you are going to say again and again, but it is worth practicing what you plan to say a few times.

    Treat your video like you would treat a presentation to your audience from  stage. You wouldn’t just jump on stage without an idea of what to say would you?

    Make up a story in your head to keep yourself on track with your message’s key points

    Don’t tie yourself to a script, follow some bullet points instead but keep the flow natural

    Think about the purpose behind your video. Is it to get an opt-in?
    To introduce yourself? To sell a product or service? Always be clear on your outcomes before you speak, otherwise the video message will be vague.

    Present like a Pro

    Many people freeze up when talking to a camera – after all it’s not a real human being and you would be so much better if someone filmed you having a normal conversation The problem is that when you think of the camera like that you end up talking in a very stilted way and you come across as disjointed and tongue tied.

    Imagine an audience in front of you

    Then do your presentation to your audience and speak to them through the camera… trust me – it works wonders. I do this every time I do a VLOG I imagine you guys in front of me!
    And whilst we are on the subject of presentation remember what your choice of background says about you. An untidy office does not give out the best message to your prospective clients.

    Consider your Editor

    Sometimes it is possible to get your message perfect in one take, but what if you coughed at the wrong time, or the dog barked or countless other things that can happen to ruin that perfect take? There are going to be times when you will want to edit together different clips from different takes – here’s how to make sure your editing is super easy.
    Keep your background stable and the same for every take to make sure the background doesn’t jump when you cut it together.
    Try to film with the least amount of background noise.
    If you’re filming outside, use overhead light, not late or early morning.
    Don’t face straight into the sun (you’ll squint) or have the sun directly behind you (your face will be in shadow)

    Consider the Mood

    What is the mood and energy of your message? Music is a great way of livening up the video, particularly at the beginning and end and is an extremely powerful way of turning a standard “monologue video” into something that draws people in and makes them want to watch. Fade in and fade out with music and your video is suddenly 100 times more dynamic.

    Promote like a Pro

    Once you have filmed your video and edited it you want people to watch it. So sign up to youtube and upload your video(s) there. Place a graphic at the bottom of your video with your website link on it where the client can find more information about you.
    Use relevant keywords on youtube to help your video to be found
    Post your video on your Twitter and Facebook
    Remember you are a vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic fitness professional and you aren’t reading the 10 O clock news .Look happy and enjoy your VLOG

    New Download – Ill be bringing you a series of new daily downloads all this week containing new ideas for 2014

    Kettlebell 1 Ideas with Marvin Burton
    Code: dl111

    Marvin looks at Kettlebell ideas and variations in this mini workshop

    Click here to view

    TWITTER – Are you REALLY using it properly

    I know you are all using and working Facebook but there are such huge gains to be made on Twitter. I see when I scroll through my feed not that many Fitpros are really using it to its best advantage. But, if you want to create an online arm to your business it’s so crucial to get cracking on your networking over there. The good thing about Twitter is it was designed for  mobile whereas Facebook isn’t and as more and more people are accessing the web and social media via their smart phone, Twitter is really ramping up now as we move into 2014. Plus, you can buy advertising now and form  real business strategy.

    I created a video training course on exactly how Fitpros should use Twitter and I’m offering it for only £17 + VAT. Its shows you exactly how to work Twitter and get the most from it and is crucial if you want to create your fitness business online. Click the link below for information on the course


    Adversity and why your biggest challenges will end up being your biggest source of success! by Jill Gardner

    A year of challenges for me and many other people too and as we approach the end of 2013 I have been asking myself ‘would I have changed anything and what have I learnt?’

    Apart from losing my Dad I would not have changed a thing. I can say this now  as I have come out of the other side. It is clear to me that these challenges and seemingly big mountains I climbed became the very obstacles I needed in order to change and help me grow.

    I could have plodded along with everything moving in the direction I thought I needed to go in, even if it didn’t feel right. But would anything have jolted me into changing anything? Would there have been enough leverage and pain to cause me to seek a different path?

    This time last year my on-line business was going from strength to strength and growing at an alarming rate. BUT something wasn’t right. I gave up the classes as I longed to give up, passive income was coming in and I became a digital marketer of my business. What sounds wrong with that? …………..I was miserable!

    I was chasing the wrong goal. I was so unhappy spending all my time at my desk. I missed people, my clients, the diversity that my previous business had given me. My passion was and creativity was being sucked right out of me.

    So to cut a long story short. The events of this year caused me to stop (consciously or sub-consciously who knows). I physically and mentally shut down. This could have been seen as a disaster. But stopping enabled me to reevaluate, take stock and ask some important questions about my business and my life. What was missing?

    I brought back the things I loved. Presenting, courses, networking. ALL the things that gave me joy. I incorporated fresh new challenges such as cooking in front of a live audience and going back to college to pursue my new love of Marketing! Developing an exciting health and fitness retreat with a chef at a resort in the French Alps next Summer. All as a direct result of allowing evolution and growing.

    My journey in 2013 has brought about some amazing changes for me, my family and my business. Ones that would not have occurred had I not faced adversity this year. I can’t wait for 2014 #bringiton

    Big love, small tummies –
    Jill Gardner – The Fat Controller www.hateitchangeit.co.uk

    The Art of Allowing
    by Jo De Rosa

    What if you let go of control and allowed life to be what’s it’s meant to? Could you do it? Would you do it? How caught up in control are you?

    Addiction for me was all about control, and finally letting go and allowing the flow of life to come rushing through me was liberating to say the least, but not an easy step to take. It’s easy to hold on tight and control, because we’ve done it our whole lives.

    Imagine yourself holding on tight to the side of a strong river, and the fear you feel because you don’t know where the river leads.
    Your hands are bleeding and your arms aching because fear quite literally has gripped you. This is control: even though it hurts us we keep on doing something simply because it is what we have always done. The possibility of what is downstream is too scary because we continue to think inside the box.

    What if you let go?
    What if you trusted that it would be ok, and maybe just maybe, more than ok -how about AMAZING! A whole new world that you’ve never experienced before because you’ve never had the courage to.

    Try it today. Let go. Float down the rapids of life, and see where it takes you. Accept what comes because it has to, for you to learn the lessons you need to, to be the best you possibly can be.

    What does it feel like to be free now? Floating at speed down the river looking up at the sky and just letting it all be…..no need to control anymore. Lessening the grip of control and finding peace, acceptance and allowing.

    Allowing Meditation
    Now sit quietly with your back straight, and connect first fingers and thumbs together. Close you eyes.
    Start to become aware of sounds far away from you. Outside in the distance. Then sounds that are closer, in the house, then closer still in the room. Maybe your tummy is rumbling?!

    Allow the sounds space, and each one reminding you to be present. Rather than get annoyed with them, accept them. Why resist something that you have no control over? Let go and let them be……
    Perhaps you can hear a car driving past or people talking. Maybe you can hear the hum of the washing machine or your dog whining on the other side of the door. Acknowledge these things and then let them go…..and maybe, just maybe there is a gap in between them. A silence. A moment of peace…

    Sit for as long as you have. I use an app called ‘Insight Timer’ which plays a Tibetan Singing Bowl at certain intervals which draws your mind back into the present every time you hear it. This is what I actually use in my meditation sessions, and the app is also great in the absence of the real thing!

    In our sound meditation we learn to accept. And we meditate to change ourselves from the inside, so when we have finished our sound meditation we take this acceptance out into our day and share it with everyone that we meet.

    We allow life to take it’s course, we flow with the river rather than swimming upstream against it, and all of a sudden everything becomes easier x

    Web:  www.innerguidance.co.uk/addictions
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2013

    Peace on Earth & Goodwill To All Men………& Women
    By Andrew Crawford

    Break out those Louis Vuitton purses, Gucci if you will (wallets if you’re a geezer…I prefer Mulberry), shake the dust from those £20 & £50 notes, search through the sock drawer or the bottom of the wardrobe……Why?? ..…Santa’s Coming………..!!!

    You KNOW that I know that we know that you got those ‘hidden’ crinkelies….tee hee)…!!!

    This is the season of goodwill to all men…………..and women….as the lovely Claire Baker from Surrey knows too well (don’t  cha?)…..ha ha ha…..!!!

    But before we chomp on the mince pies, stuff the turkey, buy the presents, put up the tree, decorate with lights, stock up on booze, polish the silver, find the diamond, gulp the warm mulled wine, break out the mistletoe and flirt with the boss …tradegy struck this week. In many forms.

    This weekend Paul Crouch passed away. The founder of the largest TV network in the world. He has done great things to help people in this world. But there is no mention of this in the media. When celebrities die people go crazy. No disrespect to Paul Walker. But this is wrong on so many different levels as we have lost our priorities.

    His driver Roger Rodas hardly got a mention….!!! Oh…..you didn’t know his name??

    In Scotland – 9 Souls were lost but this hardly received much coverage. In my opinion.

    Junior Murvin – Died on Tuesday. Singer of ’Police & Thieves’ a popular reggae tune.

    Mr Saul – Died yesterday. He was my neighbour in Tooting, London

    Steve Wilson – Died this morning Thursday in Ireland

    Mrs Wilson – His mother also died today Thursday evening in the UK. How strange it that??

    I wanted to mention these and hope that they all rest in peace. I’m sure there are many more that we could add to that list………………

    The media is truly slanted.

    1 person dies and 100 million cry.
    I million die and no one cares.

    Peace on Earth & Goodwill To All Men & Women
    So Andrew……

    Pray tell us……What has Earth and Goodwill got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well both are assets and assets are used within your business. Granted that one of them is an intangible assets and it’s value would need to be determined.

    Assets are therefore valuable and in some cases, they are expensive. They would usually come in the form of plant, machinery, cars or equipment. How would you claim for these against your income?

    Come in the Annual Investment Allowance & Capital Allowance

    Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)

    The AIA provides a 100% deduction for the cost of plant and machinery purchased by a business up to an annual limit.
    For a period of two years from 1 January 2013 the limit has increased from £25,000 to £250,000
    Complex legislation provides details of transitional provisions where a business has an accounting period that straddles 1 January 2013:
    the overall AIA limit for the transitional period has to be calculated by reference to old and new annual limits

    there are potential further constraints for the maximum AIA relief in the sub-periods ending before or after 1 January 2013.

    A company has a 12 month accounting period ending on 30 June 2013 (which starts on 1 July 2012). The AIA will be £137,500 (£25,000 x ½ + £250,000 x ½).
    However for expenditure incurred before 1 January 2013 the maximum allowance will be the AIA that would have been due for the whole of the accounting period to 30 June 2013 if the increase in the AIA had not taken place. This would have meant that the company would have been entitled to £25,000 for the 12 months and so this is the limit for the six months to 31 December 2012.
    On 1 January 2015, the AIA will revert back to £25,000. This will mean that the same company will have an AIA in later periods as follows:
    Accounting period to 30 June 2014                £250,000?Accounting period to 30 June 2015                £137,500

    Capital allowances and cars

    A 100% first year allowance (FYA) is available on new low emission cars purchased by a business. The current rule is that a 100% FYA is generally available where a car’s emissions do not exceed 110gm/km.

    The availability of a 100% FYA is to continue for purchases as follows:
    for the two years from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2015 but only where emissions do not exceed 95gm/km and then

    for a further three years from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018 but only where emissions do not exceed 75gm/km.

    Cars with emissions between 111-160gm/km inclusive currently qualify for main rate Writing Down Allowance (18%). The threshold is to be revised down to 130gm/km for additions from 6 April 2013 for income tax (1 April 2013 for companies).

    Comment?There are over 150 models that can be purchased in 2012/13 which qualify for a 100% FYA. If the purchase is deferred to 2013/14, the number falls to less than 30.

    100% Capital allowances
    100% FYAs on capital expenditure are available for certain classes of assets but exclusions apply

    Enhanced capital allowances of 100% are also available on qualifying plant and machinery expenditure under the energy-saving and water efficient technology schemes. Each year the qualifying technologies and products are reviewed and additions and deletions made. All amendments are subject to State aid approval and the lists will be updated by Treasury Order in summer 2013.

    Supposing I have 2 Cars?

    If you own 2 cars and are using both for your business, then I recommend   you do the following.
    Use one car totally for your business and claim the business %
    With the other car, claim business mileage at £0.45 per mile up until 10,000 miles, thereafter £0.25 per mile.
    What happens to the capital allowance in scenario 1?

    For expenditure incurred on cars, costs are generally allocated to one of the two plant and machinery pools.

    For expenditure incurred on or after 6 April 2013 (1 April 2013 for companies) cars with CO2 emissions not exceeding 130gm/km (previously 160gm/km) receive an 18% allowance p.a.

    Cars with CO2 emissions over 130gm/km (160gm/km) receive an 8% allowance p.a.

    So for example: If you are self-employed and spent £20,000 on a car that you use 100 per cent for your business that has CO2 emissions of 165g/km, the calculation is as follows:
    Cost of car = £10,000?WDA deducted (£10,000 x 8%) = £800?Value to carry forward = £9,200?
    Capital allowance you can claim = £800

    Note that there are special rules for cars that are not used wholly for business purposes,

    In scenario 2, the capital allowance is subsumed within the £0.45….!!!

    How do I Claim 100% deduction Andrew?

    I knew you would ask this…!!
    Buy a new unused car with CO2 emissions under 95gm/km……Boom..!!!
    Or a van..!!


    Miss Claire Baker and all…

    Not sure if you saw this? A new service for Fitpros was launched last week.  What I like about it is that everything is done for you already.  I mentioned something similar like it at a workshop earlier this year. I still think there’s still room for others just like it. Check here for the full details.
    If you want to remind yourself how to do the calculation for car expenses click here to download the pdf.
    Now go in Peace and make the Earth Good for All Men & Women if You Will.

    Andrew James Crawford

    Have a wonderful day
    Love always

    Rachel x

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