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Fitness Pilates Healing Beats Warm Up Ideas
Step interval conditioning ideas
2x basics 2 x side squats
7 x repeaters reverse lunges
Power Squats side to side
Basic Old Skool Aerobics Combinations
1:2 x hops fwd, 4 x curls back, running Grapeveine, knee cross over.
2:2 x 2 knee repeats, GV r/l,single single double curl, 1 x chasse r/l
3:8 x jogs fwd, hop back, pendulum.
5 Minute Core ideas
1: Bent Knee Hover
2:Kick Through
3:Yoga Block Squeeze with rotation.
4:Pike to foot touch
5:Plank Hill climber to Jack
6: Hover Shoulder Touch
Foot & Ankle + BALANCE Ideas
Fitness Pilates Foot & Ankle
Foot and Ankle Biomechanics: Strengthening and Core Connection
Why Focus on the Feet and Ankles?
- The feet and ankles are the foundation of movement, providing balance, stability, and force transfer throughout the body.
- Weak or immobile feet and ankles can lead to compensation patterns, impacting posture, core stability, and overall functional movement.
Key Benefits of Strengthening the Feet and Ankles
- Improved balance and proprioception for better stability in Pilates movements.
- Enhanced core activation, as the feet are connected to the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles.
- Reduced risk of injury by supporting proper alignment and gait mechanics.
Teaching Tips
- Incorporate foot and ankle exercises as part of your warm-up or cool-down.
- Cue clients to focus on grounding through the feet and engaging the core in standing exercises.
- Use props such as a wobble cushion, tennis ball, or resistance band to add variety and progression.
10 Exercises to Strengthen the Feet and Ankles
- Toe Spreading
- Sit or stand and spread the toes as wide as possible. Hold for 5 seconds, then release.
- Toe Pick-Ups
- Pick up small objects (e.g. a little towel, flannel or a sock) with your toes.
- Ankle Circles
- Lift one foot off the ground and draw slow, controlled circles with the ankle. Repeat in both directions.
- Heel Raises
- Stand with feet hip-width apart and lift the heels off the floor, coming onto the balls of the feet. Slowly lower back down. Try multiple foot positions to vary the load
- Single-Leg Balance
- Stand on one leg, focusing on grounding through the foot. Progress by closing your eyes or standing on an unstable surface and turning the head from side to side and up and down.
- Foot Rolling
- Use a tennis ball or massage ball under the arch of the foot to release tension and improve fascia health.
- Standing Foot Stretch
- Stand with one foot behind you and gently press the toes into the floor to stretch the top of the foot and ankle.
- Resistance Band Foot Flexion
- Wrap a resistance band around the ball of the foot and point and flex the toes against the resistance.
- Walking Heel-to-Toe
- Walk slowly, placing one foot directly in front of the other, focusing on a smooth heel-to-toe motion.
The Foot-Core Connection
- The feet are directly linked to the core through the kinetic chain. Strengthening and stabilising the feet helps activate the pelvic floor and deep abdominals.
Quick Tip for Classes
Incorporate a short foot warm-up before each session. A few minutes of these exercises can significantly improve balance, alignment, and overall performance.
Try adding a LOOP Band around your toes and balls of the foot to improve toe strength and mobility.