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  • Do YOU REALLY Want To Create An Online Fitness Business?

    Create Killer Content – Do you really want to create an online Fitness Business.

    I know many of you reading this newsletter all desperately want and are trying, to build an online Fitness business. Its an email I get every day from Fitpros and a discussion we have in my coaching group all the time.

    Not teaching as many classes…..Only teaching the classes you really love….Waking up to find out you have sold 15 of the online fitness course you created on your website…….Not having to drive all the way over town in rush hour to make your 6pm classes every night…..Selling your ebook, Online coaching courses courses, Your super successful online fatloss etc etc

    Is this the kind of business you dream of creating???
    But do you REALLY, REALLY want to put the time in?
    Its so much easier to think short term.
    “I’ll just take on 2 extra classes and that will bring me an extra ….£’s” so you are now down another 4 hours per week travelling to and from Plus prep time and for short term gain…Again! How many times over the course if your career will you go round and round in this hamster wheel?
    Taking the time to research, think about what your clients needs are, how you can help them solve their problems and creating an online product to sell to them, would be much better time spent in the long term.
    When you create an online course, a new products, Vlogs and Blogs you can keep rolling it out, time and time again.
    Once written or filmed you can tweak it, and relaunch it over and over again.
    Start NOW and  build up your portfolio of online products and programmes, so by this time next year your online income is equalling the amount you make offline ensuring you are not a prisoner to teaching the same classes week after week after week.
    But you have to start now…..not tomorrow. NOW!
    Write a daily Blog, Update your Twitter with interesting comment every 2 hours, Post pertinant, helpful comments on your Facebook, Make weekly Youtube videos.
    You must put the spade work in and build your brand.

    If you need help with creating your content read on…..
    1.Get a BLOG – Static websites are dying you websites need to be a WordPress Blog. You need to be able to upload new videos, articles and Vlogs and Blog posts and merge it with your Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

    2. Update it daily. You want your followers, readers and class members to wan to check out what you are saying daily, your Blog should be interesting, exciting and informative. You can write or film content and upload quickly…. it doesn’t have to be a 5 star production. Consistency is the key to attracting a growing audience and loyal following.

    3.Create online products, programs, courses and info products that your audience needs and want. It could be a video course, an email course, workouts, articles, coaching whatever suits your niche. Create it, promote it, launch it then rinse and repeat…..Once the content is created you can keep relaunching it.

    You dont have to be mega techy, you just need create great content consistently.

    So, instead of taking on another few classes think longer term, work on creating great content for your Blog, Build Your list, Attract a bigger audience and create an online product today.

    On Tuesday 31st January 2012 I am launching a Brand New 19 Day Fitness Business Make Over Course.

    If you would like me to change the face of your fitness business forever I will work with you for 19 Days. You will get daily emails, advice and instructions from me and we will work within a Facebook Group with other Fitpros sharing ideas, advice and the best information, to get you moving with your online fitness business..

    It will be hard hitting, straight to the point and packed with pricless tips plus Ill be working to help move your forward. I’ll give you the real deal of how to kick start your online fitness business.


    The 19 Day Fitness Business Make Over Course with Rachel Holmes opens on Tuesday 31st January 2012. Interested? Tweet #19FitBizMakeover

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