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  • Instructor Newsletter 4th July 2013

    Another week flies by and here is another bumper edition of the C2GO newsletter and this week we have a brilliant new contributor, the one and only Miss Jenny Burrell from Burrell Education. Many of you will know Jenny and have attended her workshops – you may even be part of her Fou Fou fan club and I know you will find her enlightening article inspiring.


    We have added another Fitness Pilates 2 day certification in September and this is already booking up. Demand is so high now for the FP courses that I will be releasing the 2014 dates by the end of the week.

    Final weekend for Kelly

    Kelly has stormed the UK with the Fitness Pilates Focus Tour which has had absolutely amazing feedback. A huge thank you goes to everyone that has joined Kelly so far.  We are over the moon with how Fitness Pilates is progressing. This weekend Kelly will be in Chelmsford and Derby so if you are teetering on the edge of booking grab a last minute place now. https://www.choreographytogo.com/fitness-pilates-focus-2013/


    New Kick Start Fat Loss 11 Day Beach Body Goddess Detox is starting on Monday 8th July if you want to jump on here is the link.


    90 Day Coaching and Mentoring Course is Back


    I launched this course 3 years ago and had amazing success with everyone I worked with. Jill Gardener, Katie Bulmer-Cook, Sally Ghafoor, Claire Mockridge, Cori Withell, Becky Lane and many more Instructors who have gone on to create products, programmes, online income streams and much more for their fitness businesses. The course contains priceless indepth content and you will have access to of the material in one go. All 12 weeks worth of videos, webinars, audios, step by step plans everything all together to be accessed at any time.

    As summer is a great time to take stock of your business its a wonderful opportunity for you to work though the content and start building a sustainable and  successful fitness online and offline business immediately. The new package launches tomorrow so check your email early to grab one of the special offers on the programme.


    Are your clients draining your energy by Rachel Holmes


    Don’t you just love it when you get new class members and clients and you just click with them.  Although they are paying you for your expertise you leave every session energised and happy, you have great conversation and this client is making leaps and bounds with their goals, fitness and results. Every session is so enjoyable and a joy to teach, you are on the same wave length and possibly over time these clients/class members even become your friends. I just love that when it happens but what about the clients and class members that seem to drain the marrow from your bones, in total contrast you leave every session feeling lifeless, empty and shattered. This client is not making progress, you seem to do all of the work, even simple conversation seems negative and stilted, you are watching the clock the whole time and even though you try your absolute best with new music, ideas, motivation and bags of enthusiasm, you cannot seem to move this client – there isn’t a click, and try as hard as you can you just can’t seem to force it.


    I think we have all have been there. I can guarantee that you will have some people in your client pool who are killing you. Maybe they don’t pay you on time, perhaps they are always late/leave early, just unresponsive, don’t take your advice and I bet you are hanging on because it’s good money and you don’t want to let go of a reliable paying customer especially in bumpy times, but you leave every session feeling drained and tired out.


    I’ve been thinking about this a lot in my own fitness business. None of us want to spend time with people who suck our energy. It’s a no win situation – you are not happy and I doubt the client is that enthralled either, so how can we make sure we attract the “CLICKERS”, the folk we click with and every session is a joy as opposed to the “DRAINERS”

    You KNOW there is a certain group of people out there who you could get phenomenal  results from, can change their life, can get them in amazing shape, which really is a win win.


    I reckon it comes back down to your client avatar and knowing totally and precisely exactly WHO you want to work with. If you want to work with go getters, action takers, positive thinkers and people that want to come and train with you or be coached by you then you have to make that clear. You have to put it out there, you don’t have to put it in you marketing or on Facebook, you just have to know exactly the characteristics of your ideal customer.


    Drill down exactly who you want to work with. Work out what the Top 10 attributes are that your IDEAL client needs to be…. I mean exactly to a T, make a list mentally or on your phone and visualise this ideal person, imagine working with them and training them, think about the jaw dropping results you can get for this client group. If someone wants to work with you they have to confirm to your attributes.


    Come up with a clear list and use this as a filter next time someone wants to work with you. Chat to them, find out their expectations and explain exactly what you expect.


    I’d love to hear what your Top 10 Client attributes are – please tweet me @RachelHolmes and let me know.


    Audio Books are the Key to Success in Business.

    Motivation, Self-Development & LIFE by Rachel 


    You know I like to bang on about audio books but I read a fab post by one of my favorite authors, Seth Godin who I’ve listened to all of his audio books and it just reminded me to give you all a nudge.


    I spend a lot of time in my car, as probably you do. I LOVE to listen to audio books on my travels and I truly believe they have changed my thinking on so many subjects for the better. I have learnt so many business tips, ideas, systems and strategies and many of my fitness business ideas, positive thinking, confidence and self-development is down to listening to audio books. I also love reading but at night after one page I’m away dreaming so audio books are the way forward. PLUS, with an iphone I just download them all to that so don’t even have to take an ipod around with me.


    Anyway us FITPROS need things to motivate us, to keep us fresh and exciting and irresistibly in love with our classes and clients, so a quick audio book blast between classes is just the tonic I highly recommend.


    As the fab Mr Godin says on his blog post…. “Audio books rewire your brain and I definitely think they help with your self-confidence, motivation, self-talk and general “I can do it” attitude. HEAR HEAR I say all the way.

    If you are new to audio books then try 20 minutes a day every day for a month. One listen isn’t enough, you have to keep listening over and over until  you are not sure if the audiobook voice is yours or the author’s! I’ve listened to some of my favourites over and over and over again, because you always get something new with every listen.

    Here’s my Favorites


    1. The Secret – I know all the words to this one!
    2. All Seth Godin Books but especially Purple Cow / Linchpin and Tribes
    3. Richard Branson – Screw it Lets do it
    4. Brain Tracy – I have every copy of every audio book he has, they are all GOLD
    5. Richard Branson – Business Stripped Bare
    6. Michael Heppell – Flip It – total classic and you’ll love Heppell reading this
    7. Terry Leahy – Rules
    8. Gary Vaynerchuck – Crush It – LOVE this soo much, again I know all the words
    9. How to stay motivated Zig Zigler – old but still really useful


    Jayne Nicholls

    They say that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings can ultimately cause a tornado in the butterfly theory of chaos. How true this is, in the world of health and fitness. In a society where even children binge drink, Macdonald’s remains prevalent in any town and retail park, disease, illness, obesity and apathy are rife, you would think that every fit pro would be run off their feet with client waiting lists – wouldn’t you? I have 2 hobbies that I perform on a weekly basis, one is horse riding and the other is CrossFit. When I look for face to face or online advice on horse riding, I get it in an instant, very different but always useful, when I look for the same inspiration for CrossFit, I have to wade through a barrage of abuse on how bad it is for me by the very people who do not do it, have not ever done it and worse, are my peers. Now riding horses is dangerous because they rarely walk in a straight line and have the potential to react to any slight noise, other animals, people or change in the wind resulting in me going straight over the top at speed onto the ground which at my height is a long way down. Why are these belligerent, intolerant and judgmental attitudes so prevalent right now? Why would I feel more comfortable going onto Facebook to tell people that I sell crack to children in playgrounds than discuss my Herbalife business and the brilliant results it gets. Next week I am doing a live chat with Bobby Cappuccio on meal replacements, he would never take them which is why he does not advocate them, unlike me who takes them every day and functions all the better for doing so. We discuss our choices, we discuss our results but at no point do we insult each other (publically) or degrade one another’s knowledge on our informed choices.


    So to anyone out there who is currently bowing to peer group pressure at any level whether it is what you teach, eat, sell or wear, please raise your head up and be proud of who you are. just get back in the saddle, look forward and do as I do, hang on for grim death.


    Jayne Nicholls

    Group X Training Ltd


    0208 488 1451



    Why You Might Need To Start Your Business From Scratch Again! Jenny Burrell



    First things first, I’m truly honoured to have been asked to write for C2Go!  As a long-time weekly reader myself, being asked to share my thoughts with fellow FitPro’s is indeed a proud moment!


    Ok, so not totally from scratch but for sure, if your business doesn’t have you rising each morning, super passionate about spreading your message, going beyond the call of duty as a matter of course, and getting loyal clients great results….guess what?  YOU NEED TO STOP! and do whatever it takes to start making this happen and your long summer break is probably the best time to a do a STATE OF THE UNION business assessment.

    Every year, thousands of us sit through thousands of courses, workshops and conventions and amongst all the information that’s imparted, I think this major nugget is nearly ALWAYS missing: ‘To run a truly successful business that makes great money AND consequently gives you the freedom to actually enjoy your life you need to be IN LOVE with your business because getting that success will take consistent elbow grease in liberal amounts.  And only LOVE will keep you going when the going gets tough – because things WILL get tough’!

    About 8 years ago, I completely stopped teaching group exercise and I remember the exact moment when I knew I needed to go!  I walked into a packed class (one of over 20!) with a manufactured smile and smashed out a class with maximum caffeine-fuelled energy and zero heart.  As I packed up, I caught myself in the mirror and was struck by reflection.  I looked bored, tired and I simply couldn’t remember why I had even started doing this work.  Ooops! The next week, I started handing in my notice or closing the classes and moved full-time into PT and education.


    So fast forward to a few months ago, guess where I am?  Back teaching classes (albeit only 2 of them!) and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!  So what new, what’s different?  I started from scratch again.  I committed myself to creating a results-based system that not only the clients would love but that I LOVED! Doh!  I took time to create a programme that makes ME feel fabulous when I deliver it and based it on sound principles that helps clients solve a BIG problem!  I made it empathetic, totally and unashamedly woman-centric and thorough – clients have homework that I ensure is DONE!  The movement is delicious, the music is delicious and in what turns out to have been a master stroke – I allotted time for the women to TALK at the end of every class to build true community and for me to truly listen and help them!  In short, I made my programme something I would l want to attend.

    But please don’t think th

    t I’m doing a Polly Anna because I will totally confess that when I started my fitness career most of this stuff WAS NOT on my radar or in place.  I enjoyed my work most days and numbers were great because I had the skills and energy but my job satisfaction was poor, there was no depth in what I was doing, I wasn’t ensuring clients were getting results, there was little true depth in my level of contact with the clients and in the end it meant the time doing this work was worth less and less.  Ultimately, I ended feeling that I might just be wasting valuable time.

    What I would have loved someone to have told me 8 years ago was that we are both allowed to and deserved to create the work we want to do.  We’re allowed to and absolutely can create our ideal working situation – work that inspires and fulfils.  We’re allowed to and should create something that means something and that it’s NEVER TOO LATE to re-imagine, revitalize and re-construct your business so that you get to fall in love all over again!



    Cliff Hanger At Wimbledon

    By Andrew Crawford


    Before I get into my short article today here’s a  ***** Warning *****

    Tonight I received an email from a client with the following subject line.

    Subject : Tax Refund New Message Alert!

    Here is a copy of the full email in full.


    HMRC 2013
    LOCAL OFFICE No. 3819
    TAX REFUND ID NUMBER: 384116214

    Dear Applicant,

    The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential
    and as
    applicable, copyright in these is reserved to HM Revenue &
    Unless expressly authorised by us, any further dissemination or
    distribution of this email or its attachments is prohibited.

    If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please reply
    inform us that you have received this email in error and then
    delete it
    without retaining any copy.

    I am sending this email to announce: After the last annual
    calculation of
    your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to
    receive a
    tax refund of 244.79 GBP

    You have attached the tax return form with the TAX REFUND NUMBER
    ID: 384116214
    complete the tax return form attached to this message.

    After completing the form, please submit the form by clicking the
    button on form and allow us 5-9 business days in order to process

    Our head office address can be found on our web site at HM
    Revenue & Customs: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/


    Finch Blake,
    HMRC Tax Credit Office
    TAX REFUND ID: UK384116214-HMRC

    © Copyright 2013, HM Revenue & Customs UK All rights reserved.


    Looks REAL doesn’t it??

    Well it’s b*ll*x

    • Do not open the attachments to this email (I’m sure it’s a virus)
    • Do not complete your banking details
    • Delete the mofo


    Some observations.

    Who uses the word ‘fiscal activity’?

    Tax refund ID number should be your Unique Tax Reference    (UTR)

    Strange thing is that I haven’t done the client’s 2013 Tax Return yet…!!


    One year I clicked through onto the website and it looked EXACTLY as the real payment site……however HMRC deposits your Tax Refund directly into your account or they send you a cheque in your name as it appears on your tax return.


    They never send an email.


    Now back to Wimbledon.


    When I was an innocent school boy at one of the Merton schools, I was chosen to be a ‘Ball Boy’.  I was on court Number One. My friend got on Centre Court.


    We had 8 weeks of balls skills. We learnt how to roll the ball along the floor without it bouncing and in a straight line, One bounce on the floor to the racket of the player, changing to ‘new balls’ etc etc….boring to you but still exciting to me. I still find myself watching them and seeing their faults.


    Anyhows…..Andy Murray had the British public on the edge of their expensive Winbledon hard wooden seats. Strawberries stuck in their throats as Andy fought his way back from 2 set down…to win!!! Cliffhanger.

    So Andrew, what has Wimbledon and the bogus emails regarding fake refunds got to do with Accountancy and Tax?



    It’s all about the ‘Greens’….cyash…moolah…dosh


    HM Revenue & Customs is set to snatch £93m from people who file their tax returns after the end of this month. And the fines could go  up by £9.3m a day after that.

    Maximising penalties is now an obligation for Revenue officers. HMRC will not show any leniency on penalties.

    I have seen the changes in the authorities movements.

    Indeed, there have been accusations that the government body is being overzealous in misusing the penalty system to boost its coffers.


    Oh…….and another thing…….


    If you have a company and you owe tax, make sure you pay the tax on time…Why?


    Well apart from the late fee they charge, the blighters ‘Phone’ you now to chase their greens (money)…the day AFTER it is due……..Have Mercy…Would you believe that??


    If you don’t get your online return in by 31 January (for you guys and gals who are self-employed), there is an fixed penalty of £100. If you’re more than three months late, there’s a further fine of £900.

    The minimum penalty for a very late offender – 12 months or more – will be £1,600. Previously it was just £200.

    On the other side of the net can you remember the story about HM Revenue and Customs and the investment bank Goldman Sachs ??


    Briefly…..one of the heads of the HMRC was ‘ courted’ by Goldman Sachs, and other another big business, both being closely matched, and coerced the HMRC to ‘write off’ millions and in case billions of pounds in tax….!!!


    Yesterday the High Court ruled……”……It was flawed, but not illegal…”


    WTF…..!!!  So £20m – £30m of tax is written off………POOF……Just like that…!! Unfair advantage..!!


    This gets me very angry because ‘ordinary’ small businesses suffer and do not benefit from such luxuries as the write off of their tax due…..on the contrary Mr Empire, spectators are not used to watching this…. they will come down on you and your business ‘love, set & match’…..game over…!!!


    “Ball Change………!!!!”


    Hold on for the ride…..You can’t Hurry a Murray has left us with a Cliff Hanger at Wimbledon.


    See ya soon …


    Andrew ‘I’ll Be Doing Some Heavy Tax Planning’ Crawford


    Ps Send my batch of strawberries, cream and an ice cold bottle of veuve to my address…..I’ll think of you whilst consuming & fuming…tee hee





    Do you pee during your workouts?

    By Claire Mockridge

    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert


    Hi there C2Goers,


    So, have you heard of CrossFit?  Do you do CrossFit or maybe even teach it yourself?  It’s a pretty intense workout, no question, and it’s sweeping across America like a storm, and unless you’ve had your head in the sand this last year (and last week in particular), you’ll realise it’s gaining more and more popularity in the UK too.


    So, let me now refer you to this YouTube video here: http://youtu.be/UKzq1upNIgU  It’s filmed at the USA Central East Regional CrossFit 2013 Finals recently and touches on an issue known as:  EIUL = Exercise-induced, Urinary Leakage.


    My questions to you are: 1) Do you pee during your workouts?  and 2) Do you think it’s ok to pee during your workouts?  If you answered “yes” to the first question, and “yes” to the second, then, umm…we kind of have a problem here.  As an Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert who deals with women who have weakened pelvic floor muscles, I can, without a shadow of a doubt, say: “It’s most definitely NOT ok to pee during your workouts.”.  Ok?


    My Twitter and Facebook feed went mental earlier last week when the CrossFit video was first released, with a never-ending stream of backlash from Women’s Health Experts, Pelvic Floor Specialists and Physiotherapy Associations stating: “It’s NOT ok to pee during your workouts.”.


    Did you get to the part of the video where a (seemingly) qualified Gynaecologist gets up, shakes the interviewer’s hand and says: “I do about 10 Double Unders and I’m standing in a puddle.  It ain’t pretty.”…and then goes on to state: “Ladies, in my professional opinion, as a Gynaecologist, it’s ok to pee during Double Unders.”.  Well, you can kind of probably already gauge my reaction to that, can’t you?  I’m with the Experts above: “It’s NOT ok to pee during your workouts.”.


    Good publicity, or bad, the video’s got CrossFit on the map, but at the same time, it’s raised a rather sensitive issue, which I’m sure several of you reading this can identify with.  How’s your pelvic floor?  Did you return to teaching too soon after having had a baby?  Are you now paying the price for doing so?  Have you had to alter the way you teach and/or omit certain movements in your classes, through fear of peeing yourself?  Are you a guy who wakes up every night, without fail, for a wee?


    These are a real-life scenarios, and what I’m trying to raise awareness of in this article ISN’T the fact that it’s ok to pee during your workouts, because I think most of us get that.  What I’m trying to point out here is that as soon as the execution of exercise, whether it be Pilates, CrossFit or Les Mills etc becomes too intensive, in my eyes, it’s no longer deemed safe and effective, and it’s at this point that you need to seriously re-think your role as a FitPro.


    If you’d like to chat to me about functional pelvic floor exercise, do get in touch.  I’m a bit of a pelvic floor geek to be honest, so am more than happy to help.


    Bye for now.




    Claire Mockridge


    Have a wonderful week and please pass this newsletter on to all of your fitness friends and colleagues





    Love Rachel xx

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