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  • The Fitness Business Blog

    Fitness Business Newsletter 22 July 2024

    Are you taking some time off this August but would still like to attract new clients and grow your online business?

    Then plan and market your own Fitness Pop-Up Summer Club running from 1st August!

    Run it in a pop-up Facebook group where you can schedule all of your workouts and posts ahead of time. Use weekly challenges and daily accountability posts to keep the group motivated and involved.

    How to Plan and Market Your Fitness Summer Club

    1. Define Your Offer:

    • Summer Fitness Club: Offer a variety of pre-recorded workout videos, meal plans, and fitness tips.
    • Price Range: Set a membership price between £27 and £97.

    2. Marketing Strategies:

    a. Identify Your Target Audience:

    • Is I for your exciting clients, lapsed members, people who follow you on social media/

    b. Create Engaging Promotional Content:

    • Design eye-catching graphics and promotional videos.
    • Highlight the benefits of joining your Summer Club.
    • Use client testimonials and success stories.
    • Create tons of canvas graphics and reels.

    c. Leverage Social Media:

    • Post regularly on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
    • Host live Q&A sessions or mini-workouts to engage with potential members between now and the start date and let people join once youhabe started also.

    d. Email Marketing:

    • Send out newsletters to your existing email list.
    • Include compelling subject lines and clear calls-to-action.

    f. Early Bird Discounts:

    • Offer discounted rates for early sign-ups to create urgency.

    3. Running Your Summer Club:

    a. Choose Your Platform:

    • Facebook Group: Create a private group with clear guidelines.
    • WhatsApp Group: Set up a group chat and ensure all members join before the program starts.

    b. Content Delivery:

    • Upload pre-recorded workout videos to YouTube or Vimeo.
    • Schedule regular posts with workout links and additional content.

    c. Engagement and Accountability:

    • Post weekly check-ins for members to share their progress.
    • Use polls and questions to encourage interaction.
    • Provide daily fitness challenges and holiday workout tips.

    d. Additional Value:

    • Share meal plans, healthy recipes, and nutrition tips.
    • Offer live sessions or Q&A sessions periodically.
    • Provide downloadable resources like workout calendars and progress trackers.

    g. Post-Program Follow-Up:

    • Send a thank-you message to all participants at the end of the program.
    • Collect testimonials and success stories.
    • Offer follow-up programs or discounted memberships to retain members.

    Upsell your September offerings

    Does that help?
    Love Rachel xxxx

    Any questions message me on Whats app
    07976 268672

    Join The Supporters
    A SUPER Low cost community of Group Fitness Teacher who are get a daily business briefing with me at 730am plus Free Masterclasses every week.
    Every day I hold a business briefing at 7:30 in The Supporters membership to help inspire and motivate group fitness instructors in their businesses.

    These are this week’s topics. Why don’t you join? 😊

    SUPPORTERS Business Briefing Week Commencing Monday, 222 July

    Monday 22 July: Newsletter Marketing & Monday GOALS

    Key Points:

    1. Constructing Your Newsletter:
      • Create a compelling subject line.
      • Include an introduction, main content, call-to-action, and sign-off.
      • Maintain a consistent design and layout.
    2. What to Write:
      • Share fitness tips and advice.
      • Provide updates on upcoming events and new services.
      • Include client success stories and testimonials.
      • Offer exclusive content or promotions.
    3. What to Add In:
      • High-quality images and videos.
      • Links to your social media profiles.
      • Clear and engaging calls-to-action.
      • Contact information and easy ways to subscribe/unsubscribe.

    Tuesday 23 July: Tech Tuesday

    Key Points:

    1. How to Film Workout Videos on Your Phone:
    2. How to Film On The Go – Portable Tech:

    Wednesday 24 July: Tips on Becoming a Presenter

    Key Points:

    1. Building Confidence:
      • Practice speaking
      • Record yourself and review the footage to identify areas for improvement.
      • Prepare thoroughly
    2. Engaging Your Audience:
      • Use storytelling to make your points more relatable.
      • Encourage audience participation and interaction.
    3. Delivering Effective Presentations:
      • Structure your presentation with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
      • Use visual aids and props to enhance your message.
      • Practice your delivery to ensure smooth transitions and timing.

    Thursday 25 July: Creating Your Summer Package

    Key Points:

    1. Summer Club Online :
    2. Summer Club 1-2-1:

    Ill share with you how to create your package.

    Friday 26 July: PRICING & Friday Round-Up

    Key Points:

    1. Pricing Your Corporate Packages:
      • Understand the needs of corporate clients and tailor your packages accordingly.
      • Offer tiered pricing options based on the level of service provided.
      • Highlight the benefits and ROI for the company.
    2. Pricing Your Events:
      • Research market rates and consider the value you provide.
      • Include all costs in your pricing, such as venue, equipment, and marketing.
      • Offer early bird discounts and group rates to encourage sign-ups.
    3. Pricing Your Retreats and Workshops:
      • Consider the location, duration, and exclusivity of the event.
      • Factor in all expenses, including accommodation, meals, and activities.
      • Provide detailed information about what’s included to justify the price.

    click here to join the group 

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