How are you
Are you super keen to REALLY step up your business in 2017……. and I mean…….. REALLY KEEN?
Are you reading my newsletters every year knowing you
have some great ideas for classes,
products and programmes…. but you have not yet executed and taken these ideas forward?
Is This YOU?
Yes YOU?
It’s time to get a wiggle on and finally get it out.
It’s finally time to stop pondering and dwelling and
thinking and dreaming and push ahead.
It REALLY Is time to take action and execute.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, what you look like,
where you live, your qualifications…..
If you feel like you are too big, too small, have wrinkles …………whatever nonsense, crazy
barrier you are putting up and stopping you move forward.
It doesn’t matter a jot.
If your idea is good enough and you show up, consistently being YOU on social media you will not fail.
LIVE video on all of the social media platforms
has completely changed the game and it is PERFECT
for you as a Fitpro, Leader, Motivational Individual, Teacher
Coach…… the possibilities are endless.
All of the new social media platforms and LIVE Video streaming functions give everyone an equal/level playing field.
All you need is your iPhone and the balls to put you self out there (which you do every day teaching classes anyway)
Because marketing YOU…….
Your personal brand is the way to gain attention and build an audience and following.
YOU are the USP.
BUT.…The first thing you have to get over today is FEAR.
Get out of your head what other people “might” think.
This is your life and now you have the capabilities to use LIVE streaming and get your idea into the hands
of people who need it, want it and can be helped by it.
Go LIVE on Twitter.
Create a 1 minute Instagram video on Instagram stories.
FLEX that brave muscle.
Because in another 12 months the game will change again.
Show up. Be consistent and step into your own power.
Head over to my Instagram and comment
let me know when you have flexed your brave muscle 🙂
Have a great Thursday
and I hope you enjoy this newsletter 🙂
Love Rachel xx
PS Did you see Madonnas acceptance speech
on her winning her award this week.
It made me cry. GO MADGE 🙂
Google it. Its amazing.
****NEW ****
Advanced Fitness Pilates For Back Care
Online Certification click here
Advanced Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic
Conditions 5th February 2017 Manchester
Level 3 Pilates Training Course
London January 2017
Manchester May 2017