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  • Do you want to create additional income in fitness? Watch my Webinar series

    Do You Want To Create Additional Income In Fitness?


    Since launching the weekly business webinars 100’s of Fitpros have created additional revenue streams quickly and easily using my tips and strategies. In some cases, while I’m still teaching on the webinar…..

    You don’t need an expensive website, any equipment or software You don’t need to be technical, or a slave to your phone.

    Just ENTHUSIASM and a willingness to try lots of different ideas out and see what sticks and works for you.

    Each webinar is over 90 minute and is totally action packed with advice, tips and a step by step process on how to start RIGHT AWAY.

    We all LOVE teaching BUT are you getting paid for the amount of time, energy and emotion you put into your classes?



    25 Ideas You Can Implement Right Now To Make More Money In Fitness 

    This was a Hugely successful webinar packed with so many ideas for quick programmes, products and services you can get out RIGHT NOW!.



    How To Launch Successful Community Classes & Get More Customers – Online Workshop With Rachel Holmes


    This is the most POPULAR webinar to date.I walk you through step by step exactly how to build and launch super successful community classes with NO budget. No website and small social media. This is brilliant for established community Instructors or Instructors wanting to jump in.



    How To Create An Online Programme.


    Want to get build your online programmes. This webinar walks you step by step through how to take an idea from inception to launch.

    GOLD Information.


    IG Training For Fitness Professionals – How To Build Your Business, Get Leads And Customers From IG


    IG is the fastest growing social media platform but do you know what you are doing? I take you through the whole platform and show you EXACTLY how to get customers and client from IG.


    There are so many ways you can grow your business or if you teach in cubs additional services you can offer without having to TEACH More to earn additional income.

    Building Fitness business is one of the PASSIONS I truly believe there are some amazing opportunities right in front of us.

    Whether you want to scale your business and earn an additional  £xxxx or add a few online services and programmes and earn “pin money” for a holiday it can be created so quickly and easily. 



    Kind Regards

    Rachel x

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