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  • Choreographytogo Instructor Newsletter 16th January 2020

    Good Morning  How are you?

    Welcome To The C2GO 2020 Newsletter.

    I’m mixing up the newsletter this week with a new podcast and quick choreography ideas, AND look out for a new Step  Basic brand and class format coming very soon.

    It was awesome to teach the Activation Band workshop last weekend to a packed crowd in Guildford- 70 Instructors signed up which is awesome.

    This week ill be teaching Activation Bands in Birmingham and Edinburgh after that. I do hope to see you there.

    Lots more live events and trainings coming up in 2020.

    🎙️PODCAST  Rachel & Kelly 2020🎙

    The podcast is expanding with more episodes, interviews, info, motivation, and inspiration. Have a listen and let me know what you think by leaving a review in iTunes.

    The Fitness Hack is a new episode with Kelly and I that is fun, chatty and relaxed where we discuss topics relating to teaching group fitness classes.

    We would LOVE to evolve this and answer your weekly questions so do send us topic ideas and questions and we will answer them on the show.

    This week we talk about community classes, evolving and staying relevant, customer experiences and we tackle bullying and gaslighting in the fitness industry.

    We both have experienced being pushed/managed/muscled out of centres and gyms over the years and we discuss why this form of discrimination and bullying appears to be happening far too frequently.

    This was following a huge post in the Fitness Pilates Group where Gaslighting and bullying was a topic. This opened a huge floodgate with many, many instructors saying this had happened to them.

    I also received many private messages from Instructors deeply unhappy with how they are being treated but feel stuck as having mortgages, bills, and outgoings.

    I would love your feedback.




    Hope you enjoy this weeks newsletter

    Any questions or need a chat whatsapp me 07976268672

    Rachel x

    Grow Your Business In the Facebook #Supporters

    What Is The Facebook Fitpros #Supporters Group?

    Read and watch below.

    Join my Facebook Fitpro #supporters group.

    Fitpro Supporters Link



    **Fitpro Supporters Group***

    Don’t miss out on this new initiative if you want to grow your business and increase your revenue in 2020.

    Facebook has allowed me to have the new SUPPORTER functionality which means all of my premium business-building content will live in this amazing new area of Facebook.

    After the success of the What’s APP Business building groups, my aim is to create the number  1 Fitpro Supporter Group on Facebook with like-minded individuals who want to do MORE in 2020.

    If YOU want to do more online, grow your live classes, understand social media better, be an early adopter of new platforms, understand fitness marketing and branding better, run retreats, build passive income and increase your revenue as a  Fitpro teacher…

    Benefits of becoming a Fitpro Supporter

    *30 Day Business Building Challenge

    *How To Take Your Business Online

    *How To Create Online Programmes

    *Tips On Organising Retreats.

    *Meet ups and Business Hot Seats In The Group.

    *10minute Coaching Calls.

    *Branding Marketing and Social Media Updates.


    and the best bit it’s only……….

    £3.49 per month……… already the group is filling up and it is going to be a new experience for all of us…. here’s the link to join.  http://facebook.com/becomesupporter/rachelholmesfit

    Become a founder member of the FITPRO SUPPORTER Group TODAY and this could be something you role out to your community in the future.

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