Fitness Pilates Newsletter
2nd December 2018
Good Morning How are you?
We’ve had a brilliant FP summer with all of the Pop Up FP’s In The Park this year so let’s hope for more sunshine in 2019 but have you arranged your Christmas CandleLight Special and your New Years FP masterclasses?
Organising an FP Taster masterclass aimed at new people trying your class is a winner for January 2019 and it’s not too late to organise.
The weekend of 5th and 6th January is a brilliant time to arrange your masterclass and you can get your promotion out on your social media and get clients booked in.
It could be a FREE event to attract new customers and at the end of the session upsell your FP course or have a paid for event and upsell your courses at a discount.
Whichever way you decide to go video the event and take as many pictures as possible to promote your classes and business on social media over the coming weeks.
It’s a wonderful way to kick off your new years classes.
*Book your room/decide on costings or Free PR event.
*Set Up an Event On FB.
*Promote On Your Email List.
*Plan your Facebook/Insta/Twitter Posts for December.
*Encourage existing clients to bring new friends.
*Contact lapsed clients and invite them to your event to reignite them.
*Do Facebook and Insta Lives to build your brand and promote your event and stay as visible
Please post your event details in the Fitness Pilates Instructorsgrou as we love to help promote your and your offerings on the FP Social media.
I hope you enjoy this weeks newsletter.
Take care
Love Rachel x

*Remember to book early for your prep and reading time*
Choreographytogo is the official Level 3 Pilates Provider for Virgin Active Health Clubs
18/19/20 January – Bristol David Lloyd Westbury.
1/2/3 March – London Barbican Virgin Active
5/6/7 April – Manchester Salford Quays Virgin Active
10/11/12 May -Nottingham Virgin Active
CLICK HERE for all the course information and booking
The Level 3 Pilates is £860

Would you like to offer weightloss and wellness programmes to your existing clients and online?
Offer Kick Start Programmes online and build your online brand CLICK HERE For INFO and start building your online offerings.
Have a question about it ? CLICK HERE