C2Go Newsletter 6th September 2018
Hi! How are you?Are you happy to be back in your groove and regular routine?
I love September more so than January as I think it’s a busier time for us. The sun is still shining, everyone has had a great summer, kids are back to school, so its time to get BUSY and create some cool classes and vibrant concepts ………. Therefore, this weeks newsletter is all about class ideas, choreography, moves & exercises to keep you fresh and excited about the final quarter of the year.
If you need MORE ideas just head over to the Choreographytogo BLOG I’m posting choreography videos and workouts every day and I’M ON FACEBOOK And INSTAGRAM LIVE with even more ideas… I’m on a mission to inspire you with variations, tweaks and innovative ideas for your GROUP X classes.
This weeks choreography videos (above) are a new Full Body Equipment Free HIIT workout and good old Power Step. Just click the links above to have a look.
I’ve been going on FB and Insta LIVE with mini teaching workshops to help Instructors gain the confidence again to teach freestyle. Taking very basic steps and showing you how to grow those moves and get creative – Click here and check it out
Mini BAND IDEAS – The mini band is such a brilliant tool I use it everyday in some capacity. It really is so versatile so I filmed a Fitness Pilates Legs Workout using the band but you can adapt these exercises for your mainstream classes Click here
New Level 3 Pilates Dates click here The next course is ESSEX 27/28/29th September places available.
Have a wonderful and inspiring Thursday
Love Rachel xxx

HIIT 51 workout Ideas for Fitpros
Sit Fitness Teacher Training Half Price Click here The Fitness Pilates Reformer Certification Online Wednesday 26th March LIVE on ZOOM 2 – 4pm click here Fitness Pilates