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  • C2GO Newsletter Boxing Day

    C2GO Boxing Day NEWSLETTER

    Happy Boxing Day Everyone!


    I hope you all had the most amazing and wonderful Christmas day and got to spend precious time with your family, friends and loved ones. It was extra special for me as my brother, sister in law and baby niece are staying with us from California, so it was lovely to  have a 2 year old running around into everything. I got her some pink Hunters.  There’s not much call for wellies in sunny San Diego, but she looked great in her wellies and fairy outfit for the day. I taught a packed Step class, followed by HIIT on Xmas Eve at Virgin  in Nottingham and it was such a great vibe and I’ll also be teaching New Year’s Eve.


    Did you even notice in the Queens speech she mentioned meditation? I was like WOW the Queen is in touch!

    So, are you having a break from fitness and teaching or did you sneak in some training, running or a quick gym session? I’m 100% out running this morning but will be cooking for everyone later today. I’ve loved checking Facebook & Twitter and seeing loads of you enjoying the day. These days we all share so much on social media and it’s so sweet to see everyone enjoying this special time. Do Tweet me if ou are out running or training today @RachelHolmes or Jump on the FB PAGE


    Traditionally, Boxing DAY is about SALES, so true to form you can get EVERYTHING on the Choreographytogo website with 10% discount. So, if you are doing some shopping you can stock up on your downloads, DVDs, Qualifications, Music, Courses and workshops with a whopping 10% DISCOUNT if you apply the code BOXINGDAY at the checkout. Great value is the C2GO membership with 10% and you get 20 video download token. Therefore, make the most of today to get  ready for new year’s classes and courses with my videos and training on the site.


    Coming up this week will be new DVDS from Marvin Burton on Kettlebells, Resistance Bands, Flexibility & Stretch and Body Toning, New Freestyle choreography downloads,  Brand new Fitness Pilates Positivity Workshops with me and a brand new 21 day KSFL Detox with brand new workouts, meditations, Fitness Pilates and KSFL Detox plan, starting on 2nd January to get you all in tip top condition for the new Year. I’ll be also holding new How to Get your Fitness Business Days on Line Course LIVE STREAM and Webinars which Im super excited and a new weekly podcast coming up in the January..


    I’m sure by now you have all of your January classes planned out and your to do lists are getting longer and longer by the day. Judging by past years, February often proves to be  busier than January as the general public are being bombarded by “Get Fit for 2014” messages from all media angles. People go back to work at different times and often they wait until the last few yukky Quality Streets have finally disappeared and when pay day has arrived before they venture back in to class, but keep your eyes peeled for my marketing & PR tips on my C2Go Blog and Podcast.

    #excitingtimes #hip2bhealthy #C2GO


    New HiLO Frenzy Download

    3 x 32 combos that will be perfect for your new years classes


    Great Boxing Deals on C2GO – These are a few of the real good deals on the site. Plus all of the DVDS and Qualifications


    Advanced Membership – 20 video tokens and 10% of all events, DVDS & Qualifications plus 4 video tokens every month.


    Only £30 + VAT Click here for membership deals 


    The Fitpro’s Guide to using Twitter to promote your business only £17 + Vat with 10% discount Click here to learn more 


    The Fitness Pilates Boutique Programme – £37 + VAT with 10% discount today click here 


    How to create your Online Fitness Business Jumpstart Programme £79 + VAT with 10% discount – 19 video tutorials walking you through step by step of how to create your online Fitness Business https://www.choreographytogo.com/news/19-day-online-fitness-business-jumpstart/


    My Full Business Coaching Programme which was £997 is now £397 + get it today with a 10% discount. This is for the real go getters who are keen to devour all of my gold information on taking your fitness business to a whole new level. Click here for more information


    Click here for all of the DVDs available in stock today with 10% discount https://www.choreographytogo.com/choreography/dvd/


    Great Reading/Listening


    As you know I’m a audio book and ipad reading/listening junkie and here are my favourites from the last month.


    A course in Miracles – Gabrielle Bernstein. I have both Audio & Book and have followed the 90 day practice twice. Every time you do it you get better at the exercises and meditations.


    Jab, Jab, Cross, Hook –  by Gary Vaynerchuck – A brilliant book by the Social Media Rockstar that is Gary Vaynerchuck


    The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte – A fresh perspective at Goal setting and getting the most out of your life by this straight talking, uber cool Canadian positivity chick.


    All 3 are great to listen or read a few times as you get so much out of these books every time you tackle them.




    This week it’s the turn of the brilliant Fitness Pilates lecturer and ambassador Kelly Reed-Banks to be in the Q and A hot seat and her are her answers.



    Kelly Reed- Banks Q and A


    1. What has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013 – This is a hard one for me as my biggest work achievement this year was presenting at FILEX in Sydney Australia for REEBOK as this is to date, the biggest convention I have taught at. However I also taught at FITPRO for the first time this year and have become a KSFL Franchise as well as running the physio Pilates sessions at a top Osteopathy clinic in Newmarket. This year has been full of ‘FIRST TIMES’


    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014 – We really want to expand KSFL and have sub-franchises running sessions in different areas for us, this is a must if we want this business to expand. I am also going to make a decision on whether I want to continue to teach Zumba any more. I only teach 1 Zumba class a week now, but it’s one of my busiest community classes. It does however kill my back every time I teach it so I have a big decision to make over this class.


    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed? As I stated above, we are expending KSFL, we are also going to be running KSFL with some beauty/ hair salons in Cambridge to really give a fully rounded package to our clients. I am teaching more physio/ 1-2-1 Fitness Pilates sessions and this is what I am going to focus my next tour on as well. I will be touring from March as usual and teaching at IFS, Fitness Fiesta’s, as well as doing some one off dates with Rachel. I also might have the opportunity to teach out in Asia next year for Fitness FX so fingers crossed this goes ahead!


    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends – ARRRRGGGHHHH, We always get asked this and I hate answering it as I’m a strong believer in making things happen if you want it to work bad enough so this will be different for everyone. I don’t want to jump on another trend next year, instead I want to focus more on specialised sessions, holistic, mind set, Prehab sessions that not everyone and their brother can teach. I don’t want to jump on the band wagon next year, instead I want to be a little more exclusive (but that’s just what I want, who knows what this amazing industry will throw at us next!!)


    5 have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuable lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on – My biggest piece of advice is to look after yourself first and foremost! I learnt this the hard way this year, when I woke up one morning and couldn’t feel my legs or feet, then had pins and needles for over a week in them! I kind of thought I would be able to carry on forever doing what I was doing, working 24/7, jumping around like I am 18yrs old when really I am 34! So be a little kinder to yourself and maybe listen to your bodies more. For me personally, I have to practice Pilates myself more, rather than just relying on teaching it. I need to be a participant and take some time out for me. The other thing that is so valuable in this industry is to network with other professionals and never throw away an opportunity to better yourself. I love working with other people, I love the fact that I learn something new every day from them and would hate to think that this is all there is to know and that I had reached the top of my game! If you feel this way then change the game slightly and develop yourself in a different direction, evolve and re-invent!!

    Merry Christmas everyone, I really hope that you all have a lovely holiday and here is to a very prosperous & healthy 2014!!!

    Much Love Kelly Reed-Banks





    Katie Bulmer-Cooke


    1 What has been your biggest fitness business achievement in 2013


    My biggest achievements this year have been winning UK Fitness Professional of the Year 2013 at FitPro Live. This has really helped me break into fitness writing and I have written for and been featured in many national publications this year which was one of my goals for 2013.


    As always, I’m very proud of the continued success me and my Little Black Dress Club licensees are having.


    I really feel that this year I got the work/life balance much more balanced and have had the best times with Heidi!



    2. What are you planning on changing in 2014


    I’m going to be better at saying no- and choosing more wisely which projects I say YES to.


    This year I am also delivering a lot more education to my fellow fit pros and sharing my skills knowledge on a much bigger scale.



    3. What are your goals for 2014 where are you headed?


    To do more media work with the long term goal being to get some TV related work in the health and fitness arena.


    To run 4 more workshops for fitness professionals.


    To present abroad!


    To grow my group PT programme, Real Results Club, membership base by 30%


    ….to name but a few!




    4. Can you do some fitness future tripping and predict 2014 fitness trends


    I predict more VERY niche programmes, delving deep into VERY specific areas. I already have a fully booked post-natal workshop for new mams, in January.


    The public area crying out for knowledge that is extremely specific to their needs.




    5 Have you any advice to other fitpros you would like to pass on …. Any valuables lessons learned in 2013 you would like to pass on


    Sometimes it’s ok to say no and most importantly its cool to be yourself!


    Katie Bulmer-Cooke



    Have a wonderful Boxing Day and Ill be back in touch with new Choreography, Class Content, Events, seminars and Updates tomorrow.



    Love Always


    Rachel xx


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