Good Morning C2GO Newsletter 31st May 2018
Your Writing – Posting/Newsletters/Text On Flyers/ Creating Written Content.
For this week’s podcast I interviewed professional writer Adidemi. Creative writing is HUGE for everyone in business. What to write, how to write, finding your voice, expressing your personality, forging a style is CRUCIAL as we are constantly posting and writing on social media. So, how do you get better? I get in-depth with Abidemi, and she shares her tips and tricks.
To listen to the podcast click here
Where are you headed next?
I was at an event yesterday in London and a question that was asked was “Where do you want to take your fitness business and teaching”
“Where do you see it going in the long term”
Maybe it’s not something you think about very often?
You may have fell into teaching and P.Ting and before you know it a hobby has turned into an income and business.
Well, As it’s the holiday week it’s worth having a think.
Do you see yourself doing less physical teaching and more online offerings?
Would you like to educate others or speak at events and present?
Have you got a cool idea for your own brand that you really want to explore?
In 2018 the possibilities are endless.
What REALLY motivates and inspires YOU – What gets you up at 5am to work on but you are so excited about it?
And if you are not doing it WHAT IS STOPPING YOU.
Seize these opportunities and move ahead with your ideas and plans.
Level 3 Pilates – Lots of emails from Pilates Instructors working at David Lloyd and Virgin saying they now need to be Level 3 Qualified – To help with cost of the course you can still claim the bursary from EMDUK click here to read through all of the details.
Buggy Beat has now been approved and endorsed by CIMPSA.
To become a Buggy Beat Instructor Click here follow the Buggy Beat gang on and Insta @buggyBeat1 The classes are flying around the UK 🙂 if you are not in the UK you can still do the training and set up as the training is all online. I’ve had enquiries from the USA, Canada and Australia.

For those last remaining Freestylers here is my final combination of today’s HiLo/Aerobics/Freestyle/Retro Class (whatever you call it now) – which incidentally gets busier every week.
I’ve filmed almost a year of every single HilO and Step class I’ve taught – you can find them all on my Instagram RachelLHolmes and I’m just uploading them to my YOUTUBE – To get them as they upload subscribe to YT
Would you comment on YT or Inst or email and let me know what YOU Teach and if these little clips are helpful – TA x
Have a great day!
Love Rachel xxx
*Todays Newsletter is dedicated to Cori Withell*.
YOUR CHOREOGRAPHYTOGO Online Workshops and Videos
All of your choreography, workshops and online programmes including Brainfit now live ON the website. So when you used to log into the “customer hub” that is now gone – log into with the same email and password you have for the hub and you will see all of your programmes. Any problems give us a shout 🙂
For Specialised Newsletters
Fitness Pilates – Every Sunday
Kick Start Wellness, Nutrition, Weightloss, Women’s Health, Menopause
Every Monday
Buggy Beat – Parent and Toddler Fitness, Food, Family