Hello Here is your C2Go Newsletter 23rd August
Pilates abs and back workout:
Step choreography 80:
How are you?We are coming up for a week after launching the Step Strong & Stable certification and the buzz has just been off the scale! I knew a lot of people were interested in teaching Step again but I wasn’t quite prepared for the number of people and the interest.
On the C2GO page, there are hundreds and hundreds of comments – lots of from Instructors who used to teach Step, Instructors that teach Les Mills, Zumba, Clubbercise and want to teach their own content and most saying customers are asking for it. Clients, customers, club members and gym goers who WANT to attend Step classes – HOW AWESOME is that.
You can feel that Autumnal vibe in the air this morning and after this weekends bank holiday clients will be ready to commit to their health, fitness and lifestyle goals.
Are you all prepared?
Here is a quick check list;
*Website/Blog updated with new classes, prices, offers.
*What are you charging?
September is a BETTER time to put your prices up rather than January. If you are increasing do it now.
*Weekly newsletters planned.
*System for data capture – taking traffic away from Facebook and onto your mailing list.
*Facebook systems and strategies – Facebook ads/Funnels/Lead generation.
*Instagram – Check your insights and analytics when are your audience on Instagram. Post then.
*Have an ONLINE Strategie – Start building your online community and begin taking your classes and services online.
*Final quarter events – Im running Fitness Pilates and Brunch and a new Fitness Festival In Manchester in October. What events have you planned?
Hope that helps.
To read about Step Strong & Stable click here
To Take Your Classes Online click here
New Level 3 Pilates Dates click here
Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend
Love Rachel xxx
Read about how Becky is launching her new Step Class click here

March Choreography Ideas for Fitness Pros
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