Good Morning here is your C2GO Newsletter 28th June
I can be a difficult time teaching classes this time of year with Football on and the glorious sunshine, numbers are down for obvious reasons and it can be disheartening.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about motivation hence the following blog.
It’s that time of year where your mojo may have popped of on holiday or be sitting in the garden…. along with everyone else!
Being a sole warrior working on motivating others day in and day is
flippin WARING at times…..
Are you struggling with your fitness business & teaching motivation with football and sunshine?
Do you worry about your income when class numbers are down?
Maybe you know you have to get involved more in Social Media and really market your classes and services much more, but you just can’t get going……?
Perhaps you HAD some great ideas for new classes and now life and families and events have knocked the wind from your sails?
The first thing to know is we ALL feel like this at some point, and I will put my hand up as well here.
Being a solo Instructor and entrepreneur can be tough at times – It’s one of the reasons I created this weekly newsletter 18 years ago
that we can connect – we all feel the same from time to time.
I think it’s comforting to know its not just YOU!
So here are my steps to help you rediscover your motivation mojo and get back on track:
1.Be honest with yourself.
The truth will set you free, so be honest with yourself and look at your work and your work life balance. Working day after day in a service business such as fitness is tough and its no longer a 9 – 5 its the 24 hour shop that never shuts!
Take a break and have a digital detox from time to time.I am writing this from Devon where we have headed of for a few days and it really is such a tonic.
2.Are you doing Fitness as a Business or a Hobby
If you truly are doing fitness as a business then you have to act like it and get the job done on a daily basis. Look at everything you offer, make a plan, create your marketing and get cracking. I truly believe there is amazing untapped potential out there that people are not even touching yet. It really is all about getting clear
if you don’t know what you want out of your teaching then how can set goals?What’s your passion?
Who do you want to serve and work with?
There are so many different groups of people who need our expertise….Have a brainstorm.
3.Mix & Socialise
Don’t be a hermit, mixing with other Fitpros, attending networking events, joining local women’s groups / business / breakfast groups, going to workshops are all brilliant ways to get your motivation mojo back.
Perhaps there is nothing in your area – start your own? Start your own women in business group and round up all your local female business owners for a monthly brunch or ideas and Prosecco night!
I’d LOVE to live network with like minded business owners who live locally to me so if its lacking in your area you could easily get going. I find it really energising talking to other people from different industries pop a message on Facebook and see what comes back.
It’s great to network on Facebook but nothing beats a live meet up.
Could you start your own networking group?
4.Read and ListenMy number one tip for re-igniting my motivation mojo is to listen to podcasts, audio books and watch motivation videos on Youtube. Just 20 minutes a day will have you doubling your productivity. Ideas will start coming to you in the shower, while you are driving, when you teach, at all random times. I do this daily and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
5.Look after yourselfWe are constantly telling everyone else how to live a healthy life but what about you? Are you eating, training and sleeping right……….Does your diet need an overhaul?
You could take on a trainer, which is AMAZING for someone else to tell you what to do and work out a plan for you. I have a trainer and wish wish wish I had taken a trainer years ago.
Loads of C2GO members join me every week and do my online programmes and workouts, listen to the audios and get involved every day.But sometimes you just can’t wait for the motivation to appear, you just have to get on with it. Think of all of the amazing reasons you love teaching, think of the passion you have when you teach, all the people you have helped.
99% of successful people do the things they don’t really want to.
Regardless of how they feel they take action on a regular basis.
They don’t wait to “feel like it” they stay connected to their goals
and that drives them forward. They train themselves to do the things
that they find difficult.Think of all the things you “don’t” want to do – it could be make phone calls/answer emails/start a networking group/ exercise whatever but you know doing those things
will drive you forward and take you closer to your goals.Enjoy the sunshine and send me a message if you mojo has gone on holiday and lets see what we can do to get you back on track.
When are you coming to the South West Rachel?
18th August for my Fitness Festival!
I’m excited to be taking Fitness Pilates forward again with a cool style encouraging a new generation into our FP classes and I will be launching it at a special event in Bristol and I’d love you to come along:-
Fitness Pilates Vibes
A fresh, sassy and funky Fitness Pilates class encouraging a new generation of fans and followers to Fitness Pilates.
Fitness Pilates Vibes is set to cool RNB, Rap and Urban tunes and is an unapologetic flow and fusion of traditional FP with modern movement. Together let’s inhale the good vibes and exhale what is no longer serving us.
Are you ready to experience Fitness Pilates in a whole new way and open up your FP classes for new clients?
Check out the event below it will be fantastic to see you if you are in the South West xx
You don’t have to be trained in Fitness Pilates to attend. The event is for all Fitpros 🙂
Click to watch the video about the event
Join Me In Bristol For The Fit Pro Festival – Wellness + Workout.
Wellness & Workout
Bristol Saturday 18th August 1pm Start
A special event hosted and presented by Rachel HolmesEarly Bird only £40
Join Rachel for this Wellness and Workout Afternoon.
Goody bag and sponsors to be announced.Fitness Pilates Vibes – Practical
A fresh, sassy and funky Fitness Pilates class encouraging a new generation of fans and followers to Fitness Pilates.
Fitness Pilates Vibes is set to cool RNB, Rap and Urban tunes and is an unapologetic flow and fusion of traditional FP with
modern movement. Together let’s inhale the good vibes and exhale whats no longer serving us.
Are you ready to experience Fitness Pilates in a whole new way and open up your FP classes for new clients?LIFT LEAN – Practical and Talk
A weights and strength training class coupled with a healthy evidence-based weight loss protocol aimed at Women struggling with mid section weight gain,
menopausal symptoms, night sweats, low mood, joint pain, brain fog who want an on trend, results based workout that is suitable and doable for this demographic.
Experience focussed 15-minute strength training workout blocks that are time efficient and can be slotted into the busiest lifestyle.++TALK++ Taking Your Fitness Classes and Teaching Online.
Are you frazzled by teaching?
Finding the work / life balance a struggle working evening and weekends?
Have you hit the income ceiling and see no way of earning more more money teaching face to face?
Listen to Rachel’s talk about how even the most technology challenged Fitness Professional can seize the digital era and step up –
You only need your phone, ideas and a willingness to get going.CLICK HERE TO BOOK ON
30 Places
Bristol David Lloyd Westbury 1 – 5pm
Have a great THURSDAY
Love Rachel xxx
YOUR CHOREOGRAPHYTOGO Online Workshops and Videos
All of your choreography, workshops and online programmes including Brainfit now live ON the website. So when you used to log into the “customer hub” that is now gone – log into with the same email and password you have for the hub and you will see all of your programmes. Any problems give us a shout 🙂
For Specialised Newsletters.
Would you like to receive my additional newsletter?
Fitness Pilates – Every Sunday – For all Pilates teachers or if you are interested in Fitness Pilates ideas.
com/fitness-pilates- newsletter/
Kick Start Wellness, Nutrition, Weightloss, Women’s Health, Menopause, Hormones, Diet, Motivation
Every Sunday evening
net/kick-start-newsletter- sign-up/
Buggy Beat – Parent and Toddler Fitness, Food, Family – Saturday Morning.

March Choreography Ideas for Fitness Pros
Join our fitpro newsletters CLICK HERE Get my 30 day done for you Social media plan click here MENOFIT™ Teacher Training Course Live with Rachel