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  • Fitness professionals are you a Business person?

    I hope you are feeling great on this sunny day and if you are free tonight
    I’d love to see you on my Webinar tonight ?

    It’s 9:30pm so once you are in from teaching log onto the webinar and say HELLO 🙂
    “But I’m NOT a Business Woman/Man”

    This is the phrase I hear every day. Either by email, Facebook, Twitter or in person.

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    As I’ve been developing Kick Start and writing a lot of fitness business articles and discussing this in workshops, it’s a quote that SO many Instructors say to me and I GET IT and I’m hearing you.

    I certainly appreciate that we ALL got into this industry for the LOVE of fitness, group exercise, helping people get fit and healthy, spreading the joy of exercise, health and well being. I doubt anyone here trained to be a fitness instructor thinking it would make them a millionaire.
    But, if you don’t get paid well for teaching, training or PT’ing it can be a harsh industry. There are so many financial outgoings – insurance, memberships, music, Training courses, conventions etc that you have to pay for to keep up with a fast moving industry and, of course….

    Time – Time to plan your classes, workouts and all the extra, unseen hours you HAVE to put in to stay ahead.

    We all recognise the financial glass ceiling of working in a centre or club. The wages aren’t likely to go up in the foreseeable future (if ever) Most Instructors would much prefer owning a small business and teaching/training in the community.

    But what if you aren’t naturally business minded and find it hard to set up a business because you are people person and you love fitness, you don’t know that much about “business” and it all seems a bit daunting.
    Perhaps, you have had a bash at community teaching in the past and find the hardest thing is actually asking for a good rate from customers. Sometimes our customers can take advantage of our good nature and sunny personalities and not treat us like they would treat other professionals.

    Is this you ?

    How can we get to grips with this problem?

    First thing to consider is a massive mind set change.

    Fitness Professionals change lives. End of.

    It’s that simple.
    We help people lose weight, feel better about themselves, get fitter, become more positive, be happier, meet new friends, the list as you know goes on. So, why on earth are you charging £3.50 for a class?
    Please understand YOUR worth.
    YOU are an educated professional and should be treated as such. Just because your teach your classes in a local village hall or outside in a park shouldn’t mean you have to charge less than a glass of wine in a pub or less than the cost of an eyebrow shape in the local beauty bar.
    Price your classes LOW and it’s very hard to put the prices UP.

    Consumers REALLY will see you as the cut price, low end brand if you price yourself too low. Customers will take YOU and YOUR business more seriously if you charge a little more.

    RIGHT NOW It is the best time to set up in the community.

    Why not look for a new venue and get something set up.

    Here’s My Top Tips to help you become a bit more “Businessey “without losing your customer Service and people Skills if you are starting out.

    1.Dont be cheap – Be the VIP Fitness in the area not the cheap as chips. You will be taken more seriously.

    2.Set up clear terms and conditions re cancelling/holidays and payment procedures. Give a hand out to everyone explaining these and post on your website. Don’t waver and then people won’t ask.

    3.Be professional at all times. If the boundaries between friendship and professional become blurred it can be very difficult to enforce terms and conditions.

    4.Run a professional operation. Get a good website, good graphics and branding, marketing. Invest time and effort in your business image.

    5. Network with other businesses in your area . Attend local business meetings, breakfast groups, women’s groups or network using Twitter – introduce yourself and offer to do cross promotions.
    6: Offer classes and services the big box gyms DON’T. Be different..

    Why not make this Summer the time YOU branch out and become a business person!
    What do you think ?

    I’d Love To Hear From You 🙂

    Free Webinar Tonight at 930pm

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    The 7 Big Mistakes And Disasters I have Made In
    My 29 Years Of Being In The Fitness Industry

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