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  • Fitness Pilates

    New North Lincolnshire Fitness Pilates Squad

    At the weekend we held an in house Fitness Pilates Training course organised for Baysgrath Leisure Centre in North Lincolnshire! The training took place over 2 days with Fitness Pilates Coach Kelly Reed-Banks and the team went through the full syllabus with a fantastic positive and motivated attitude, thanks so much for a great weekend! …

    New North Lincolnshire Fitness Pilates Squad Read More »

    Teaching Tips for Fitness Pilates Instructors and Fitpros

    Be an Extraordinary Teacher! “Our body is really the product of our thoughts. We’re beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of our thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and structure and function in our bodies”           DR John Hagelin Quantum Physicist and Public …

    Teaching Tips for Fitness Pilates Instructors and Fitpros Read More »

    What Route can I Take with the Fitness Pilates Certification?

    Hey so you want to become a FITNESS PILATES Instructor? Take a look at our step by step journey! STEP 1 Qualify as a Fitness Pilates TEACHER- Start teaching and gaining valuable experience and confidence. CLICK HERE for information on training, here are our upcoming dates for 2019: 9/10th March Bristol 27/28th April Birmingham 18/19th …

    What Route can I Take with the Fitness Pilates Certification? Read More »

    Welcome to our NEW Fitness Pilates Instructors London

    A brilliant day delivering the Fitness Pilates course in London (2nd February 2019). Was so lovely to meet you all- just look at this happy and smiley bunch! Welcome to the Fitness Pilates family to our new coaches we wish you all the best in the launch of your new classes. —————————————– So what happens …

    Welcome to our NEW Fitness Pilates Instructors London Read More »

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