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  • Fitness Pilates 2025 Class Ideas


    Saturday 28th

    Quick Low Impact Combos for Dance Style Warm Ups

    Walkfit Warm up 

    4 walks fed/back, 2 x box, 2 x GV

    4 Walks to each corner. 2 x box, step side tap fwd.

    Warm up 2 

    4 x step touch 

    1 x GX Curl 

    1 x GV curl 

    2 x alt knee

    1 x repeater to change 


    BOXING DAY Workout Plan 

    Music: Pure Energy Music LIIT 30secs on 15secs rest 

    Round 1: Chest and Back

    1. Chest Press
      • Lie on your back (bench or floor), hold dumbbells, and press up.
    2. Bent-Over Rows
      • Hinge at the hips, pull dumbbells toward your torso, squeezing shoulder blades.
    3. Push-Up to Dumbbell Row
      • Perform a push-up, then row one dumbbell to your side, alternating arms.
    4. Incline Chest Fly
      • On an incline surface, hold dumbbells and perform a fly motion.
    5. Renegade Rows
      • In a plank position, row dumbbells alternately while maintaining core stability.
    6. Dumbbell Pullover
      • Lie on your back, hold a dumbbell with both hands, and lower it overhead, keeping elbows slightly bent.
    7. Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
      • Support one hand on a bench, row with the opposite hand, switching arms halfway.
    8. Push-Up with Dumbbell Drag
      • Do a push-up, then drag a dumbbell across your body, alternating sides.

    Round 2: Legs and Abs

    1. Goblet Squat
      • Hold a dumbbell close to your chest and perform a squat.
    2. Reverse Lunges with Dumbbell Pass
      • Hold one dumbbell, step back into a lunge, and pass the dumbbell under your front leg.
    3. Dumbbell Deadlift
      • Perform a hip hinge while holding dumbbells to target hamstrings and glutes.
    4. Russian Twists
      • Sit with feet off the ground, twist side to side holding a dumbbell.
    5. Step-Ups with Dumbbells
      • Step onto a bench, holding dumbbells, alternating legs.
    6. Dumbbell Side Bends
      • Stand tall and bend sideways, holding a dumbbell in one hand.
    7. Weighted Glute Bridge
      • Place a dumbbell on your hips, and lift your hips off the floor.
    8. Plank with Dumbbell Taps
      • In a plank position, tap the dumbbell in front of you, alternating hands.

    Round 3: Biceps, Triceps, and Shoulders

    1. Bicep Curls
      • Hold dumbbells and curl them up, keeping elbows close to the body.
    2. Tricep Overhead Extension
      • Hold one dumbbell with both hands and extend overhead.
    3. Dumbbell Lateral Raises
      • Raise dumbbells to shoulder height, keeping arms straight.
    4. Hammer Curls
      • Curl dumbbells with palms facing inward.
    5. Arnold Press
      • Rotate dumbbells from a curl position to an overhead press.
    6. Tricep Kickbacks
      • In a bent-over position, extend the dumbbells back.
    7. Front Raises
      • Raise dumbbells straight in front of you to shoulder height.
    8. Zottman Curls
      • Combine a standard curl on the way up with a reverse curl on the way down.

    Round 4: Full-Body Mix

    1. Thrusters (Squat to Overhead Press)
      • Squat down, then press dumbbells overhead as you stand.
    2. Renegade Rows
      • In a plank position, row dumbbells alternately.
    3. Dumbbell Deadlift to Upright Row
      • Perform a deadlift and transition to an upright row.
    4. Side Lunge with Dumbbell Reach
      • Step to the side, lowering a dumbbell toward your foot.
    5. Push-Up to Dumbbell Row
      • Alternate between push-ups and rows.
    6. Lunge with Bicep Curl
      • Lunge forward and curl dumbbells at the same time.
    7. Dumbbell Snatch (Single-Arm)
      • Explosively lift a dumbbell from the floor to overhead, switching arms halfway.
    8. Plank with Dumbbell Drag
      • Drag the dumbbell across your body in a plank position.

    Xmas Eve Choreography

    Monday 23rd December standing warm up ideas

    Standing Ideas 

    1:Brush – Tap fwd/side/back

    2:Side Brush – Tap fed/side/back

    3:Add calf raise and squat

    4:Add hip circles


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