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  • The Fitness Business Blog

    Fitness Business Newsletter  –  28th July 2024 QUICK READ

    Are you watching the swimming tonight… wow!

    Anyway onto business ideas….Class members  going away and are you worried about cash flow? Film a Holiday Takeaways series

    How To Plan, Create, Launch, and Deliver Your Holiday Takeaway Programme

    Holiday Shorts or Holiday Takeaway Workouts- Short workout videos that you can sell to clients as a convenient fitness solution while they are away on holiday.

    Film a range of 15 /20 minute workouts upload to Youtube and deliver via your websites, a Facebook group, what’s app group or email.

    You can deliver all in 1 go or drip over a series of days.

    **Create Simple Holiday Takeaway Workouts**


    Offer 15-minute workouts that require no equipment, making them easy for clients to do in any location, including hotel rooms, parks, or even at the beach.

    **How to Sell Them TODAY Before Creation:**

    **Pre-Sell Strategy:** Announce the upcoming release of your “Holiday Shorts” workout series to your clients and on social media. Offer early bird discounts or bonuses for those who purchase before the official launch.

    **Bundle Offers:** Include the workouts as part of a package with other services, such as nutrition guides or personal coaching sessions. Film different rages of Holiday Takeaways

    **How to Price:** Don’t go to cheap people are paying for your expertise and frictionless delivery

    **Tiered Pricing:** Offer different pricing tiers based on access to additional content, like extended workouts, personalised plans, or exclusive live sessions while your clients are away.

    **Promotions and Discounts:** Use promotional discounts for early buyers or package deals to attract more customers.

    **How to Structure and Film:**

    **Film with your phone in the garden while it is sunny, use Music from Pure energy Go and upload to music

    **Launch on social media and to your existing client base.

    I’m running a step by step training on Monday going through all of this so jump in if you need guidance.

    Love Rachel xxxx

    Any questions message me on Whats app 
    07976 268672 


    Join The Supporters 
    A SUPER Low cost community of Group Fitness Teacher who are get a daily business briefing with me at 730am plus Free Masterclasses every week.


    Every day I hold a business briefing at 7:30 in The Supporters membership to help inspire and motivate group fitness instructors in their businesses.

    These are this week’s topics. Why don’t you join? 😊

    Monday, 29 July: Women’s FitPro Health Briefing

    Key Points:

    1. Why Is Vitamin C  KEY for Menopause
    2. Fibre Intake
      • Importance: Digestive health, weight management
      • Types: Soluble vs. insoluble fiber
      • Sources: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains
    3. Effectiveness of Diets
    4. Holiday Eating Strategies
      • Tips: Portion control, mindful eating
      • Balance: Indulgence and healthy choices

    Tuesday, 30 July: Creating Digital Fitness Programs

    Key Points:

    1. Choosing Platforms
      • Considerations: Reach, cost, functionality
      • Examples: Online fitness platforms, apps
    2. Content Creation
      • Types: Workouts, tutorials, educational content
    3. Marketing Strategies
      • Methods: Social media, email marketing
      • Engagement: Building a community, feedback loops

    Wednesday, 31 July: August Planning, Events, Pop ups 

    & Your Socials.

      • Goals: Set clear objectives
      • Campaigns: Schedule marketing efforts
      • Review: Analyse and adjust strategies
    1. Event
      • Purpose: Community building, networking
      • Activities: Workshops, informal discussions

    Thursday, 1 August: Business Growth Strategies for Autumn

    Key Points:

    1. Expanding Your Services
      • Diversification: New classes, products, digital and passive.
    2. Leveraging Tech.
    3. Planning Your Autumn Programme.

    Friday, 2 August: Your Personal Branding & Client Retention

    Key Points:

    1. Personal Branding
      • Identity: Unique value proposition
      • Consistency: Across platforms
      • Visibility: Online and offline presence
    2. Client Retention
      • Engagement: Regular communication
      • Loyalty Programs: Incentives for long-term clients
      • Feedback: Continuous improvement

    click here to join the group 

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