Fitness Pilates Newsletter – Spiky Balls Edition.
9th December 2018
Good Morning ls How are you?
Click above for my latest Spiky Ball Mat workout – PLEASE let me know if these are helpful – Balls are from AMAZON I get my clients to purchase their own and bring to class with them.
**EVERYONE can benefit from 5 minutes of SPIKY BALL FOOT and ANKLE massage before exercise***
Here are MORE ideas taken from Kelly’s session at the SUMMIT 2018.
**Foot Release Work – Release foot in 3 planes of motion.
Hold ball under mid metatarsal joint, putting all weight into it for 30 secs -1min
Squats with ball under mid metatarsal joint, arms reaching down and up, wide,
Behind and rotation – repeat whole thing with supporting foot in front and behind
Roll downs with ball under mid metatarsal joint, Side Roll down’s with ballunder mid metatarsal joint, wide leg roll downs, crossed leg roll downs.
**Fitness Pilates exercises with Spiky ball
Place ball under sacral spine (bottom of the spine) to perform the following exercises:
Table top tap downs
Single Leg stretch
Hundred (no head lift)
Knee drop
Shoulder Bridge with ball under 1 foot or shoulder blade
Glute release work
With ball under 1 butt cheek, sitting, activate piriformis, use compression and rolling.
Psoas release work
It is attached to the top of your femur and then to the Lumbar vertebra, It is responsible for hip flexion and extension and lateral flexion.
It becomes tight and then people may experience a clicking or popping of the hip where the Psoas and QL are pulling against each other – working antagonistically so in order to stop that popping or clicking you need to release the Psoas.
Lay with ball under psoas in prone, tilt slightly to side – use compression not rolling.
Find the biggest knot in your shoulders, massage over it with ball laying supine, lay onto it using compression.
Lay on to ball and lift arm up, down, out, across and circle both directions.
Please post your spiky ball pictures in the FP Instructor Group we love to see them.
I hope you enjoy this weeks newsletter.
Take care
Love Rachel x
Join my Fitness Professionals 14 Week Weightloss and Wellness Course ELEVATE starting 7th January for high-performance lifestyle, health, exercise and mindset. CLICK HERE We have had amazing results with the Autumn course – Join me.
Do you want to offer ONLINE weightloss and wellness courses to your FP clients and new potential customers? It’s not to late to do the course and launch in the new year – CLICK HERE
**YOU CAN NOW pay In instalments for your LEVEL 3 PILATES TRAINING – 2 and 3 month payment options available**

*Remember to book early for your prep and reading time*
Choreographytogo is the official Level 3 Pilates Provider for Virgin Active Health Clubs
18/19/20 January – Bristol David Lloyd Westbury.
1/2/3 March – London Barbican Virgin Active
5/6/7 April – Manchester Salford Quays Virgin Active
10/11/12 May -Nottingham Virgin Active
CLICK HERE for all the course information and booking
The Level 3 Pilates is £860

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Offer Kick Start Programmes online and build your online brand CLICK HERE For INFO and start building your online offerings.
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