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  • How to get rid of that post bank holiday overwhelm feeling!

    Add your email for up to the minute info on KSFL diet & detox, Juicing,
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    Positive Self
    Love, Affirmations & Happy Lifestyle










    I LOVE the bank holidays.
    A couple of days away from the daily routine,
    no teaching or writing, planning or plotting.

    But then sitting down with the longest
    to do list in living memory & a million
    deadlines to hit, projects to finish,
    projects to start, cover to find

    blah blah blah

    Overwhelm & a smidgen of despair
    start to creep in.

    I reach for the Miracles Now Book from
    Gabby B & flick the pages.

    “Celebrate Your Small Successes”

    Is what comes up.

    I love this. It’s so apt.

    Scrolling down my Facebook & Twitter feed
    everyone is “getting back on the fitness & diet train”
    after letting it all go at the weekend.

    We spend so much of our thinking time,
    beating ourselves up about not being
    good enough, thin enough, attractive enough,
    successful enough, rich enough, falling of the wagon.

    rah rah rah

    You know the drill.

    So, before you even go down this path today…


    Take a few minutes to mentally celebrate
    all the wonderful things in your life.

    Go on. Do it now before the day really
    kicks of.

    Take out your notebook or type into your phone.

    Make a list of all the things you ROCK at.

    Don’t be shy. Don’t be humble or play anything

    Focus on the good stuff & let’s all disconnect
    from the negative.

    Today’s affirmation:

    “Today I disconnect from the negative & celebrate
    everything positive”

    Have a wonderful day as always.


    No Overwhelm.

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    PS Good luck to everyone starting my
    10 day KSFL Online Detox. You can do it!

    PPS This

    Saturday at the Hilton Hotel,
    East Midlands Airport I will be holding my:

    Make It Happen Seminar

    WE have moved it into a larger room
    & have space if you would like to
    attend a live event with me.

    Here is the link to book\

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

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