Hello C2Go Newsletter 30th August 2018
This weeks choreography videos are a new Fitness Pilates One Weight Workout and my latest HiLo Choreography filmed live in class. Just click the links above to have a look.FITNESS PILATES VIBES
If you can’t make it to a Fitness Pilates class, event or activation or you teach Fitness Pilates then I’ve filmed TONS of home FP workouts for my YouTube channel so do a quick search and you will find a whole host of 5 to 25-minute sessions you can dive right in with.
If you are thinking of training in FP click here for all of the dates up until the end of 2018.
Are you all set for SEPTEMBER?
New timetable sorted?
Prices confirmed?
Class booking system ready?
Website up to date and mobile ready?
Online community – Facebook Group ready?
Facebook and Instagram Marketing Plan ready?
September to November is ALWAYS the best 3 months of the year so go all out and market, PR and brand your classes and services for a successful final quarter.
The initial Step Strong & Stable Instructor are making their way through the course and launching with masterclasses and events ready for weekly classes. I have had a great take up on the course and featuring guest Step presenters who have created choreography for the course and also helping with teaching skills in the private Facebook Group.
This week presenter Alistair McMeechan has created the guest presenter choreography and its a wonderful opportunity to help boost STEP around the UK.
Do YOU want to teach Step? Click here to read about the certification.
Who has inspired you to keep going to a class or attend training workshops?
Who inspired you to train as a Fitpro?
Who would you fight through traffic or move your schedule around to go to a training with?
New research released by wellness industry pioneer MINDBODY has revealed the impact fitness instructors are having on client retention, as the commodification of ‘star’ trainers continues to transform the industry.
According to a study carried out by the wellness tech giant, one in five people (20%) said that PTs or fitness instructors were the most important factor when it came to sticking to a new routine. However, just 4% claimed to have found their ‘star’ instructor
In addition, data taken from MINDBODY’s portfolio of gyms and studios revealed just how important the right instructor is when it comes to retention rates — with studios that employee star trainers far outweighing the average figure
The new generation of Group Exercise Instructors amass over a million followers on Instagram, with clients going to great lengths to secure spots in their coveted classes, so unlocking their marketing potential makes good business sense.
Who MOTIVATES YOU as a Trainer?
Are You Building Community Around Your Classes?
Whether you teach for a gym or centre or in the community cultivating a “Class Community” is so helpful, inspiring and motivating for your participants.
By opening up a private Facebook group you are able to answer questions, help with motivation, post workouts, training ideas and generally support your class members between classes. We are often so busy on the handovers after class has finished that members don’t get the chance to chat with you, so by taking your community on line you can serve your members in a much deeper way. This is huge for retention and the ability to keep members up to date with new information.
Elevate High Performance Coaching
My Elevate programme starts on Monday and the group is open and ready to rock for your nutrition, weightloss and wellness programme plus daily business and motivation coaching. You can sign up for September or the full 3 months programme click here for the information.
To read about Step Strong & Stable click here
To Take Your Classes Online click here
New Level 3 Pilates Dates click here
Have a wonderful Thursday
Love Rachel xxx

HIIT 51 workout Ideas for Fitpros
Sit Fitness Teacher Training Half Price Click here The Fitness Pilates Reformer Certification Online Wednesday 26th March LIVE on ZOOM 2 – 4pm click here Fitness Pilates