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  • Instructor Newsletter 26th November

    Instructor Newsletter 26th November 2015

    How are you?

    We seem to be in the midst of Christmas
    count down it all seems to
    happening so fast this year.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends


    The Kick Start Fat Loss Revolution Book
    is finally finished!

    It’s been a mammoth 2 year task.

    I’ve put together recipe books in the past
    but this project has been something else, I’m self publishing and will be releasing near Christmas

    Juicer Information

    Have you gone into Juicing yet?

    It is just THE easiest way to get your veggies in
    & we have been trialling tons of
    Juicers to find one that is fast, easy and super easy to clean.

    Our current favourite is the
    Salter Fast Juicer – basically no chopping and faffing about before, straight in and
    pure juice comes out.

    Check out our review here

    Nova 6 Updates

    Our Nova programme that runs in Virgin Active Health Clubs
    is still going strong and yesterday we filmed Nova 6 which will launch
    in January.

    We have had so much feedback from
    Instructors wanting to teach Unite which is what NOVA originally
    started life as.

    We are looking at the feasibility of
    creating a 6 Release UNITE package
    so 2 years worth of content
    so tweet me or @JayneNicholls if you are interested.


    Black Friday Periscope Party

    Are you on PERISCOPE yet?

    It is so awesome.  Even if you are not broadcasting there are SO Many amazing
    Scopers broadcasting some exceptional content.

    Tomorrow we are going to be trailing something for fun as it’s Black Friday.

    A live QVC style show selling all kinds of fitness Instructor related
    Music, DVDS, Books, Clothing, Apparel… If nothing else I hope it will be entertaining!

    So if you want to pick up some bargains (or just have a laugh at us) tune into to
    Periscope at 7am
    & 11am.

    Follow me on Periscope @RachelHolmes


    Kick Start Pop Up Diary Week 3
    Creating the POP UP Studio

    timetable was brilliant I LOVED being a

    “studio owner” for 3 weeks but my

    goodness it was tiring and hard work.



    Here is a quick round up of the final week

    before normal life resumed.


    I hope it inspires you.


    Monday 16th Detox

    The Detox group are looking

    fantastic and really staying focused.


    Tuesday 17th

    Bollywood themed night.


    A Bollywood class followed by some clean curry for dinner!


    Here is the recipe from the night.
    Wednesday 18th

    UNITE with Rachel &  Jayne


    Thursday 19th

    Precision conditioning with Rachel followed by

    Owen’s self defence workshop. See Owen King’s fighter training website HERE

    Saturday 21st

    Makeover day for the detox ladies! Thanks to The Works Hair and beauty for the fantastic work they did! The ladies looked fantastic (final transformation pics to come! ).

    Sunday 22nd


    STRUTOLOGY with Zoe McNulty



    This was a fabulous and empowering day to close the pop up studio!


    Thanks to everyone who took part and got involved with the Kick Start Pop Up studio.


    It really was a dream come true to create the first pop up of it’s kind in Nottingham and to see the fabulous transformations that came from it!


    Watch this space for more future Kick Start Pop Ups around the UK

    in 2016




    Written By The Heart
    by Jo De Rosa

    I chose to spend last weekend in Birmingham surrounded with people who think like me: the half FULL kind.
    In front of inspirational speakers for two whole days means I now have a ton of notes, quotes, and ideas to take myself to the next level.

    I choose to consume nutritious high vibrational foods and drinks, stopping off at the supermarket on route to the midlands to stock up on salad, houmous, water and other healthy snacks. I know that there will not be my kind of choices at the hotel, so my choice is to take food with me.

    On social media I choose to be connected with positive, like-minded souls and my timeline is full of hope, optimism and love.

    I choose not to watch the news or read newspapers as it is my belief that we are fed half-truths full of fear to keep us small and controlled.
    Instead I fill my head and heart with love.

    There is no room for fear here.
    It is unwelcome and unwanted.

    Choose fear or love in your life.
    Because EVERYTHING comes from one or the other.
    And YOU have a choice.

    On my social media there have been two influential people who’s voices have been welcome to me in this latest recent round of violence and destruction. Both of the following posts appeared to me more than once, and both sing from my song-sheet: a tune of love.

    The first is from HH Dalai Lama. At the end of one of his talks someone from the audience asked him,
    “Why didn’t you fight back against the Chinese?”
    The Dalai Lama looked down, swung his feet just a bit, then looked back up and said with a gentle smile,
    “Well, war is obsolete, you know.”
    Then, after a few moments, his face grave, he said,
    “Of course the mind can rationalise fighting back … but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you.”

    Retaliation or revenge will never work, why on earth do we think that it could?! For has tit for tat ever got us anywhere, from the playground into adulthood?

    The second message of inspiration came from Marianne Williamson, the Author, Speaker and American Congressional candidate who last year ran for a seat in the U.S House of Representatives.

    “The world has entered into a full on state of global crisis. All of us are integrating the realization that nothing will ever again be quite the same for our generation. The question before us now — as seekers, as global citizens, as lovers of the world — is not just what do we need to do, but who do we need to be in order to do it? We have before us a challenge that only the most evolved civilization can meet effectively, calling each of us to fast, to meditate, to pray, to do whatever it is we need to do to ready ourselves, to purify ourselves, and surrender ourselves for the task at hand. Each of us will be assigned our part, how we ourselves can help uplift the energy and prepare the ground, heal broken hearts and work the miracles that will bring down the Light that disperses darkness. And darkness, in time, will be no more. Amen”

    I absolutely believe this.
    I know that I am currently being trained to get ready for a new start, a new reality, a new way of being.

    A reality where we are directed by love instead of fear.
    I am one of the people that Marianne is talking about.
    Are you?
    Are you living in fear or love?
    Are you part of the problem or solution?
    Are you getting broiled up in the media shit-storm?
    Are you ready for transformation, transmutation, and a new world.

    This to me is not ‘woowoo’, this is real.
    This is fundamental to our survival as a race.
    And the time is NOW to step up and BE THE CHANGE.

    For the last couple of weeks since the Paris attacks, our dining room table has been the scene of many discussions about what our planet now faces, and we are all in agreement: LOVE IS THE ANSWER.

    And I can see very clearly how WE HOLD THE POWER as the old ways of thinking fall away, and make way for LOVE. And these souls sitting around our table are our world’s future leaders as the power shift is happening, and being redistributed to US.

    It is up to you to RAISE YOURSELF UP with the company you keep, food you eat and how you conduct yourself on social media. You create your own destiny with your actions, words, thoughts, beliefs and frequency.
    And now is the time for us to all have an awareness of whether we are raising our vibration or lowering it.

    We are standing right in the middle of the dawn of a new frontier.
    Which way are you going?
    Back the way we came from: living in stress, fear and denial?
    Or are you, like me, taking a stand and living life in a new way?

    There is no room for fear here.
    It is unwelcome and unwanted.

    The easiest way of connecting to love is through meditation.
    It connects us to our love, and we can then maintain that vibration all day.
    We end up sharing it with everyone that we meet because this frequency becomes who we are.
    We raised our game.
    It’s how we become the change: by BEING it.

    So as everyone else is feeling saddened and fearful about terrorism and allowing the outside world to make them feel depressed, why don’t you flip it? Take control, connect with love, and then watch as your happiness radiates outwards reaching the rest of the world.

    Because my world is full of love.
    And that is my choice.

    My body has even started to manifest love: on my left (writing) hand my veins have created a heart shape. It’s bizarre, weird and I can’t explain it, but it’s there. The words in this blog (and in my book) are being formed directly by my heart, and this love has manifested in my hand!
    Photos are on our Facebook page, so come on over and check it out!
    And if you want to begin meditating I am starting a December challenge:??MEDITATE FOR 5 MINUTES EVERYDAY!

    And I will be on our Facebook page everyday giving support and motivation to get your home meditation practice started.

    Everyone else is going to be stressed by the time Christmas gets here, but YOU are going to experience the festive period with ease, flow and enjoyment if you can commit to just 5 minutes of meditation a day.

    Are you going to join me?
    I hope so!
    See you over on Facebook…..

    I can’t wait to assist you. But if you want to get started NOW then hop on over to our website and check out my meditation downloads and courses.

    What are you waiting for?
    Get meditating today!!!!
    And let me know how you get on xx

    Web:  www.innerguidance.co.uk/meditation
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidanceRetreatCentre
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2015




    Tit for Tat

    By Andrew Crawford

    A Russian aircraft was blasted out of the skies by Syrian Rebels.

    In a ‘Tit for Tat’ move, the Russians launched airstrikes to avenge their loss.

    In other….not so Political news……

    In ’I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ 3 contestants fair and square won the luxury night of great food, crisp clean soft comfy bath robes, a big hot bubble bath (my favourite) and a BIG bed capable of holding all 3. Whilst the others remained in the main dry and dusty camp around a camp fire who had to cook and prepare their own food.

    In a ‘Tit for Tat’ move one contestant refused to ‘serve them’ and convinced others not to do the same. This caused resentment and arguments the following day as they were not following the ‘spirit of the game’.

    In another highly viewed dance programme, aka Strictly, the losing contestant who was ceremoniously booted off the show in favour of a more ‘popular’ entertaining individual known for his iconic song ‘Mysterious Girl’ felt avenged.

    In a ‘Tit for Tat’ move that loosing contestant, known as Jamelia, went on the Loose Women show and claimed that despite her having  the higher mark the BBC bosses ‘fixed it’ for Peter Andre to remain on the show and that his standing ovation was faked.

    She said that “…Peter did not get the reaction viewers were shown when he faced her in the dance-off on Sunday night….”

    That’s the power of the media.

    What is seen is not always what is real……!! (Just like the ‘slip up’ the other night that Olly Murs did)
    So Andrew,

    What has ‘Tit for Tat’ got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Tax credits have been in the news and this is one issue the Chancellor George Osborne was expected to review in the Autumn Statement.

    In a ‘Tit for Tat’ move the House of Lords voted to reject the Statutory Instrument which contained the cut backs to tax credits.

    So he has promised to ‘continue to reform tax credits…while at the same time lessening the impact on families during the transition’.

    The key changes originally proposed were:
    lowering the income threshold for Working Tax Credits from £6,420 to £3,850 a year from April 2016

    increasing the rate at which those payments are cut. Currently, for every £1 claimants earn above the threshold, they lose 41p. It was proposed that from April 2016, the taper rate would accelerate to 48p.

    There were some tax issues which may also be progressed in the Autumn Statement these include:

    IR35 – following a period of discussion proposals are expected to be announced to reform the system and operation of taxation which applies to personal service companies.

    Pensions tax relief – limiting the amount of tax reliefs for pensions. The government has been consulting to establish whether the tax relief system provides incentives for individuals to save and that the costs of pension tax relief are affordable.

    So what happened yesterday?

    If you want the FULL review, go here…….


    In summary….

    The personal allowance will be increased to £11,000 for 2016/17 and to £11,200 in 2017/18.

    The basic rate limit will be increased to £32,000 for 2016/17 and to £32,400 for 2017/18.

    The higher rate threshold will therefore rise to £43,000 in 2016/17 and £43,600 in 2017/18

    Attack on the Dividends from 6 April 2016:

    the 10% dividend tax credit is abolished with the result that the cash dividend received will be the gross amount potentially subject to tax

    a new Dividend Tax Allowance charges the first £5,000 of dividends received in a tax year at 0%

    for dividends above £5,000, new rates of tax on dividend income will be 7.5% for basic rate taxpayers, 32.5% for higher rate taxpayers and 38.1% for additional rate taxpayers.

    In 2015/16 the overall ISA savings limit is £15,240 and this level will be maintained for 2016/17

    Tax credits
    A number of changes to tax credits and Universal Credit were announced in the July Budget but the Chancellor has scrapped some of the changes following a ‘Tit for Tat’defeat of the proposals by the House of Lords.
    The government has confirmed that:
    The rate at which a tax credit claimant’s award is reduced as each pound of their income exceeds the income threshold (known as the taper rate) will remain at 41% of gross income from April 2016.

    The level of income at which a claimant’s tax credit award begins to be tapered away (known as the income threshold), will remain at £6,420 per year from April 2016. Claimants earning below this amount will retain their maximum award. Consequently the income threshold for Child Tax Credit-only claimants will remain at £16,105 in 2016/17.

    As announced at Summer Budget 2015, the income rise disregard in tax credits will reduce from £5,000 to £2,500. This is the amount by which a claimant’s income can increase in-year compared to their previous year’s income before their award is adjusted.

    The changes to Universal Credit announced at Summer Budget will go ahead as planned from 2016/17.

    New Tax-Free Childcare scheme

    In Budget 2013, the government announced new tax incentives for childcare. This scheme is expected to launch in 2017.

    Under the scheme the relief will be 20% of the costs of childcare up to a total of childcare costs of £10,000 per child per year. The scheme will therefore be worth a maximum of £2,000 per child (£4,000 for a disabled child).

    The government has announced changes to the conditions to qualify for Tax-Free Childcare. All parents in the household must:
    meet a minimum income level based on the equivalent of working 16 hours a week at the National Living Wage (increased from eight hours at the National Minimum Wage)

    each earn less than £100,000 a year (reduced from £150,000), and

    not already be receiving support through tax credits or Universal Credit.

    Corporation tax rates

    The main rate of corporation tax is currently 20% and this rate will continue for the Financial Year beginning on 1 April 2016. The main rate of corporation tax will then be reduced as follows:

    19% for the Financial Years beginning on 1 April 2017, 1 April 2018 and 1 April 2019

    18% for the Financial Year beginning on 1 April 2020.

    Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)
    The level of the maximum AIA will now be set permanently at £200,000 for all qualifying investment in plant and machinery made on or after 1 January 2016.

    Inheritance tax (IHT) nil rate band

    The IHT nil rate band is currently frozen at £325,000 and will remain at this figure until April 2021.This now dispels the myth that they were going to increase it to £1m……….Is sounded too good to be true…!!

    Making tax digital – Please Take Note

    The government will publish ‘plans to transform the tax system’ and will consult on the details in 2016. Most businesses, self-employed people and landlords will be required to keep track of their tax affairs DIGITALLY and update HMRC at least quarterly via their digital tax account. This will not apply to individuals in employment, or pensioners, unless they have secondary incomes of more than £10,000 per year.
    Aka : Big Brother

    Simple assessment – Please Take Note
    Taxpayers will be sent a calculation which will be a legally enforceable demand for payment, and taxpayers will be able to challenge and appeal these calculations. This process will come into effect in the 2016/17 tax year.

    Remember the full explanation and other tax stuff can be found at:



    Gosh…Sorry about that…there was so much to cover..!! You’ve got to read the fine print because it will affect you and your business down the line.

    As I said above, watch out for HMRC’s NEW regime (Digital & Simple Assessment).  The Govt is investing £1.3 billion to transform the HMRC…They aint’t doing that for nothing.

    Oh…Who remembers Damarts?  Well, it’s time to break those out, Winter is coming.

    Remember..Keep Zlogging away…!!

    To become a Zlogg reseller just click here –

    Become a Reseller

    Andrew James Crawford




    Have a wonderful Week

    Love Rachel xxx


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