Welcome To The C2GO Newsletter 29th March
Wow, what can I say and where do I start….. it was back, busier than ever. Sessions packed to the wrafters, fantastic presentions, and just the happiest vibe around. The Blackpool Winter Gardens are an incredible venue to host a fitness event, the acoustics are wicked , the staging and lighting is on point and the atmosphere is always friendly.
This year I taught “The White Board Workout” with Jayne where we created a Cross Fit type set up with a body weight workout written on the whiteboard. The WBW consists of:
1:Class set up and chat around the whiteboard.
2: Technical section going through all the exercises focusing on technique.
3:Mobility Warm up – A workout specific mobility section.
4: 15 minute workout called “The Functional 5” consisting of Thruster To Squat, Rotational Press Up, Ab Crunch, Lunge To Knee, Overhead Squat Starting at 5 reps, then 10, then 15, then 20, then 25.
5: Flexibility section – Static and moving stretch.
The aim of the class was to deliver an intense workout without jumping or plyometrics focusing not on speed but technique, form and alignment. It WAS A KILLER! I am still sore from it.
Lift Lean was my second workshop where I discussed dealing with Menopausal symptoms – exercise and diet, tips and hacks to help symptoms, sleep, stress, bioidentical hormones, weight gain, depression, mental health and quality of life. It was an emotional session as we discussed these important topics. My 2 x 20 minute weight training Lift Lean practical sessions followed. Emphasising short weight training workouts you can add to classes or do daily at home.
Talking to many “veteran” Fitpros who have been teaching for years, probably over teaching, over exercising, teaching when sick, tired and stressed, teaching when injured, constantly giving -giving- giving to others – clients and family and friends, constantly rushing through life, disordered eating, eating late at night, the stress of being self employed for a long time etc, etc………. I think, effects hormonal balance, stress levels – cortisol, mental health , weight gain and why so many Fitpros struggles terribly with peri menopause/menopause. Its a conversation I think we need to have and help and support one another as we move into these years of our lives.
Remember we are the first generation of Fitpros who have been “doing” this career for 20/30/35 + years so we are in unchartered territory.
Let me know your thoughts and LOOK AFTER YOURSELF 🙂
Fitness Pilates Lifestyle was my final 2 sessions and I examined the posterior chain and strengthening the rear of the body in a functional capacity. We are in forward flexion all day long and everyone knows the basic Pilates exercises so I wanted to present a fresh perspective on this topic for you to slip into your sessions.
I am eternally grateful for being given this opportunity to connect and present at this event, as I don’t tour the UK any longer I see most of you online – which is great – but its always nice to have a hug and and a squeeze with old fitpro friends from around the UK.
Launching Buggy Beat – Outdoor Cross Training For Parent and Baby.I know lots of you are fitting in your business around your little ones and even if yours have grown up and NOT in prams – this area of fitness has such huge potential. Parent and babies classes are flying – I put up 2 posts last week and in 12 hours had 30 inquiries.
All parents understand how much time it takes to get to the gym and sort out childcare. It can be a 3/4 hour job so the new era of exercising together is such a bonus.
As well as teaching Buggy Beat classes locally I’m writing a new training programme called
***Buggy Beat – Outdoor Cross Training For Parent and Baby***If you are interested in getting the first trial certification email me or dm me.The course is endorsed by CIMPSPA and insured with FITPRO. The response I have had on social media has been incredible.
I’ve created a different, modern vibe with music and aimed NOT just at postnatal mums, but ALL Parents and Guardians who look after babies and toddlers – mums/dads/grandparents/childminders/nannies/nusery staff can join in these fun sessions. Buggy Beat is totally inclusive session.
You don’t have to be a Fitness Professional to do the training. Just passionate, love working with groups and a willingness to get local people together via social media.
You can be an Urban Buggy Beater, Suburban or Countryside the possibilities are endless:
Think Outside The Fitness Teaching Box.:
Rachel xxxPS would you like to get on the Fitness Pilates Email List? CLICK HERE
All the dates for FP and Level 3 Pilates are up and available for booking.