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  • Tuesday 19th December Business Briefing

    Video Details

    Video Length:

    10 – 30 Minutes



    December 19, 2023


    Notes / Rachel's Recap


    00:01.892 –> 00:02.933
    Good morning, everybody.

    00:02.953 –> 00:06.135
    Happy Tuesday, the 19th of December.

    00:06.736 –> 00:08.097
    Now, let’s just check you’re all here.

    00:08.177 –> 00:08.697
    Let me know.

    00:09.378 –> 00:19.766
    Let me know if you are online, which group, if you’re in the supporter Facebook group, or let me know if you’re on YouTube, or let me know if you are live on the dashboard.

    00:19.866 –> 00:23.149
    I would love to know where you are accessing me this morning.

    00:23.869 –> 00:25.751
    Right, let me… Ah, thank you.

    00:26.972 –> 00:28.113
    So many lovely messages.

    00:28.133 –> 00:28.213

    00:30.154 –> 00:53.693
    notifications notifications those are all over the place sometimes i get notifications from like things we did weeks ago it’s really odd isn’t it do you anybody else it just could be my page um excited to do this let me let me find you in the group and then we’re good morning laura how are you how are you feeling

    00:56.224 –> 01:01.466
    Okay, let’s do, hang on right now, where do I navigate my group?

    01:01.866 –> 01:05.207
    See to go to supporters, there you go, if I’ve got you up there, there we are.

    01:05.547 –> 01:07.547
    You’re on there, let me do that little tag.

    01:10.168 –> 01:14.169
    The everyone tag is so good and the highlight tag and the followers tag.

    01:14.550 –> 01:16.050
    Morning, Jill, how are you?

    01:16.070 –> 01:18.171
    How’s everything with you?

    01:18.691 –> 01:22.172
    Did you all manage to navigate to the members area and find it okay?

    01:25.509 –> 01:26.069
    There it is.

    01:27.050 –> 01:27.610
    There you go.

    01:27.670 –> 01:28.550
    Good morning, Helen.

    01:28.570 –> 01:30.531
    Helen, I never see you on a live.

    01:31.691 –> 01:32.211

    01:32.631 –> 01:35.772
    Good morning, T. Morning, T. It’s slow recovery.

    01:35.953 –> 01:36.693
    I bet it is.

    01:36.713 –> 01:37.293
    I bet it is.

    01:37.313 –> 01:37.693
    I bet it is.

    01:38.053 –> 01:41.074
    So for the supporters, you always will find the live.

    01:41.734 –> 01:47.856
    I’ll stream it into the group and I’ll also stream it into YouTube via the website as well.

    01:47.896 –> 01:48.517
    So that’s cool.

    01:48.897 –> 01:49.697
    Good morning, Claire.

    01:49.717 –> 01:50.577
    Good morning, Michelle.

    01:50.817 –> 01:51.638
    Good morning, everyone.

    01:52.498 –> 01:53.218
    Good morning.

    01:54.039 –> 01:56.320
    So following on from yesterday, good morning.

    01:56.661 –> 01:58.302
    I love yesterday’s corporate.

    01:58.502 –> 02:06.326
    If you missed yesterday’s briefing and you’re looking at corporate, go and watch the briefing yesterday because I’ve passed loads of great tips.

    02:06.807 –> 02:08.568
    And I love when this happens.

    02:08.668 –> 02:14.311
    So I don’t know if Claire’s on this morning, but Claire messaged me about three weeks ago in the back channel saying,

    02:15.852 –> 02:32.541
    in my PM about different courses and we went backwards and forwards and I think I said to her she said I’m getting back into fitness blah blah blah blah blah getting back into my business sort of thing I said join the supporters she joined the supporters she’s watched every briefing she’s now joined Fitness Business Academy she’s watching all the Fitness Business Academy

    02:33.081 –> 02:42.165
    She watched everything yesterday on the corporate and just went on LinkedIn, because I saw you LinkedIn, and she just pushed it out on LinkedIn, and she reached out to people, and she already got responses.

    02:42.345 –> 02:46.627
    I love that when people just completely take action and just go for it.

    02:47.308 –> 02:48.888
    The business for everybody is there.

    02:50.567 –> 02:55.488
    100% sure that there’s enough business for everybody.

    02:56.169 –> 03:04.811
    It’s just, as I keep saying every day, do the due diligence, make a plan, make sure your ladder is leaning against the right house, where you want to go.

    03:04.831 –> 03:11.593
    If it’s corporate, listen to all the videos that we’ve done, make the steps, create the project, and then boom, go for it.

    03:11.793 –> 03:12.553
    Go, go, go for it.

    03:12.593 –> 03:13.373
    Good morning, Elaine.

    03:13.393 –> 03:14.253
    Good morning, everyone.

    03:14.614 –> 03:15.434
    Good morning, Vicky.

    03:16.414 –> 03:17.335
    Morning, Paula.

    03:17.455 –> 03:18.136
    Morning, morning, morning.

    03:18.456 –> 03:27.306
    So it is, it’s about being really clear about where you want to take the business and then doing the due diligence, doing the research, but not making the research be a reason.

    03:27.366 –> 03:27.986
    Morning, Deborah.

    03:28.427 –> 03:30.429
    Being a reason to procrastinate.

    03:30.509 –> 03:33.612
    Who lets research just take far too long?

    03:33.953 –> 03:37.516
    Do the research, put all the information down and then think, right, am I going for this?

    03:38.337 –> 03:40.258
    Is there enough of an audience?

    03:40.398 –> 03:41.799
    Is there enough business?

    03:42.219 –> 03:44.800
    Are people willing to pay the price that I’m looking for this?

    03:45.180 –> 03:46.100
    Yes, great.

    03:46.221 –> 03:47.461
    Now, go for it.

    03:47.501 –> 03:48.141
    That’s the key.

    03:48.482 –> 03:49.962
    It really is.

    03:50.082 –> 03:55.865
    Wherever you are, wherever in the business you are, whether you want to grow your online and you want to create passive income,

    03:56.525 –> 04:04.673
    whether you want to do face-to-face and get more people at your face-to-face sessions, or you want to do more PT or whatever, fill in the blank.

    04:05.033 –> 04:07.656
    Or as we said yesterday, Sue said, I want to streamline.

    04:08.116 –> 04:11.159
    Again, I’ll keep asking you these three questions over the next few days.

    04:11.219 –> 04:12.560
    Number one, what worked in 2023?

    04:12.620 –> 04:13.041
    Good morning, Yvonne.

    04:14.882 –> 04:19.143
    So if I ask T, T’s got a studio, and I think you moved premises, T, this year, didn’t you?

    04:19.623 –> 04:20.483
    What worked?

    04:20.663 –> 04:22.224
    What was the busiest class?

    04:22.284 –> 04:23.664
    Actually, let me know in the comments.

    04:24.264 –> 04:38.167
    If I look at, again, if I look at my business as a whole, not the easiest, I wouldn’t say that it’s the easiest, but the biggest take-up that we have on all of the courses and qualifications is anything to do with Fitness Pilates.

    04:38.647 –> 04:42.828
    Fitness Pilates, 22 years ago, I created that course, and it still is.

    04:43.388 –> 04:46.510
    The courses sell out every single month.

    04:47.010 –> 04:55.815
    It blows my mind really to think that that course, that little course that we created, just year after year after year, grows and grows and grows.

    04:56.215 –> 04:58.397
    When we do the add-ons, they always sell out.

    04:58.437 –> 05:00.818
    When we do the classes, the courses, it always sells out.

    05:01.238 –> 05:02.679
    It is just phenomenal.

    05:03.179 –> 05:08.302
    And if I just sold Fitness Pilates, God, my life would be so much easier.

    05:09.563 –> 05:38.366
    but you know if if i was in a position to streamline and i thought okay i wanted to streamline then yeah i could just focus on fitness pilates being my whole business and all our training business could be fitness pilates but what’s for you yeah it’s interesting isn’t it and i think sometimes you get like have a look and think what really worked but having said that i think if you want to build a bigger business it’s about looking at your ecosystem so you might have a subscription you might have a membership you might do some live sessions face-to-face sessions

    05:38.726 –> 05:40.147
    You might want to be doing corporate.

    05:40.187 –> 05:41.608
    You also do some personal training.

    05:42.288 –> 05:44.550
    And all those different elements go up, go down.

    05:44.930 –> 05:47.032
    And they’re all different revenue streams.

    05:47.352 –> 05:50.134
    But actually, they all fit together in an ecosystem.

    05:50.974 –> 05:57.439
    And I think doing face-to-face classes, if you’ve got busy face-to-face classes, they become a gateway into other things.

    05:58.059 –> 06:00.040
    And I did a video about this yesterday.

    06:00.180 –> 06:02.582
    And I do think this is something to consider.

    06:02.622 –> 06:04.563
    And I’ve been alluding to it all year.

    06:05.604 –> 06:08.586
    But again, this depends on your big goal, your vision.

    06:09.087 –> 06:16.773
    If your bigger vision is to eventually bring and do more online, if you feel that you’re at your capacity with face-to-face, i.e.

    06:16.833 –> 06:25.319
    time-wise, and you really do want to start creating some passive income and memberships and things that you don’t physically have to be there all the time, all day, all night, etc.,

    06:26.340 –> 06:41.412
    then this sort of three-tier approach, and we see this in all different businesses, all different sectors, where if you’ve got three levels of a business, you’ve got your bronze, silver, gold package, and now’s the time to think about maybe…

    06:42.473 –> 06:46.777
    launching a different sort of membership or a different idea.

    06:46.797 –> 06:51.020
    So you’re going to get people that just want to come to your face-to-face class right now.

    06:51.280 –> 06:51.881
    That’s what they want.

    06:51.901 –> 06:54.643
    They want to come once a week to Fitness Pilates or whatever it is you offer.

    06:55.423 –> 07:04.511
    But if you also offer, as an additional cost, your silver person, you are going to run an accountability group on Facebook and you’re going to share…

    07:05.191 –> 07:10.853
    healthy habits, you’re gonna do a weekly goal setting session, and you’re going to share recipes.

    07:10.893 –> 07:13.313
    Now it doesn’t have to be a diet plan or anything.

    07:13.733 –> 07:20.855
    An accountability group is a great way of building community and for people to get to know you, and it becomes an additional revenue stream.

    07:21.196 –> 07:25.817
    So you can come to the classes, but you can also say, okay, people over here that come to classes,

    07:26.337 –> 07:54.386
    would you like to join the health and well-being online group and this is going to be this is your silver so the people then can go to this live class and they can also access the silver membership which is this accountability well-being fill in the blank whatever suits you and that’s your silver and then also you’ve got this higher ticket priced option where you can come to the face-to-face class you can access the accountability group and you can also have a weekly 30-minute

    07:55.886 –> 07:56.647

    07:56.967 –> 07:59.589
    Now, it could be a fitness session with them.

    07:59.649 –> 08:01.771
    You might do 30 minutes of Pilates with them.

    08:02.171 –> 08:05.934
    It might be 30 minutes of whatever, whatever you’re qualified in.

    08:06.254 –> 08:08.016
    And that becomes your gold package.

    08:08.436 –> 08:10.397
    And so when you present that morning, everyone…

    08:11.318 –> 08:12.418
    Yeah, I can see it.

    08:12.498 –> 08:13.618
    Yeah, it is totally.

    08:14.539 –> 08:25.081
    When you then, you’ve got that three-tier offering, that then, I hate saying that, that then, that gives you three different price points.

    08:25.201 –> 08:27.781
    It’s a way that you can offer more, bigger value.

    08:28.161 –> 08:31.162
    You don’t have to increase the price of your face-to-face class.

    08:31.182 –> 08:35.442
    Your face-to-face class can stay the same, but you have all these bolt-ons and add-ons.

    08:35.862 –> 08:37.063
    And we see that with everything, don’t we?

    08:37.203 –> 08:38.643
    Airlines, sales.

    08:38.903 –> 08:39.864
    cinema tickets.

    08:40.185 –> 08:42.547
    You know, you can go and sit in the cheap seats in a plane.

    08:42.767 –> 08:43.809
    You get to where you’re going.

    08:44.169 –> 08:45.470
    You can sit in business class.

    08:45.530 –> 08:46.511
    You know, you get the extras.

    08:46.551 –> 08:47.653
    You can sit in upper class.

    08:47.853 –> 08:49.515
    You know, you pay for all those privileges.

    08:49.915 –> 08:52.938
    You’re doing the class, but you’re giving people that option.

    08:53.018 –> 08:55.041
    I think we’re going to see a lot more of that in 2023.

    08:55.661 –> 08:59.405
    Sort of this more three package approach.

    08:59.625 –> 09:00.506
    But let me know what you think.

    09:01.367 –> 09:01.968
    I’m interested.

    09:01.988 –> 09:04.630
    My ex-morning class has lost three members, but now I can sleep.

    09:05.010 –> 09:05.490
    Well, there you go.

    09:05.530 –> 09:06.451
    That’s much more important.

    09:06.491 –> 09:08.592
    Quality of life is much more important, isn’t it?

    09:09.293 –> 09:10.314
    One-year anniversary.

    09:10.434 –> 09:19.520
    And 100%, if you’ve got any anniversaries coming up with your business, you’ve got to absolutely utilize them, spotlight them, push them out there across on your social media.

    09:20.101 –> 09:22.603
    So automation, I wanted to talk a little bit about this morning.

    09:22.663 –> 09:24.224
    So again, you know I’m doing it.

    09:24.284 –> 09:25.845
    So I’m away from tomorrow automatically.

    09:25.845 –> 09:26.445
    I can’t wait.

    09:26.886 –> 09:28.747
    I’ll be on my way to Heathrow this time tomorrow.

    09:29.167 –> 09:37.072
    So I’ve recorded a 15-minute supporters briefing, business briefing every day for you that will go live, that will stream live.

    09:37.113 –> 09:40.575
    So you’ll all be able to chat and talk and do all the normal things.

    09:40.615 –> 09:43.016
    So it will be a really good indication to see how that works.

    09:43.537 –> 09:45.698
    So I’m just going to take one subject.

    09:45.758 –> 09:48.180
    So how to fill face-to-face class is tomorrow.

    09:48.520 –> 09:51.562
    Thursday is how to fill online.

    09:51.842 –> 09:52.923
    I can’t remember what Thursday.

    09:52.963 –> 09:53.604
    I’ve done them anyway.

    09:53.644 –> 09:54.564
    So they’re all scheduled.

    09:54.584 –> 09:55.465
    They’ll all go live.

    09:56.025 –> 09:58.167
    You’ll be able to chat just as if I’m live.

    09:58.687 –> 10:00.408
    And it’s all automated.

    10:00.448 –> 10:03.810
    So I’ve automated everything all the way through for the next 10 days.

    10:04.331 –> 10:13.797
    So if you’re thinking of, if this is the sort of thing that’s appealing to you and you want to do more of this in 2024, then you’ll need to invest in software.

    10:14.317 –> 10:15.718
    StreamYard works brilliantly well.

    10:15.918 –> 10:17.700
    Vimeo works brilliantly well as well.

    10:18.120 –> 10:22.703
    But Vimeo is quite costly to do the live stream, but you get a really high quality stream.

    10:23.744 –> 10:25.165
    If you’ve got online members,

    10:26.065 –> 10:27.306
    Again, this is an option for you.

    10:27.346 –> 10:29.688
    I’m sure lots of you say, right, I’m having two weeks off.

    10:30.208 –> 10:33.471
    Off you go, fill your boots, you know, do whatever classes you like.

    10:33.891 –> 10:44.139
    But if you use something like the streaming softwares, you can schedule all the classes at the same time as you normally do them and your members can still work out together and still chat.

    10:44.779 –> 10:53.204
    And I think it’s something to think about because what I think when you build any kind of membership, the glue that holds everybody together is the community.

    10:53.304 –> 10:55.185
    Everyone gets to know everyone, everyone in chats.

    10:55.625 –> 10:58.167
    Now you can do a completely hands-off membership.

    10:58.247 –> 10:59.027
    This is online.

    10:59.587 –> 11:04.750
    And again, basically like the Fitness Pilates VIP club, there’s no chat, there’s no membership.

    11:04.770 –> 11:07.452
    There’s a WhatsApp group that I post bits and pieces in, but you know, it’s,

    11:08.252 –> 11:11.115
    Here’s all the workouts for, here’s all the information.

    11:11.455 –> 11:13.978
    It all drops on the first of the month, everybody goes in.

    11:14.398 –> 11:18.742
    But it’s a lower price point because, you know, I don’t have to do anything else.

    11:19.082 –> 11:20.204
    There’s all the information.

    11:20.684 –> 11:25.829
    Whereas in the groups like Studio Live or Supporters, it’s very much a community.

    11:25.889 –> 11:27.971
    Everybody’s here chatting, sharing ideas.

    11:28.331 –> 11:32.956
    And if you take that away for a long period of time, then you kind of lose the energy.

    11:33.556 –> 11:40.563
    But if you can still live stream with your content and everybody else can do the chat, boom, it’s a winner.

    11:41.283 –> 11:42.765
    You maintain your community.

    11:43.205 –> 11:45.007
    So see what you think tomorrow.

    11:45.047 –> 11:46.588
    I think it’s going to be really interesting.

    11:47.529 –> 11:52.354
    I do think that the StreamYard on-air webinar software is very, very good.

    11:52.814 –> 11:57.596
    And that everyone can chat, you can see the chat, and everyone can get together so you keep that community.

    11:58.096 –> 12:07.980
    But it’s a wonderful way, again, of whatever your lifestyle is, however you want to run your business going forward, it’s something to think about because it frees you up.

    12:08.461 –> 12:17.284
    And even if you’ve got a busy timetable of classes, it might be that just through the week, you do some live and you do some that are live streamed.

    12:17.344 –> 12:18.585
    So it’s a bit of a mix.

    12:19.205 –> 12:21.747
    And then you’re not a slave to that timetable.

    12:22.067 –> 12:24.228
    We’re thinking about, let me know if you do it.

    12:24.348 –> 12:26.169
    Let me know if you’re thinking of doing it.

    12:26.669 –> 12:33.533
    And then you can experience it over the next few days and let me think how it all looks.

    12:34.173 –> 12:36.735
    The other thing you can do that we’ve talked about before in the past

    12:37.455 –> 12:42.298
    is you can partner with other presenters, with other people in our group, in our community.

    12:42.798 –> 12:50.242
    Why don’t, you know, we can start a thread, and why don’t you share workouts with people, and you can live stream them.

    12:50.362 –> 12:53.044
    So, you know, I just did the advanced instructors.

    12:53.064 –> 12:55.525
    I’m going to release the timetable today.

    12:55.945 –> 13:02.649
    Ten of the people that did the advanced instructors have all shared great, amazing workouts, yoga workouts.

    13:02.709 –> 13:03.309
    Lorna’s there.

    13:03.349 –> 13:04.490
    She’s got her yoga skirt.

    13:05.451 –> 13:10.396
    And I can I can live stream all those workouts to my group over the next 10 days.

    13:10.736 –> 13:13.119
    So it’s a really busy, busy timetable.

    13:13.860 –> 13:16.242
    People get the experience to try other things.

    13:16.603 –> 13:22.970
    And it just again, it just gives these timetables a little bit of a little bit of a different feel and a different theme.

    13:23.590 –> 13:38.109
    and because you’re live streaming them in everybody’s got the chat as well so it’s definitely something to think about again depending on what your goals are going forward so that’s the first station of automation let me know if you’ve got any questions on that because it is a big subject

    13:38.710 –> 13:42.574
    And I think live streaming into a Facebook group, that’s a good start.

    13:43.014 –> 13:47.939
    And then live streaming a pre-recorded video into a Facebook group, good start.

    13:48.279 –> 13:56.928
    And then ultimately, live streaming a pre-recorded video into your own website where everybody can chat, where they’re all on your website.

    13:57.028 –> 13:57.589

    13:57.689 –> 13:59.490
    That would be the next level again.

    13:59.570 –> 14:03.194
    So you’re taking people away from that social media platform and they’re

    14:03.314 –> 14:06.896
    accessing your amazing content on your own website.

    14:07.037 –> 14:07.517

    14:07.857 –> 14:26.790
    Esther, you’ve been doing it, haven’t you, because you’ve had a hip, so Esther’s had a hip replacement, so I know Esther’s still been, if you didn’t know that Esther had been in hospital, then you would just think she’s live every day, because I still see she’s posting, everything’s automated, all the videos are going out there on YouTube, and it just takes the pressure off, it really does.

    14:26.810 –> 14:27.170

    14:27.210 –> 14:32.033
    Because as you all know, teaching day after day, standing up day after day, it becomes, it’s hard, it’s draining.

    14:32.573 –> 14:37.696
    And these are just really great ways that you can still build, you can scale a business this way.

    14:38.217 –> 14:47.242
    And I’ve noticed a lot on like, if you look at Davina’s ads, I love looking at, she’s putting, this is interesting to me.

    14:47.582 –> 14:50.504
    They’re putting loads of money into Davina’s app ads.

    14:50.604 –> 14:51.965
    So they must cost a fortune.

    14:52.145 –> 14:53.266
    I mean, a lot, a lot.

    14:53.886 –> 14:55.227
    A lot of money goes into those ads.

    14:55.487 –> 14:58.368
    But you read the comments, and the comments are really negative.

    14:58.688 –> 15:01.529
    You know, the app doesn’t change, the workouts are just the same.

    15:01.549 –> 15:05.331
    They’ve not obviously updated the content of the app.

    15:05.371 –> 15:06.611
    I’ve never looked at it, and I don’t know.

    15:06.651 –> 15:08.232
    So this is just what you read in the comments.

    15:08.852 –> 15:11.213
    And that’s the key, isn’t it, with online?

    15:11.713 –> 15:18.438
    And I think that’s the golden ticket with an online membership is to have lots of variety.

    15:18.799 –> 15:21.000
    So you’re always updating your classes and your content.

    15:21.481 –> 15:24.203
    I don’t think people do those workouts over and over again.

    15:24.223 –> 15:24.663
    Do you?

    15:24.763 –> 15:29.026
    I think they’re always looking for, they always want the newest, the latest, the different one.

    15:29.507 –> 15:31.789
    But it’s an interesting concept as always.

    15:31.869 –> 15:34.411
    And I’m always interested in your thoughts and your ideas.

    15:35.151 –> 15:40.153
    Okay, second thing, so partner up, partner up, use other people’s content and you can share.

    15:40.173 –> 15:44.254
    You’re welcome Esther.

    15:44.414 –> 15:47.875
    An online business really doesn’t need to be hard.

    15:48.276 –> 15:52.477
    Whether you could have, like this week, so it’s been hard for me this last day.

    15:53.677 –> 15:55.638
    That’s the hard bit is doing all the scheduling.

    15:56.178 –> 16:00.939
    Now what I’ve done is I’ve scheduled it all and I’ve written down everything step by step.

    16:01.039 –> 16:06.120
    I’ve filmed it on Loom, which is like a software that films your desktop.

    16:06.440 –> 16:07.440
    We’ve got it step by step.

    16:07.480 –> 16:12.281
    So now I’ve got like an instructions of how I want that all to be done.

    16:12.641 –> 16:15.922
    And then I can hand that all off to Lauren and then Lauren will do it next time.

    16:16.202 –> 16:17.762
    Then I only have to do it once.

    16:17.942 –> 16:19.863
    I figure out the system and the strategy.

    16:20.583 –> 16:36.165
    and then i pass it on to lauren and then i can i can think of something else i can go forward with the strategy so it’s it’s uh yeah it’s interesting and i think if you are wanting to build this way it’s a it definitely look at stream yard on air webinar software and vimeo

    16:36.485 –> 16:44.211
    But you do need to have, not the enterprise level Vimeo, you need to have the, I think it’s professional, that’s the membership, which is quite expensive, but really good.

    16:44.892 –> 16:46.753
    Okay, your email schedules.

    16:47.034 –> 16:48.295
    So you could batch all that, the email.

    16:49.055 –> 16:59.664
    All of you should have, you’ve been watching me for so long, you all need to have, should have some kind of MailChimp or email CRM system that you’re regularly sending out your newsletter to.

    16:59.904 –> 17:01.604
    Please tell me in the comments if you are.

    17:02.005 –> 17:06.826
    I’m also going to open a thread in the Facebook group to share yours.

    17:07.186 –> 17:12.827
    So if you send out a regular newsletter, please share yours so that we can share ideas on that.

    17:12.907 –> 17:15.588
    What kind of things do you, what kind of things you put in?

    17:15.648 –> 17:16.388
    What do you promote?

    17:16.448 –> 17:17.268
    What do you talk about?

    17:17.288 –> 17:17.868
    What do you sell?

    17:18.208 –> 17:19.028
    What does it look like?

    17:19.068 –> 17:20.669
    What does your landing page look like?

    17:21.169 –> 17:25.710
    And going forward for 2024, if you haven’t got that sorted out

    17:25.990 –> 17:39.154
    Do get it sorted out and get that list of all the people that come to your classes inputted into your MailChimp or your MailerLite and make a concerted effort to have a day and a time when you send out your newsletter.

    17:39.174 –> 17:39.934
    Yeah, constant contact.

    17:40.214 –> 17:45.816
    When you send out your newsletter, maybe it’s going to be Sunday, maybe it’s going to be Monday, whatever day you think it’s going to be.

    17:46.676 –> 17:47.276
    Stick to it.

    17:47.677 –> 17:48.537
    Stick to the time.

    17:48.917 –> 17:54.421
    And then as you go through the week, start collating little pieces of information that you’re going to put in your newsletter.

    17:54.781 –> 17:57.202
    Now, your newsletter is never going to be a big seller.

    17:57.222 –> 18:00.504
    It’s not going to be something that you’ll get loads of sales from.

    18:00.925 –> 18:04.407
    But again, there’s so many people that aren’t on social media, believe it or not.

    18:04.787 –> 18:11.691
    There are lots of people that their only contact with you, apart from when they come to your class or your PTA, is your weekly newsletter.

    18:12.132 –> 18:14.973
    So again, it’s really good for know, like, and trust.

    18:15.694 –> 18:17.215
    People look forward to receiving it.

    18:17.255 –> 18:23.659
    Maybe you share a recipe, your tip, and you can write those all, batch them all, and then schedule them for the next month.

    18:24.019 –> 18:25.100
    So they’re all done.

    18:25.700 –> 18:29.682
    Our friend Kelly Ravenscroft, who’s, I think, it’s her last class today, because I get her email.

    18:29.922 –> 18:32.463
    She sends an email out every day with all her information on.

    18:32.483 –> 18:33.864
    She’s done that for years.

    18:34.244 –> 18:36.926
    And of course, people unsubscribe who don’t want it.

    18:36.946 –> 18:39.507
    And people don’t read them every day.

    18:39.967 –> 18:47.211
    But it’s that reliability, knowing that you’re there, knowing that the email’s there, that they can find out when your classes are, what you’re doing.

    18:47.671 –> 18:49.072
    It comes part of their lifestyle.

    18:49.353 –> 18:58.060
    So if you haven’t, at the end of this year, got a CRM system or a MailChimp or MailerLite, go and sign up for one and start collecting emails.

    18:58.140 –> 19:02.924
    And because you’re being visible on social media, lots of people are seeing you.

    19:03.304 –> 19:07.208
    So what they need to do, you need to bring them into your world, onto your mailing list.

    19:07.228 –> 19:08.389
    And there’s a couple of ways you can do it.

    19:08.889 –> 19:09.650
    You can bring them.

    19:09.790 –> 19:14.213
    You can have a landing page that says, are you interested in getting fit in 2024?

    19:14.373 –> 19:14.713

    19:15.213 –> 19:16.514
    Come and sign up for the newsletter.

    19:16.574 –> 19:22.959
    So you get the first information around my new whatever program you’re going to be launching and push that out across socials.

    19:23.199 –> 19:26.321
    So you’re not selling anything, but you’re collecting emails.

    19:26.361 –> 19:27.462
    You’re building the list.

    19:27.962 –> 19:34.386
    Whenever you put a post in the first comment, you might put, if you want more information, join my newsletter list.

    19:35.067 –> 19:37.889
    And you put the link in the comment and then people start to sign up.

    19:38.789 –> 19:43.074
    So you’re using social media as a way of you being visible.

    19:43.594 –> 19:45.957
    People are getting to know who you are, like you.

    19:45.997 –> 19:51.243
    They’re now thinking about what they’re going to do in the new year, what sort of program they want to join.

    19:51.663 –> 19:54.867
    And then they’re going to come onto your newsletter list before they’re going to buy.

    19:55.287 –> 19:57.350
    So the customer journey will be…

    19:57.950 –> 20:13.020
    see you on social, like what you do, maybe sign up for your newsletter, maybe they get a free class, everybody that signs up for the newsletter gets a 20-minute fitness party session that you’ve already filmed, and you push that out, and you get loads and loads of people signing up for that.

    20:13.440 –> 20:25.829
    And then you’ve got them on your newsletter list, so as soon as you’re ready on Boxing Day, or if you’re doing it before, to send out the details of your face-to-face classes or your online programs, you’ll go to your newsletter first, you’ll send that out.

    20:26.269 –> 20:47.421
    that needs to be an absolute priority for all of you over over these next few days and weeks if you haven’t already got one so there you go that’s a massive step of automation and then these things in your business allow you to step away a little bit from social because you’ve already got your you’ve got your mailing list is doing a lot of work for you and of course your website

    20:48.021 –> 20:49.182
    Your website is out there.

    20:49.242 –> 20:51.164
    It’s your 24 hours a day shop.

    20:51.204 –> 20:51.945
    It’s open.

    20:52.465 –> 20:57.931
    People can come at three in the morning, sign up for your newsletter, get a free class, see what you’re doing.

    20:58.311 –> 21:00.433
    Look at your bronze, silver and gold packages.

    21:00.473 –> 21:03.536
    It’s all there all the time and it’s all working for you.

    21:03.977 –> 21:10.983
    And the more energy and effort you put into updating your website and putting content on your website, the more people are going to be finding you.

    21:11.864 –> 21:13.485
    Last, last, last thing.

    21:13.965 –> 21:22.210
    People are going to be Googling and then as soon as they put the knife and fork down on Christmas Day, how do I get fit in 2024?

    21:22.330 –> 21:27.173
    Pilates classes in Sutton Coldfield, clubber size sessions, aerobics.

    21:27.193 –> 21:29.715
    They’re going to be Googling all those points.

    21:29.735 –> 21:30.635
    Did you look at my website?

    21:30.655 –> 21:30.996
    Who was that?

    21:31.036 –> 21:32.517
    No, I haven’t yet, but I will, Celia.

    21:33.017 –> 21:36.759
    People are going to be Googling all those kind of search terms.

    21:37.119 –> 21:39.461
    So if you’ve created blog posts that say,

    21:40.541 –> 22:01.951
    fitness pilates sessions in Sutton Coldfield and then you write about your your your classes in Sutton Coldfield on your blog that will live forever so if somebody then looks for pilates classes not nothing to do with social media if someone then is looking for pilates classes in in Sutton Coldfield guess whose blog post gonna come up yours and what if you’ve done a YouTube video that says

    22:03.112 –> 22:04.892
    Fitness Pilates classes in Sutton Coldfield.

    22:05.032 –> 22:05.612
    I’m Kelly.

    22:05.732 –> 22:07.793
    I run them every blah, blah, blah.

    22:07.893 –> 22:08.653
    Love to see you.

    22:09.113 –> 22:12.054
    New classes are starting 17th of January.

    22:12.454 –> 22:14.234
    If you’re interested, send me a message.

    22:14.634 –> 22:19.995
    And you put that YouTube video up because YouTube is part of Google.

    22:20.355 –> 22:26.996
    When someone looks for Pilates classes in Sutton Coldfield, Kelly, I’m just using you, guess whose video is going to pop up?

    22:27.076 –> 22:30.597
    Your YouTube video is going to pop up and your blog post is going to pop up.

    22:30.677 –> 22:32.397
    So what’s the person searching going to go?

    22:32.637 –> 22:33.757
    they’re going to look at you.

    22:34.377 –> 22:43.220
    Which is why, again, thinking about what people are going to be searching for as soon as they’ve eaten their Christmas lunch, they’re going to be looking for health and fitness.

    22:43.540 –> 22:45.500
    And that’s nothing to do with social media.

    22:45.940 –> 22:50.862
    That’s you using the power of Google and search and Google and YouTube.

    22:51.222 –> 22:55.143
    So 100% YouTube account if you’ve not already got one.

    22:55.663 –> 22:58.766
    Make YouTube Shorts that answer questions.

    22:59.206 –> 23:03.190
    So are you looking for, and just one minute, answer a question.

    23:03.610 –> 23:09.856
    All the type of things that people will be searching for, make a YouTube Short video with that as the title.

    23:10.096 –> 23:12.619
    You’ve only got about a couple of lines of characters.

    23:13.019 –> 23:15.361
    Put as many of those up as you possibly can.

    23:15.662 –> 23:18.024
    So you pick all that search traffic up.

    23:18.324 –> 23:20.186
    And then, of course, they’re going to go across to your website.

    23:20.646 –> 23:21.247
    So there you go.

    23:21.647 –> 23:33.301
    You’ve got some top tips there on automation, on live streaming, on email marketing, and also on how to use YouTube and Google, especially at this time of year when people are searching.

    23:33.601 –> 23:34.302
    Has that helped?

    23:34.702 –> 23:35.263
    Thank you.

    23:36.784 –> 23:37.524
    Thank you, everybody.

    23:37.985 –> 23:39.606
    So you will see me tomorrow.

    23:39.626 –> 23:41.487
    I can’t wait to see.

    23:41.507 –> 23:43.608
    I can’t believe it goes as awful.

    23:43.628 –> 23:44.489
    Yes, I will.

    23:44.929 –> 23:46.530
    And I’ll see you in 10 days.

    23:46.971 –> 23:48.472
    I’ll see you live in 10 days.

    23:48.552 –> 23:49.312
    Oh, my gosh.

    23:49.813 –> 23:51.574
    I’ve never had a holiday like this since 2018.

    23:52.054 –> 23:54.436
    So I’m very excited.

    23:54.636 –> 23:56.377
    And thank you, Claire.

    23:56.477 –> 23:57.518
    And well done.

    23:57.898 –> 24:00.500
    I’ll be on WhatsApp and I’ll be online, bits and pieces.

    24:00.540 –> 24:02.901
    But because I’m eight hours behind you, it’s always a bit harder.

    24:03.201 –> 24:05.363
    But I can’t wait to see the briefing.

    24:05.943 –> 24:08.045
    I can’t wait to see how the briefing goes.

    24:08.386 –> 24:11.368
    This will be the first time I’ve live streamed the briefing.

    24:11.409 –> 24:13.430
    So please do check in tomorrow.

    24:13.450 –> 24:16.834
    Leave a comment if I’m still up at this time tomorrow.

    24:16.874 –> 24:18.015
    I’ll check in and have a look.

    24:18.255 –> 24:19.776
    Yeah, I’ve sent it to Lauren now.

    24:19.796 –> 24:20.917
    So Lauren is on it.

    24:21.938 –> 24:23.139
    She started back today.

    24:23.300 –> 24:24.621
    Did you get, I emailed you back.

    24:24.661 –> 24:25.161
    Did you get it?

    24:26.282 –> 24:26.563
    Let me know.

    24:27.063 –> 24:27.764
    Okie dokie.

    24:27.884 –> 24:28.665
    Everybody good?

    24:29.886 –> 24:32.368
    Wishing you all a very, very happy Christmas.

    24:32.388 –> 24:33.730
    I hope you have a lovely, lovely time.

    24:33.790 –> 24:35.872
    Thank you for being part of my business groups.

    24:36.453 –> 24:38.254
    And yeah, I look forward to seeing you.

    24:38.274 –> 24:40.457
    I shall be back on New Year’s Eve.

    24:41.197 –> 24:43.099
    But you’ll see me as a live stream.

    24:43.860 –> 24:45.762
    Thank you.

    24:45.842 –> 24:46.463
    Thanks, everyone.

    24:46.723 –> 24:47.323
    Have a good one.

    24:48.124 –> 24:48.665
    See you later.

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