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  • Instructor Newsletter 12 December 2013

    C2GO Newsletter 12th December 2013


    This week I attended a fab lecture in London with Gabrielle Bernstein, called Bust through the Blocks. It was all about smashing through those mental blocks that we may have regarding our careers, relationships, money, health, goals, dreams, in fact anything and everything where you have a mental block that is stopping you from advancing and moving forward in that particular area.

    It was enlightening to say the least, and even though I have read all of Gabby’s books, seeing her speak live was seriously exciting. I met with and have been networking with so many interesting women on the day and immensely enjoyed Gabby’s ideas and theology. Incorporating simple techniques such as meditations, EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques, breathing and positive affirmation are tools that potentially can be infused into our fitness classes and teaching, and that’s what excites me.

    I sincerely believe the Group X teachers of the future will not only teach a physical workout but lead the group with spiritual guidance. Not in the religious sense, but helping our members with confidence, self esteem, fostering a positive mental attitude and bursting through their blocks, all rolled into one class.

    I got a million great ideas from Gabby’s lecture and I’m keen to add a self development and positive thinking element in my latest Fitness Pilates downloads and DVDs.  So, my newest and most current work will all have these elements incorporated as I weave them into all aspects of my own life, and so naturally it will spill over into my teaching and presenting. I would love your thoughts. I sincerely believe we are moving into new territory as Instructors and coaches both professionally and personally. At the end of the day there are only so many variations of a squat you can do and I think it’s time we helped expand our own minds and consciousness and those of our participants. Tweet me @rachelholmes

    For the latter part of the newsletter I asked several of this year’s C2GO contributors who are all blazing trails in very different fitness directions, 5 questions about 2013/14. They all answered in their own unique styles, more to follow next week.

    What do you desire in 2014

    I don’t mean a flip comment here, I mean what do you REALLY desire in your fitness, personal and work lives. What makes you happy? In the grand scheme of everything are you reaching your full potential in the fitness industry.
    You, my friend, are so super multi skilled in a myriad of areas and 2014 needs to be the year you set out your platform and spread your message. The general public needs our help, there is enough business to go round for all of us 100 times over and as social media develops and becomes part of our daily lives and communication, harnessing the power, leverage and reach of social media will undoubtedly help you reach more people

    Time Management…….

    Time is something no one can get back or buy, so make 2014 the year you invest in your time. Treat your time like gold and only invest in tasks, work and projects that you are passionate about and enjoy doing.

    1.Stop doing tasks outside of your skill set. I’ve written numerous newsletter articles on outsourcing, so pay someone else to do all the things you haven’t got the time to learn or do. If you want to grow your fitness business online then the jobs you can’t do and will never have the time to learn, outsource. See my past newsletters on how to do this. Stop trying to do it all. You can’t!

    2. Send digital gifts to people that don’t need wrapping and posting. Amazon/iTunes all a myriad of online retailers do gift certificates, or treat someone to a magazine subscription. What a wonderful gift that would be to receive every month.

    3. Stop doing it alone! Get a business coach, a personal trainer or a mentor who can help you get where you want to be in record time. You don’t need to figure it out alone, there’s a specialist  out there who can help you, someone who has done before what you want to do, and pay them to coach or teach you.

    4. Stop taking in jobs, classes, clients that you don’t click with or become toxic. You all know my feelings on this. You have to ditch the toxic stuff. New opportunities will walk right up the minute you’ve ditched the ‘thing’ that gives you anxiety every time you think of it, so get ditching and clearing out the toxic clutter. Even if it means you lose a few ££ you will gain more in the long term.

    5.Stop purchasing books and courses that you never read. Or don’t buy any more books until you’ve finished the ones you already have. I’m a book junkie as I love reading, but I have a pile of books I’ve never even looked at. Don’t buy any more until you have read and finished with the ones you already have on the go.

    Look back at 2013 and work out what jobs, classes, tasks or people SUCK and kick it out for 2014. Please, with all my heart I beg you only to focus and do the stuff you love, are passionate about and gets you out of bed every morning The rest just has to go.

    I know this all seems a bit Sesame Street and I know you’ve heard it all before, but you have got to act upon it and Christmas/New Year is the perfect time to do this.

    Results – How Do You Stand out in a busy fitness industry

    To stand out and be different in the Fitness Industry  leverage your knowledge with your passion and what interests you within health, wellness, fitness, training and nutrition.

    So what rocks your fitness world? Forget about what’s fashionable or bankable, identify what YOU love and adore, then go after that group with your services. Create services, programmes and classes based on your passion.

    Do you like helping mums who have just had a baby? Do you love training folks for triathlons? Do you love running? Do you adore the camaraderie and fun of older adults? Do you find being around teenage girls fun and uplifting? Do you find working with under 5’s enjoyable? Do you love cooking? Do you like the business like approach of being in a  corporate environment? Do you enjoy helping people lose weight?

    There’s a plethora of people you will love spending your working time with and helping I guarantee and you have the skill set and passion to do it. And that’s where you will succeed.

    Working, creating and conceptualizing programmes for demographics you are passionate about and love will be the most successful project you ever do. Take 2 minutes to have a quick brainstorm  who and what is your personal fitness passion?

    Personally, I’m passionate about helping people lose body fat through clean eating and exercise and all the additional health benefits it will bring,  I am so interested in, inspired by and enjoy motivating teen girls and turning them onto healthy nutrition and the super cool benefits of group x. This is a demographic I’ve dabbled with over the years, but I really want to get something structured in 2014….. What’s that hot, exciting, fitness passion that you have had for ages and never done anything about?

    Reflect and take the time to brainstorm. We spend such a lot of time working, so spend it with people you are passionate about and who you want to be around, otherwise work becomes a serious chore and you’ll burn out in no time.

    The Idea Fairy

    Bang out of the blue, when you least expect it and usually when I’ve been working out, teaching or often in the shower the idea fairy calls. That voice you hear with an idea that suddenly excites you.

    In 2014 CAPTURE it and move on it fast.  When do you get your ideas?
    When you feel an idea coming on you have to capture those thoughts as soon as they come up. Leave a note book on your bed side table, or take your notebook everywhere with you or write in your notes section of your phone.

    Don’t assume that idea will come back, it probably won’t, so capture it right away on your iPhone or in a note book

    Map out your idea and go after it. Remember keep moving from idea to idea. Start to see yourself as a health and fitness artist.  You are a creative artist and it’s important to keep moving as the industry and the needs of our participants evolves.

    SETH GODINS, who is another of my favorite authors, encapsulates the  DEFINITION OF ART

    Art is a gift

    Being artful is pouring your soul into it.  Be artistic, bring something thoughtful forward

    Create from your soul and you wont go far wrong!
    ID love your feedback on this article. If you are on Twitter will you se the # #C2GO #Hip2BeHealthy then I can see all of your tweets and comments

    KSFL Online Damage Limitation Plan

    Beginning Friday 13th and going through until 1st January 2014 there will be daily workouts and the KSFL Lifestyle nutrition plan. Rather than a strict detox this will be ideas for clean and guilt free party food, and loads of daily support from me and the rest of the group. It’s £27. There are 50 places and you can book by clicking here.

    KSFL Franchise

    The Kick Start Fat Loss Franchisee business is gathering speed as we approach 2014 with the corporate, NHS, Live Clubs, Pop Up Pilates KSFL, Beauty & Make Over Detoxs. I have a really strong team in place and we have a lot of great initiatives happening for next year. If you would like to join the team and get ready to kick off in 2014 you can purchase the full business package before the price increase next year. Our most successful franchisee, who has only been on board for 3 months has already made over £10,000 per month since coming on board. The potential is huge if you are prepared to work hard on your business and, of course, I help, and mentor you every day!

    My aim is to have 200 franchisees by the end of 2014. If you would like to chat about purchasing a KSFL Franchise email Rachel@Choreographytogo.com or

    I asked Jenny Burrell, Kim Ingleby, Jayne, Jo de Rosa and, of course, my only male contributor Mr  AJ Crawford, 5 questions and here are their unedited and unleashed answers. Let me have your feedback. Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    Jayne Nicholls

    1 what has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013
    I think it has to be the launch of Nova, the white label version of our Unite programme in South Africa. This was endorsed by its absolute hit with the membership resulting in 5 more releases in 2014. This has been in some way an acceptance of the work that Rachel and I have done on a much greater level.

    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014
    Massive changes for me. I have always been #1 an instructor but #business woman (although I hate this title) is my new model, it has to be. As I write this I am closing all classes this week and spending at least a few months teaching free! Of course I will resume some sort of classes but it will be corporate, private and community only.

    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?
    Just keep doing what I am doing to the best of my ability.
    World peace, the usual………………

    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends
    Yes I can, I think that 2014 will be about the instructor coming to realise how what they do impacts who they teach. We have had a cycle of the product being the most important aspect of what is taught, especially in the clubs. Instructors are missing so many people due to this very thing and to be ultimately successful they will have to let their market do the talking.

    5 Have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuables lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on
    Yes get off Facebook for anything other than chat and promo. If you get your opinions from groups and comments it is dangerous, very dangerous. That place is 75% fake, made up and posturing by people who say but absolutely DO NOT DO.

    Have a lovely Christmas all. Tweet @JayneNicholls

    Jo de Rosa

    1 what has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013
    My biggest achievement this year was the opening of Inner Guidance Retreat Centre a few months ago. I thought I was going to be in this position 5 or 10 years from now, so to have manifested this already is proof to me that anything is possible when you believe in yourself enough. We are already more than 25% booked up for 2014 and have some really interesting facilitators who are bringing their groups to the centre, and many lives are going to be transformed!

    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014
    The only thing I am really going to change in 2014 is to work less and have more me time. My meditation practice is very much the foundation on which my whole life, and business, sits. Without it I couldn’t be as successful as I am, and this is my top priority going into 2014: to meditate for one hour per day, every day. There I just said it! I’ve committed out loud, to you all! And that is important when making commitments: to be accountable and stand by these important decisions.

    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?
    At the beginning of 2013 I joined a business mentoring group which has really opened things up for me and expanded my outlook and business. In fact my growth has been so rapid that I have been asked to co-manage this group (along with a few other inspirational mentors) with it’s founder Rachel Elnaugh, an ex-dragon on BBC TV’s Dragons Den and the entrepreneur that created the experiences brand Red Letter Days. The new way of doing business is through supporting each other and collaboration, rather than struggling in competition against each other, and I am honoured to be part of this emerging tribe of thought leaders dedicated to supporting other businesses to flourish. The group is ideal for anyone with their own business, and who is looking for more prosperity and success. It is actually launching TODAY! and you can go to www.LuckyProsperitySpiral.com to watch Rachel Elnaugh’s, mine and the other leaders’ vlogs to decide if you are ready to take your business to the next level and join this growing movement. There is an early bird price for the next week only, and free bonuses from each one of us. I am so excited to take this concept outwards because it has had a hugely positive effect on my own business and life this year, to the point where I am now living in a £1.5 million house!

    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends
    What I can predict is that more people will be meditating, which is going to have a huge effect on anyone committed to good health from the inside out, and will change your life for the better. This is going to have a huge effect on those committed to good health from the inside out, as the combination of fitness and meditation is that you are exercising both the body and the brain. You see the mind is like any other muscle in the body and needs to be exercised to be healthy, and you do this every time you sit down to meditate. Each time you bring your mind back into the present moment you are strengthening your mind muscle. You are better able to concentrate, more in tune with yourself, and this naturally flows out into everything that you do.

    5 Have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuables lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on
    To leave fear behind and embrace collaboration. There is enough for everyone, and if you are following your passion and you love your work then that will show in everything you do. Even if there is another instructor doing the same class as you in the next hall down the road, people will come to you because it is you they buy into. Follow your dreams, meditate and get to know yourself: body; mind; spirit. It is those that are connected to their source and taking that connection into their business that will be the successful ones. Good luck!! I just know that 2014 is going to be the best year ever!! x

    Jo De Rosa has been teaching yoga and meditation for nearly 15 years and this year opened Inner Guidance Retreat Centre in Lavenham, Suffolk. You can hire this amazing 500 year old venue to bring your own group, or visit and enjoy going on retreat yourself. Jo specialises in ‘Yoga For Addictions’ and offers a five day residential program for anyone serious about letting go of a destructive pattern.
    Jo De Rosa

    Inner Guidance Retreat Centre

    web: www.innerguidance.co.uk
    email: jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    tel: 01787 249798

    Zoe McNulty

    1 what has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013

    Hmmm, this year has been a very strange year for me professionally and personally.  I mention my personal life because my work is also my passion, my, motivation, my social life and a huge part of my world and this year seems to have been as much about discovering who I am, discovering who others are, where I fit in and how this affects my business… and my soul.  I’d say that’s a pretty important thing to discover as you streamline what you do and who you do it with.  Having split with my business partner earlier this year, RaunchUK as a business pretty much came to a halt.  But Raunch and Stiletto, the dance fitness concepts which were the driving force behind the ethos of RaunchUK couldn’t be held back and have continued to gain support as one of the only fitness classes that encourages women to embrace their bodies just as they are for a healthy body image whilst also extolling the importance of movement and a healthy lifestyle.  Another achievement which I’m just finishing up now is the writing of the RaveFit instructor training course.  It launches early in 2014 and boy, it was so much more involved than I had imagined!  I’m very proud of it!  It will really help to take other instructor’s teaching skills to the next level.  I’m training up 20 of Nottingham City Council’s instructors on Friday (tomorrow) so you should be able to take part in classes across Nottingham from January onwards.

    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014

    Well, something has to change.  This year I got so many injuries and lived for much of it either exhausted, in pain or both.  I’m not complaining here when I say that I was at almost every single event and convention in the fitness calendar which meant that several times throughout the year I hardly had a day off from teaching or travelling for months at a time. (I really am truly grateful for the opportunities to meet participants all over the country and put a smile on their face and sometimes a tear in their eye!)  But next year, I will be spending less time travelling across London several times a day to teach at different gyms, I will be spending more of my week working on my business and actually executing the ideas I’ve had without procrastinating quite so much and generally attempting to be more efficient!  Lol, watch this space!!

    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?
    To get a team of Master Ravers (master trainers for RaveFit) together and have them train up an army of RaveFitties and also looking to expand the programmes on offer.  Also I will be rebranding and relaunching all things Raunch, which I’m super excited about.  I have some exciting ideas and plans (and looking for women of likemindedness to join me on the journey).   I have been approached to launch the concepts in Denmark and from there the world is my oyster, I guess.  I truly believe that it has the capacity to be a global brand as it resonates with so many women- the message needs to go global.

    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends
    Oh I’m rubbish at this.  I gave some advice in the newsletter a while ago saying to be blinkered, don’t look what others are doing, focus on your own journey and that’s what I have done so I’m not entirely sure where the industry is heading.  I think globalisation is an unstoppable force and so branding and standardisation is what will continue to happen, not just in the fitness industry but every industry.  For someone like me who is about being creative but wanting those who lack in as much creativity to come with me so I can enhance their teaching, it’s a good thing.  But for those who take pride in growing their business as they see fit and continue to be creative with the classes they deliver, the stand alone instructors might find it difficult to be noticed.  But I encourage them to stick with it and persevere.  However, it is human nature to want to be part of a tribe and associate with their tribe members especially when there’s a huge amount of money being pumped into the marketing machine behind it.

    5 have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuables lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on
    One of the most valuable lessons I have learnt is that you cannot rely on ANYONE else.  No one else (except from you parents maybe) has your best interest at heart.  You are responsible for you.  Don’t wait for stuff to happen cos it rarely does.  Avoid procrastination!!  On the flip side don’t rush into something you may regret at a later stage.  Wishing everyone a productive and successful 2014!!!

    Join my mailing list here:  www.raunch.steeltoken.com
    follow me on twitter here: www.twitter.com/zoe_bear
    follow me on instagram here: www.onstagram.com/zoe_mcnulty
    and Facebook here: www.facebook.com/zoestiletto

    Zoe has been in the fitness industry since 2000 and has worked her way up through the ranks to become one of the most successful female fitness and dance presenters in the UK currently.  She has danced from a young age and specialises in all things dance, especially styles which make women feel strong and sexy.  Being highly creative, Zoe has developed many of her own concepts, including Raunch, Stiletto, RaveFit, Burlesque-Balls and many more and has developed training courses for other instructors.  As she enters 2014 she will be spending more time in course development and creating online products to help her reach more women in need of her fun sessions.  Zoe’s approachability, sense of humour positive outlook and down to earth personality has helped her to grow in popularity in recent years.  As a presenter, she understands the importance of making the participant feel really good about themselves and strives to increase confidence levels across the UK and beyond.


    1 What has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013

    This year has definitely been my most challenging & inspiring year since I started in the fitness industry over 15years ago, I love our industry! Primarily the achievements my clients make every year, and what I learn working with each one is so rewarding. They are why I do what I do. Professionally, winning the Life Fitness Global Trainer to Watch Award, and being the only EU Trainer to be shortlisted at the judging day was the most humbling & inspiring day.  And personally overcoming Weils Disease, where I lost my cognitive thought process and was seriously ill for several months, and now learning to live with the secondary effects of Encephalitis has been empowering and without a doubt made me a better, more effective Coach.

    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014

    Many changes in the Energised Pipeline due to our client demand and requests… On Line Programmes for our proven formulas, books, workshops and a franchise, plus plenty of travel presenting with the Award and my Ambassador roles.  Yet fundamentally the same, to keep learning and improving, to keep inspiring and empowering people to realise their full potential, be happy in themselves & achieve their goals and more.

    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?

    I always say to my clients you should focus on three areas max at once in your life. And I usually timeline my goals accordingly over a 1-3 year plan.  The one thing Weils Disease taught me, that whilst goal setting and clarity is key, being in the moment and being flexible to move your goals is just as powerful.  So a combination of both will fill my 2014 as I continue to return to full, if different health. I have a full Team of Gain the Edge Performance, Energised Fit Pro & Ladies Fit Inside Out Programmes running and really want to empower these people to achieve their big hairy goals!  Some exciting presenting, writing, Ambassador roles etc coming up too, and I want to hit £40k for our 10th Energised Birthday for Charity with some Team & Personal Adventure Challenges… that’s enough for now, keep a look out of the blog to find out more 🙂

    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends

    I really think following your own passion, being true and authentic to you, what you are good and what you love is the key to success.  This combined with a clear plan and focus of what you want to achieve, with boundaries for rest and fun outside of work are essential.  This will allow you to follow the trends that work for you, and attract the clients you would like to work with.  Time Saving Training… Tabata, HIIT, Cross Fit, Small Group Training Sessions will continue to be really popular, combined with Adventure racing, Tough Mudder and Spartan Type races.  From the Life Fitness Award, the key things they highlighted from the judging day that caused me to ‘win’ was the Mind & Body Coaching & what they called ‘Intelligent’ Training (linking stress, lifestyle, sports therapy etc) approach, this is very on trend in SF and NZ at the moment.  I combined NLP with Sports Therapy & PT, this without a doubt gives the client a more in-depth result, not for everyone but really enhances someone’s life.  I do a lot of work with corporate companies and Energised Business Talks/Workshops, often linking with my Celebrity or Team GB clients, this is a growing market as companies come out of the recession and want to look after their employees. From the Ambassador roles, there is a growing synergy of fashion and fitness, which provides a great opportunity for trainers for courses, links with brands, and synergy of dance, movement and expression courses. Let me know what you do….. be different, be you and be your best.

    5 Have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuables lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on

    I think it kind of links with what I have said above, here’s a flow of thought for you…..  find your passion, always keep learning (and know why you are learning), think outside the box, do things differently, don’t be afraid to get it wrong (or really right!), change, adapt and grow. Stretch your own boundaries, practice what you teach, hire a coach (or two, I do!), surround yourself with excellence, get a support team, talk kindly to yourself and others, be accountable, focus on being your best, don’t worry about what others are up to and always be authentic and you.  Then whatever happens, good or challenging, you will learn and become a wiser, better coach.

    Following continual requests…  Free Mini Top Tips starting in 2014 sign up here: https://energisedkimingleby.leadpages.net/energisedfitpro/

    Jenny Burrell

    1. What has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013

    FooFooFunClub! 40 Licensees in a year all rocking the Movement Based Pelvic Floor & Core Restore Revolution and changing women’s lives – making a real difference!  Also, I am beyond proud of getting a good old-fashioned book deal!

    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014

    I totally plan to get a better work/life balance.    More Yoga, more films, more sleep, totally!  Also plan to attend more business events with those outside of fitness.  This has been a huge part of my change in head-space in 2013.

    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?

    Instead of harder/faster/bigger headspace of 2013, I think 2014 is all about going slower, surer, deeper with a calm but iron confidence that…’I got this’……nearly.

    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends?

    I truly feel that it’s all about creating SYSTEMS to serve the client.  You create, test and nail your results-getting, system and therein lies the secret of success.  Once you have successful clients who can tell/show others, the rest is relatively simple.  I also feel that the ‘relaxing/restorative/mindfulness/meditation movement is really gathering pace and hopefully people will stop using words like ‘woo-woo’ to describe a level of consciousness that is sorely needed in this world and without which, life is pretty meaningless.  I think, we women in fitness/wellness will take the lead in creating an authentic space for other women to drop the mask, let their belly out and just ‘BE’.

    5. Have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuables lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on

    There is NO SUBSTITUTE for a vision, passion, forbearance, elbow grease, KNOWING that you were born to succeed, laser-beam focus, creativity, and ability to make a Zig into a Zag – nimbleness is key! Work hard, dream huge, trust your gut, dodge the energy vampires ALWAYS and never take sh*t.
    Also, know that if you have good ideas, others with try to steal/copy/plagiarize your work, protect yourself!

    Tweet @msjennyburrell

    Andrew Crawford

    1. What has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013

    Within the Fitness Industry, this has to be working with Rachel Holmes to plan and strategise the successful launch of the Kick Start Fatloss™ Franchise and KSFL® Programs.

    Rachel is awesome. She is one of the hardest & fastest workers in the industry. I have learnt so much from her and this project.

    This didn’t happen overnight. There were weekly meetings, many long hours, copious notes, tweaks, turns & revisions. On the back of that we did 2 DVD’s revealing the whole process. They are still available from the C2Go website.

    Long live KSFL®    #choochoo  …………All aboard..!!

    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014

    My existing business is more of a support role working behind businesses, both within and outside of the Fitness Industry.

    With some businesses, there are some clients who drain you for different reasons. I am planning to relinquish these negative types from the client list. I did this cull a few years back and it felt wonderful. I effectively ‘sacked’ them….!!!

    I also plan to reduce the time I spend on the road. I love the UK and the variety of beautiful places that I have had the opportunity to experience.
    The amount of hours on the road steals from the time I could be helping someone.

    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?

    I have 2 major goals for 2014.

    The first is to finish developing a system to streamline my Accounting & Tax business. I strive to make it a paperless office and much more scaleable without compromising quality.

    The second is a plan to extend and offer Coaching & Mentoring services to other Entrepreneurial type Fit Pros to help develop their existing business or Conceive Concept and Create a brand new business program, service or product for them.

    For those who have read my earlier articles, most of my ideas if not ALL have come when I am soaked in my hot ‘bubble bath’…..

    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends

    As people become more time starved, they will want packages.

    The trend will also be towards online …..Don’t forget the FUN…..there is a gap for some fun freestyle quirky class stuff.

    5. Have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuable lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on
    “You Cannot See The Picture When You Are In The Frame” – AJC
    So my advice to you would be this……….

    Find yourself someone you can work with, who you can trust implicitly.
    Meet Regularly, Plan Strategically, Think Unlogically, Follow Intelligently, Lead Ethically & Love Extensively…….

    Here are some Valuable Lessons I would also like to pass on to you. Each one requires a fuller explanation than just the ‘One Liner’ I have given you here but I hope you get the gist……

    Oh…..and remember these are my ramblings….I have many more !!

    The 6P’s – Pre Planning Prevent P*ss Poor Performance
    Do not be afraid to Fly
    Leap and make adjustments on the way down
    Trust yourself and what your mind ‘Gives’ you
    Allow yourself to Think Think & Think …Feel Free
    There are no Rules so Make Your Own
    You are the Master of Your Own Destiny
    Whatever you can Think can become a Reality
    There are a multitude of ways to Get There…Find your own route.
    Listen, Observe and Keep Your Mouth Shut
    Give more than you Take
    Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere: ideas come. Keep notepad & pen handy
    Ideas are Great but without Action they are dead
    Don’t Give a Ball Ox….Just Do…!!

    Andrew started his career as an athlete and a rugby player. He has over 28 years’ experience of the Fitness Industry as a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer. He became a Presenter in the UK and abroad.
    He ran a successful Marketing company and helped with the rebranding and relaunching of it in addition he gained the ISO 9001certification.
    He is a qualified Accountant specialising in Tax & Business Development. For 15 years he worked as a Consultant for Deloitte, BentleyJennisonTenon, The Audit Commission & Public Sector Consultants.
    He now spends his time Mentoring & Coaching Fitness Entrepreneurs develop their businesses and their Mindsets.
    His favourite tipple is veuve cliquot.

    Andrew James Crawford

    Tweet me@RachelHolmes

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