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  • C2GO Newsletter Featuring Fitness Super Mum Badasses

    Today I am talking to women running successful
    Fitness businesses wth children – which is probably the majority of my C2GO readers.
    Many of you will know Danni Evans, Michelle Jermy and Kelly Ravenscroft  and here are their inspirational  stories 🙂

    Project 2000 – Danni Evans
    Well, in the world of Masters Crossfit (aged 35+) you get to go onto the next stage of competition if you are in the top 200 athletes in the world after competing online for 5 weeks. If you then get into the top 20 you get to go to The Crossfit Games in the US.

    In the world of Crossfit this is HUGE!! I’m not going to lie – I’d LOVE to go to The Games, whether or not I can really achieve that or not, I don’t know, but I’m trying and will keep trying.Realistically you need to be in the top 50 to be in with a shot of climbing the leader board, but baby steps are needed. It may take me 5 years or more, but I’m in for the long haul.




    This year I came 467th out of 16700 athletes worldwide in the 40-44yrs age group, so each year I will challenge myself to get up into that top 200.


    I made a decision about a year ago to stop learning for my work but to learn about training for Crossfit – in a way I am still learning for my work because I now train people in the gym using principles I have learned from my own training.



    I decided also to take a step back from pushing the business forward and just let it grow organically, all those hours sat at the laptop are now spent training, recovering, fuelling right and doing the work that needs to be done – I’m just not so stressed out about it all now! Whaaaaat?? I hear Rachel cry… I know Rachel is always giving us ways to build our businesses and how to push forwards, keep current etc and I have been there, done it and I’m sure I’ll do it again.


    I’m just taking my foot off the gas and doing something for me, hopefully it will make me a better person inside & out, more fulfilled and rested (business wise) to be able to apply myself again when the right time comes.


    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not letting it all go to pot – just taking my foot off the pedal.


    Believe me, I couldn’t afford to do that but I now look at it as I’m investing in me much like we encourage clients to invest in themselves. I’ve worked & studied all my life and now in my 40th year I’m so content to just get on and do all the stuff I’ve learned and get better at it.


    The thing is I still post on Instagram, Facebook and twitter – it’s just more about my training & achievement, or probably what coffee I’m drinking, there’s always a coffee selfie appearing!



    Instagram is like a training journal to me, rather than a promotion to join my gym or what I’m eating in a bid to join my KSFL group. Though I’ve found myself doing promotion for my gym, studio and KSFL just by doing what I love.




    I think people can see my passion in my training and what I am doing for myself and I believe it makes others feel it’s ok for them to indulge in themselves too. A belief that they too can throw weights around, push tyres, climb ropes and do pull ups and so much more, but also that they are allowed to challenge themselves, step out of their comfort zone, change their training, change their nutrition and learn more.. it’s not selfish, it’s about enjoying yourself, challenging yourself and feeling great and if you do that everything is easier to manage.




    So, Rachel asked me what am I doing NOW with my nutrition and training… I am seriously challenging myself that is what I am doing! I have invested in a programme to follow a specific masters training plan which is approximately 90 mins of weight lifting technique and strength, each day there are metabolic conditioning workouts and skill work for things like pull ups. This is 5 times a week. I also have 22 classes a week to teach and do other specific training for competitions with my training partner, Laura.



    I also have 3 children, run Basecamp Gym with my husband and co own High Aerial Studio with Laura. So as you can see, if I wanted to invest more time in ME, then something else had to give and it wasn’t going to be my family.



    The biggest thing as a 40yr old is the recovery – I totally underestimated that. I can play weights and keep up with the young ones but they bounce back the next day…it takes me a week! So nutrition and rest is ESSENTIAL.



    Here’s my typical day…



    7am wake up –coffee plus coconut oil and reflex r protein bar (low sugar but good fats and protein level)


    If I can, I then work in bed – it’s relaxing, it’s the sunniest room in the house in the morning and I get loads of updates done to my private fb groups, fb business pages, emails and Instagram.
    10am most mornings I teach a class / gym work. Take on a BCAA drink fuel. I use Phil Richards Performance KHIIT fuel.


    11- 12.30/1pm train


    1pm lunch. Todays lunch is 2 x chicken breast, hummus & a spinach, sweet chilli and mango salad & pitta bread.


    Also do more updates, emails etc. Admin: Website work. Banking. Accounts. Marketing. Articles. Newsletters etc…


    3pm pick up kids from school – two days we go back to the gym for kids clubs after school. More catching up with Facebook & Instagram!


    5pm Kids tea. I’ll have another coffee and protein bar or malt loaf – I love my Soreen smothered in butter. I update my private groups a this time too and sort bookings for evening classes.


    6 – 9pm teach classes.


    9pm Dinner – today is chilli & veg. Mostly our evening meal will be a protein and vegetable carb. I might have something like a pitta bread with it or sweet potato wedges. And yet again I will catch up with social media.



    To be honest, I look at this and still don’t think I get enough food for the training I’m doing and I’m working on getting the nutrients in – I need somebody to make me veggie juices every day but I know now how essential getting fuel in is for recovery.


    I’ve done the restricted food thing and I would be shattered, and maybe I lost a couple of pounds – seriously not worth it!! But now my focus is on how my body is recovered and ready to hit the training again the next day, rather than how my body looks.



    I’m not burning the candle at both ends, just because somebody messages me late, it doesn’t mean I have to reply to it straight away – I’ve set myself rules!


    I’m having one full complete rest day, and one low intensity skills day then follow the programme mixed with a few other bits for 5 days. I teach sensibly where I can – in other words I’m not going crazy high intensity like my class will, the class is for them, not me.


    I’m using magnesium salts to bath in and an amazing oil called Activ7 recovery oil – not trying to sell it here, but it’s bloody brilliant for soothing aching joints and muscles. I’m spending more time with my husband and children. I don’t drink much at all, and really don’t miss it either.



    BUT I like chocolate and I still have it. I found the Chocolate Pie Co though who do wholesale, so I buy in bulk. Some I sell to the gym members who love it as much as me and some is for me – raw chocolate is ok right??!! And of course, I love coffee – that was my non-negotiable.





    Most of all I wanted to find balance and I really feel I have found the balance I want right now. This might change in a few years. We never know what path our lives will lead but for now I’m going to give this Crossfit Masters thing a really good go – the key is recovery and to train smart. If anybody has any other great ideas for recovery please let me know!


    If you want to follow me you can on Instagram you can find me @dannicevans or on Facebook: Danni Evans.


    If you are struggling to balance your training and nutrition pop me a message. It takes time, and a lot of trial and error to find what works, but when you work it out it feels great.


    Danni x






    I’m Kelly Ravenscroft and I run Keep fit with Kelly and am the franchisee for Kick Start Fat Loss Sutton Coldfield

    I’m married with 2 kids and have been in the fitness industry with my own business for 7 years now.

    I market my classes primarily at women aged 40-60 i offer a mix of fitness Pilates, Zumba, Clubbercise and then some of my own freestyle classes. I tend to offer daytime classes to the over 50’s market and find I have a good following in that area. They are loyal customers who use the classes socially to make friends etc

    I use Facebook marketing a lot, going live on my pages plus boosting posts and using Facebook ads.

    Since becoming a Kick Start franchisee I have expanded my business a lot online and now have a very successful online following running monthly groups and one on one coaching

    I want to expand my online business this year, by expanding my database even more and running even more online groups

    I am also getting into more events this year, running wellness workshops, one off special classes, anything that makes me stand out from the crowd!

    You can find me on Facebook via my Keep fit with Kelly page or on Instagram as Kelly Ravenscroft


    Michelle Jermy

    Award Winning Author of Pilates For Better Sex, Owner of The Core Studio – Pilates Specialist, NLP Practitioner, KSFL Franchisee & Mummy to a 12 year old son (Jaden) & 12 week daughter (Juno).

    OK so I was asked to write about my experience of jugging a fitness business & motherhood. Well nothing like having to take time off to give birth to make you reflect on life, work:life balance, finances, goals, aspirations and dreams. Truth is as a single mother life over recent years has consisted of teaching numerous classes to ensure sustainability of the studio. Having a lecturing background I would deliver and assess courses to supplement my income. I never really analysed the figures, the bills were covered as I loved what I did I never really planned or projected BUT then the news of my pregnancy; reality check I no longer could work the hours I was, even if I wanted. Time to step out the box & look in with fresh eyes (though with the lack of sleep fresh may not be the best word, lol).

    1: Are you introducing any new classes this month if so what are they?

    I am still officially on maternity. There is definitely something in the saying if you don’t know what to do, do nothing. I have let my mind wonder, put pen to paper, mind mapping, brain storming and have had so many ideas surface. While I work behind the scenes I have brought in other local instructors to teach at the studio and this month we launch Vinyasa Yoga, a well known Yoga teacher has heard that my baby is refusing a bottle & kindly offered to teach so I can have this precious time. With my new extension I have decided to launch mummy & me classes, I m desperate to get back exercising and back on KSFL. Fact is I cant venture far without Juno, I m still breast feeding so unsure how I will cope with the temptation of sugary foods when tired but thought here is my opportunity to share my experience with others and hopefully inspire &/or support. I also tried the 21 day fix that really helped me. Here is a 21 day fix review 2017.

    2: How are you advertising and marketing your classes – Are you working with a particular niche.

    The studio is known for being a low impact specialist studio with all classes inspired by Yoga & Pilates. We do offer rehabilitation, traditional Pilates through to more traditional fitness based classes though low impact.

    Our advertising and marketing is aimed at women. On my return I will specialise on pre/post natal, pelvic floor and rehabilitation. I’m keen to focus on my writing as so many book/blog ideas to develop.

    3: Do you offer any other services apart from group X eg – massage/PT etc.

    The Core Studio offers classes, personal training – 1.1 and small group, KSFL and lifestyle coaching. In these weeks of rest (I know crazy to say that but I mean breathing space away from the business) I have decided to Offer the following –

    A small store selling Yoga & Pilates equipment, the KSFL recipe books, my first book (Pilates For Better Sex) and small gifts.

    September I will be launching The Core Academy which will offer training courses for local people, they will be able to gain qualifications in order to teach in the industry in exchange for heavily discounted courses they give x amount of hours to teaching at the studio, keeping the timetable full.

    With more trained instructors we will relaunch our exercise referral scheme. Currently gaining much interest and with a local GP as our ambassador I m very confident everything we offer will benefit the special population groups we aim to focus on including obesity and diabetes, older adults, pre/post natal and back rehabilitation.

    4: What is the biggest competition to your business – Is it local live classes/gyms/slimming clubs or online programmes

    Competition –

    What can I say? It’s everywhere…….. Before I was so focused on the competition but then I realised my energy had to go into my business. Truth is there is always someone offering something cheaper even for free, some people will always dip their toes into different classes, programmes, live or online. Others will become loyal customers, friends; this is your tribe. We all experience the competitors that do everything in their power to put you down, wish to see you fail, that says a lot about them and is no reflection on you aside from they see you as a threat – you must be doing a good job.

    Be authentic, believe in what you do, stay real and trust the process. There is enough business for everyone and what I have found the better networks you form the bigger your connections, don’t be afraid to work with others.

    5: How are you developing your business and what is you big business goal for this year.

    Coming back to point 3, a lot going on this year; the relaunch of KSFL, the academy and referral programme. Its all about putting the foundation in place to build a business not a hobby to allow me to work smarter not harder.

    Now don’t get me wrong there are days I question what I’m doing, being mum and supporting an England Chess Player (yes my son is quiet, reserved, an exceptional Chess whiz, nothing like his mum) and nurturing a newborn is hard but truly listen to your purpose, follow your heart and don’t be afraid to be seen. I mean seen for the real person you are and whoever that maybe. If you are interested to follow my story – bump & beyond or would like to discuss any of the above please feel free to contact.



    E – info@thecorestudiothetford.co.uk.

    M – 07725582817


    Quick FITRPO Links



    ✔️Join me LIVE on my Facebook at 845 for a Fitness

    Pilates workout 



    ✔️Get 5% Discount on your IBIZA trip in

    October using my special discount code.


    Click here 





    ✔️Join Yvonne Radley and I on our Mastermind

    in Leicestershire click here 





    ✔️ Join my FREE 30 Day Sugar Free Detox click here 





    ✔️Would you like all of your Kick Start food

    delivered to your door – Click here for

    Kick Start kitchen Food Boxes.





    ✔️Would you like to train to teach

    Kick Start and become a KSFL coach & business owner?

    Click here 




    ✔️Train to gain the level 3 Pilates in Ibiza

    click here   or Manchester



     ✔️BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic

    Conditions click here



    ✔️Teach The BRAINFIT Workout click here 


    Quick FITRPO Links



    ✔️Join me LIVE on my Facebook at 845 for a Fitness

    Pilates workout 



    ✔️Get 5% Discount on your IBIZA trip in

    October using my special discount code.


    Click here 





    ✔️Join Yvonne Radley and I on our Mastermind

    in Leicestershire click here 





    ✔️ Join my FREE 30 Day Sugar Free Detox click here 





    ✔️Would you like all of your Kick Start food

    delivered to your door – Click here for

    Kick Start kitchen Food Boxes.





    ✔️Would you like to train to teach

    Kick Start and become a KSFL coach & business owner?

    Click here 




    ✔️Train to gain the level 3 Pilates in Ibiza

    click here   or Manchester



     ✔️BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic

    Conditions click here



    ✔️Teach The BRAINFIT Workout click here 

     ✔️BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic

    Conditions click here



    ✔️Teach The BRAINFIT Workout click here 

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