How can pilates help orthopaedic conditions?
Pilates can be beneficial for individuals with orthopaedic conditions in several ways.
Here are some ways in which Pilates can help:
-Core strength and stability: Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles, including the deep abdominal muscles, back muscles, and pelvic floor. A strong core provides stability and support to the spine and can help alleviate stress on the joints, including those affected by orthopedic conditions.
-Postural alignment: Pilates emphasises proper alignment and posture, which can be particularly helpful for individuals with orthopedic issues. By improving posture, Pilates can reduce excessive stress on the joints, promote better body mechanics, and enhance overall movement efficiency.
-Flexibility and mobility: Pilates exercises often involve a combination of stretching and controlled movements, which can help improve flexibility and joint mobility. Increased flexibility can reduce muscle imbalances, joint stiffness, and discomfort associated with orthopedic conditions.
-Muscular balance and symmetry: Orthopedic conditions can sometimes lead to muscle imbalances, with certain muscles becoming overactive or weak. Pilates workouts target the entire body, focusing on developing balanced strength and flexibility. This helps to rebalance muscle groups, improving overall functional movement and reducing the risk of further injury.
-Low-impact exercise: Many orthopedic conditions require individuals to engage in low-impact exercises to avoid excessive stress on the joints. Pilates is generally considered a low-impact exercise method, as it emphasises controlled movements and avoids high-impact activities like jumping. This makes Pilates a suitable option for individuals looking to exercise without exacerbating their orthopedic conditions.
-Body awareness and mindful movement: Pilates encourages body awareness and mindful movement by emphasising precise and controlled execution of exercises. This heightened awareness can help individuals with orthopedic conditions develop a better understanding of their body’s limitations, movement patterns, and postural habits. By being more mindful during exercise, individuals can reduce the risk of further injury and move with greater efficiency.
It is important to understand orthopaedic conditions before coaching your clients with these conditions in any form of exercise; undertaking training will ensure you feel confident and safe in delivering classes to these individuals.