6 benefits of using the foam roller in your pilates classes
6 benefits of using the foam roller in your pilates classes
6 benefits of using the foam roller in your pilates classes
Read our nTop 10 tips for instructors looking to teach senior fitness classes.
Quick tips for social media automation for business video including downloadable notes
Tip for fitpros have you approached festivals and carnivals this Summer?
Do you work for a Local authority or Leisure Trust and would like your Employer to Pay for your fitness education course?
We do group training as well as individual and have a large range of courses available!
Please send us a message for account set up details for your workplace.
TOP TIP to stay motivated as a Fitness Professional with Rachel Holmes Creator of Choreographytogo
TOP TIPS for completing your Level 3 Pilates Diploma practical video for assessment with Head Tutor Kelly
Boost your reach with Reels on Instagram and Facebook learn more in today’s video how reels can boost your business
We offer the highest quality fitness education and a wide range of courses all online.
Our Level 3 Qualifications include:
Fitpro Top Tip Update your Fitness Music