Would you love to offer Fitness Pilates , courses, or classes online and build an online income?
Have you been thinking about this idea for ages but still haven’t taken any action?
Here’s a breakdown of 6 simple steps to get you started:
Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience
Who do you want to reach? Who is your class, program, or course aimed at? Getting clear about your audience is crucial.
Beginners, Older Adults, Clients with back problems etc
Step 2: Create a Free Resource
Create a free resource, such as a Free sample Fitness Pilates workout, a checklist, or a guide PDF. Consider ideas like:
- 5 Simple Steps to Improving Posture
- 5 Fitness Pilates Exercises to Help Back Pain
- 5 Fitness Pilates Exercises to Strengthen Your Core
- 5 Fitness Pilates Exercises to Improve Rounded Shoulders
Make sure it’s simple, easy to follow, understand, and implement.
Step 3: Build an Online Community
Create an online community for your Fitness Pilates enthusiasts. A private Facebook group is the easiest way to build your online brand.
Step 4: Launch Your First Paid Course
Create and launch your first paid course. Keep it simple, valuable, and short so your clients feel accomplished. Brainstorm ideas such as:
- 7 Days of Fitness Pilates for beginners
- 7 Days to Improve Your Posture with Fitness Pilates
- The 7-Day Improve Your Core Strength FP Challenge
- 7 Day Improve your golf with Fitness Pilates
Step 5: Overdeliver with Value
Help your members achieve great results and have a fabulous experience. Gather testimonials and real-life proof that your program has had an impact.
Step 6: Expand Your Online Business
Repeat the process and start expanding your online business.
Many people are exercising at home using YouTube and apps. By creating your own online programs, you can build your income and provide more value to your existing members.
If you teach in a club, this is the perfect way to grow your business without additional community classes. If you are a community class teacher, this is the best way to create additional revenue, build a higher-value business,
I hope this guide helps you and encourages you to take your expertise and create a digital offering.
Good luck, and let me know how you get on!
PLUS I am running a workshop tomorrow abou how you can start building online using a whats app group – you don’t even need a website. Any questions? Please post in the Facebook group or message me directly.
New Qualification Updates
We are thrilled to be launching the Level 2 Chair based exercise qualification on the 18th July.