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  • Get Ahead – Release your Full Fitness Potential in 2014

    This week I attended a fab lecture in London with Gabrielle Bernstein, called Bust through the Blocks. It was all about smashing through those mental blocks that we may have regarding our careers, relationships, money, health, goals, dreams, in fact anything and everything where you have a mental block that is stopping you from advancing and moving forward in that particular area.

    It was enlightening to say the least, and even though I have read all of Gabby’s books, seeing her speak live was seriously exciting. I met with and have been networking with so many interesting women on the day and immensely enjoyed Gabby’s ideas and theology. Incorporating simple techniques such as meditations, EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques, breathing and positive affirmation are tools that potentially can be infused into our fitness classes and teaching, and that’s what excites me.

    I sincerely believe the Group X teachers of the future will not only teach a physical workout but lead the group with spiritual guidance. Not in the religious sense, but helping our members with confidence, self esteem, fostering a positive mental attitude and bursting through their blocks, all rolled into one class.

    I got a million great ideas from Gabby’s lecture and I’m keen to add a self development and positive thinking element in my latest Fitness Pilates downloads and DVDs.  So, my newest and most current work will all have these elements incorporated as I weave them into all aspects of my own life, and so naturally it will spill over into my teaching and presenting. I would love your thoughts. I sincerely believe we are moving into new territory as Instructors and coaches both professionally and personally. At the end of the day there are only so many variations of a squat you can do and I think it’s time we helped expand our own minds and consciousness and those of our participants. Tweet me @rachelholmes

    For the latter part of the newsletter I asked several of this year’s C2GO contributors who are all blazing trails in very different fitness directions, 5 questions about 2013/14. They all answered in their own unique styles, more to follow next week.

    What do you desire in 2014

    I don’t mean a flip comment here, I mean what do you REALLY desire in your fitness, personal and work lives. What makes you happy? In the grand scheme of everything are you reaching your full potential in the fitness industry.
    You, my friend, are so super multi skilled in a myriad of areas and 2014 needs to be the year you set out your platform and spread your message. The general public needs our help, there is enough business to go round for all of us 100 times over and as social media develops and becomes part of our daily lives and communication, harnessing the power, leverage and reach of social media will undoubtedly help you reach more people

    Time Management…….

    Time is something no one can get back or buy, so make 2014 the year you invest in your time. Treat your time like gold and only invest in tasks, work and projects that you are passionate about and enjoy doing.

    1.Stop doing tasks outside of your skill set. I’ve written numerous newsletter articles on outsourcing, so pay someone else to do all the things you haven’t got the time to learn or do. If you want to grow your fitness business online then the jobs you can’t do and will never have the time to learn, outsource. See my past newsletters on how to do this. Stop trying to do it all. You can’t!

    2. Send digital gifts to people that don’t need wrapping and posting. Amazon/iTunes all a myriad of online retailers do gift certificates, or treat someone to a magazine subscription. What a wonderful gift that would be to receive every month.

    3. Stop doing it alone! Get a business coach, a personal trainer or a mentor who can help you get where you want to be in record time. You don’t need to figure it out alone, there’s a specialist  out there who can help you, someone who has done before what you want to do, and pay them to coach or teach you.

    4. Stop taking in jobs, classes, clients that you don’t click with or become toxic. You all know my feelings on this. You have to ditch the toxic stuff. New opportunities will walk right up the minute you’ve ditched the ‘thing’ that gives you anxiety every time you think of it, so get ditching and clearing out the toxic clutter. Even if it means you lose a few ££ you will gain more in the long term.

    5.Stop purchasing books and courses that you never read. Or don’t buy any more books until you’ve finished the ones you already have. I’m a book junkie as I love reading, but I have a pile of books I’ve never even looked at. Don’t buy any more until you have read and finished with the ones you already have on the go.

    Look back at 2013 and work out what jobs, classes, tasks or people SUCK and kick it out for 2014. Please, with all my heart I beg you only to focus and do the stuff you love, are passionate about and gets you out of bed every morning The rest just has to go.

    I know this all seems a bit Sesame Street and I know you’ve heard it all before, but you have got to act upon it and Christmas/New Year is the perfect time to do this.

    Results – How Do You Stand out in a busy fitness industry

    To stand out and be different in the Fitness Industry  leverage your knowledge with your passion and what interests you within health, wellness, fitness, training and nutrition.

    So what rocks your fitness world? Forget about what’s fashionable or bankable, identify what YOU love and adore, then go after that group with your services. Create services, programmes and classes based on your passion.

    Do you like helping mums who have just had a baby? Do you love training folks for triathlons? Do you love running? Do you adore the camaraderie and fun of older adults? Do you find being around teenage girls fun and uplifting? Do you find working with under 5′s enjoyable? Do you love cooking? Do you like the business like approach of being in a  corporate environment? Do you enjoy helping people lose weight?

    There’s a plethora of people you will love spending your working time with and helping I guarantee and you have the skill set and passion to do it. And that’s where you will succeed.

    Working, creating and conceptualizing programmes for demographics you are passionate about and love will be the most successful project you ever do. Take 2 minutes to have a quick brainstorm  who and what is your personal fitness passion?

    Personally, I’m passionate about helping people lose body fat through clean eating and exercise and all the additional health benefits it will bring,  I am so interested in, inspired by and enjoy motivating teen girls and turning them onto healthy nutrition and the super cool benefits of group x. This is a demographic I’ve dabbled with over the years, but I really want to get something structured in 2014….. What’s that hot, exciting, fitness passion that you have had for ages and never done anything about?

    Reflect and take the time to brainstorm. We spend such a lot of time working, so spend it with people you are passionate about and who you want to be around, otherwise work becomes a serious chore and you’ll burn out in no time.

    The Idea Fairy

    Bang out of the blue, when you least expect it and usually when I’ve been working out, teaching or often in the shower the idea fairy calls. That voice you hear with an idea that suddenly excites you.

    In 2014 CAPTURE it and move on it fast.  When do you get your ideas?
    When you feel an idea coming on you have to capture those thoughts as soon as they come up. Leave a note book on your bed side table, or take your notebook everywhere with you or write in your notes section of your phone.

    Don’t assume that idea will come back, it probably won’t, so capture it right away on your iPhone or in a note book

    Map out your idea and go after it. Remember keep moving from idea to idea. Start to see yourself as a health and fitness artist.  You are a creative artist and it’s important to keep moving as the industry and the needs of our participants evolves.

    SETH GODINS, who is another of my favorite authors, encapsulates the  DEFINITION OF ART

    Art is a gift

    Being artful is pouring your soul into it.  Be artistic, bring something thoughtful forward

    Create from your soul and you wont go far wrong!
    ID love your feedback on this article. If you are on Twitter will you se the # #C2GO #Hip2BeHealthy then I can see all of your tweets and comments

    – See more at: https://www.choreographytogo.com/2013/12/instructor-newsletter-2/#sthash.kFjxXmWj.dpuf

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