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  • Instructor Newsletter 10th November

    Good Morning!

    Hope you are well and classes busy and booming?

    I always think it takes a few weeks for people to settle
    into the dark night and colder temperatures and get used to coming out
    in the dark, so don’t panic if your numbers are a little sporadic.
    So here is your weekly Instructor newsletter round-up of everything
    in the fitness world.
    I did a cracking interview with Shana Ekedal who is holistic nutritional therapist
    on food behaviours and understanding old patterns around food.


    I find this so fascinating.

    I have been interviewing some of the world’s most prolific
    and innovative Functional Medicine Practitioners and Health Experts
    as this is the way
    I’m taking Kick Start, so do watch these interviews as it really
    makes you rethink nutrition
    and health.

    Click here to watch the interview with Shana and do subscribe to
    my YOUTUBE so you get all of the interviews right away.

    Subscribe to my here YOUTUBE

    I have a fascinating interview coming up on Sugar Addiction with Dr Sam Shay which for anyone who identifies as a sugar addict is unmissable.
    Freestyle and Fitness Pilates

    I am happy to report that the new C2GO Freestyle Choreography Group and the
    Fitness Pilates Educational Group are both buzzing away with lots of new
    videos and ideas.

    In the C2GO Freestyle I have posted 5 combos of Active Seniors ideas,
    Low Impact
    blocks, Step choreography and in the FP Education group we have
    been working on
    Standing Posterior Chain routines and a calming breathing technique
    called 4,7,8.

    To join the C2GO Freestyle Group Click here

    To join the FP Education Group Click here

    Social Media Round Up With Keeley Davis

    Okay so today i’m touching on some basic tips for your Social Media Accounts:

    Are you changing your Cover Photo at least once a month ? If not, then do it. You have an opportunity here to update your photo with a new graphic which could be about your new product you are launching? details of a new class ? Promotional event ? Or simply a new photo of you?

    Have you invited all of your PERSONAL FRIENDS to like your BUSINESS PAGE ? This is a must a no brainer, sure your personal friends and family and colleagues that you have on your personal profile will be happy to like your business page and therefore share it into their own newsfeed for you?

    Go to your business page, you can even do this from your mobile phone as well as your pc. From your phone scroll down on your page until you see the number of page likes and under this there should be a little icon to the left of 2 people and it then says ‘invite friends to like your page’ click the arrow and your friends will appear (ones who aren’t already likes of your page) click on invite and your invitation will be sent to them. EASY WIN !!

    From your pc similar to above scroll around a third of the page down look to the right hand side of your page screen and you should see invite friends.
    Ask your friends and family& colleagues to share your page for you, i’m sure you will find that they will do this for you.
    As above you can also change your photos on your account, again you can do this on your phone or on your pc. On twitter its called edit profile and you can change both photos here, so again use the same principal as above. use it to promote your news, event, product, etc.
    Have you searched for local business to you on twitter ? follow them, interact with them. Think of stores, shops, boutiques, cafes, barber shops, beauty salons etc in your area, look for businesses that could compliment you, follow them. search for businesses using your hashtags of your area e.g.. #Nottingham #NG1 #Notts #Nottm etc.
    Are you using 10 hashtags with each photo/video you are posting ? Think outside the box when using your hashtags, think what your photo/video is offering #weightloss #pma #workouttips
    Update your biography section on your instagram account regularly, you can use a link here back to your website for instance if you are wanting people to sign up to an event, book a class, book a course, read your blog etc.

    Hope the above tips help you in your quest for Social Media presence. Email me at KeeleySocial@gmail.com if you want more help

    Huge THANKS to all the newly qualified BRAINFIT Workout ™ Coaches that attended last weekend. We are having amazing feedback on Brainfit and realising the potential
    of this new style of Group Wellness .

    We have 2 training dates left in 2016
    Banbury and London Click here for booking information.

    During November and December, we are busy training new Kick Start Franchisees
    ready to launch in January 2017 if you are keen to get involved and take your business to the next level Click here
    Have a wonderful Thursday 🙂
    Love Rachel xxxxx

    Instagram Stories and Snap Chat
    for music ideas, quick routines, business ideas, book reviews
    and loads more behind the scenes action.

    Rachel L Holmes

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