Good Morning Welcome to Fitness Pilates Newsletter 10 Sunday 10th June 2018
Thanks for all of the emails and feedback regarding the newsletter I’m so happy it’s helping and motivating you.
Check out the Fitness Pilates MINI BAND workout I hope that gives you a few ideas for this week’s classes – I’m uploading Fitness Pilates all week on my YOUTUBE so please subscribe I also post daily mini videos on the FP Insta. Click here for Youtube
I get my mini bands from Amazon in packs of 5 – Red, Blue, Green,Black, Yellow but try ebay for cheap deals.
Music of the week – Pilates Intervals
Fancy teaching a HIIT style FP class? This PPL Free mix by Pure Energy is wonderful I use it all the time for variations and clients always enjoy something new.
CLICK HERE FOR Pilates Intervals
FP Business Ideas.
It’s sunny and the weather is lovely have you thought about running a special Fitness Pilates in the Park session?
Over the years many FP’ers have run outdoors sessions. Find a local park or open space contact the local council. It’s very random around the UK if the councils charge you or not, there appears to be no set policy. My local parks are FREE as they are committed to encouraging more community usage but many councils don’t even get back to you so you may just set up and go for it! (Ask for forgiveness not permission )
***Fitness Pilates Online Marketing, Social Media & Business Building Course – How To Create Online Fitness Pilates (or any classes)****
*So many of you want to take your FP classes online and have been asking me for months to put a comprehensive course together and here it is*
Finally, I’ts READY – How to cause a Facebook frenzy, the ins and outs of Instagram, filming your own videos, music to use in videos, creating your online FP classes, creating graphics, Facebook ads and Boosted posts, Facebook Groups., Taking payments, Promoting your offerings, It will all be online in video form and you have access to the videos forever.
The course will officially be ready NEXT MONDAY but I’m offering it all week at a special early bird price.
ONLY £67 GRAB IT TODAY and get ahead in creating your FP classes and business Online and expanding your business.
The first 20 people sign ups get the course for £67
Here is the workshop Kelly delivered at last years Fitness Pilates Summit – How To Create A Back Care Programme – You can do the online Fitness Pilates For Back Care Qualification ONLINE click here
Are you thinking of doing Level 3?
Manchester 22/23/24 June – 2 spaces left
Bristol 13/14/15 July
Birmingham 16/17/18 August
For the full course dates, venues and bursary information for 2018 click here
Has your nutrition and fitness gone a little astray this week after the bank holiday?
Would you like to do 21 days of Lift Lean workouts, 21 days of my latest weight loss programme – the 5:2 Diet? 21 days day of LIVE coaching?
My next online programme begins next Monday 11th June. It’s a game changer click here for the details.
Happy Sunday
Love Rachel x
***Specialist Information and Newsletters***
Are you a FitPro and would like to get the weekly C2GO Newsletter? Even if you used to get it you do need to resign up click here.
Interested in Women’s Health, Weight loss. Nutrition, Food, Mental health? Click here Add your email to the Kick Start newsletter. Insta @KickStartFatloss
Are you interested in Buggy Beat& Parent and Baby/Toddler sessions? Click here to add your email. Instagram @BuggyBeat1 Buggy Beat is FLYING!
I post a lot of Fitness Pilates sequences and Ideas on Instagram – @FitnessPilates1.
Are you in the FB group?
Jump in if not https://www.facebook.com/